Podcasts by Category

Alex Cruz

Alex Cruz

Alex Cruz

Bookings: bookings@alexcruz.eu Press: press@alexcruz.eu Tour Dates: https://bit.ly/2ttWAyi

72 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #57 (Joy)
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  • 72 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #57 (Joy)

    Hello beautiful people! Welcome to Deep & Sexy Podcast #57. Every time I work on a podcast I feel so unbelievably joyful. You cannot imagine what it feels like to create something that I share with all of you. All the joy I have upfront by imagining what you’d think of the tracks, the journey and transitions and how it makes you feel. I truly hope it gives you as much joy as it does to me. I have been able to work in the studio a lot the last few weeks to be able to release a lot of new songs on Spotify the next months. I’m off soon to Europe and Africa to do some gigs and I’ll have studio time with my friend Brascon in Berlin as well so I am super excited for all of that. Have a listen and hope you’ll enjoy my new podcast. Much love! Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: bit.ly/AlexCrPL

    Tue, 16 Apr 2024 - 1h 01min
  • 71 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #56 (Live @ Titanic's End // Burning Man 2023)

    Hello lovely people!! Please find here a recording of one of the sets I played at Burning Man this year. It was my Thursday evening set at Titanic’s End. It was an absolute pleasure to play there and see so many of my friends show up and of course many others. Burning Man is always a special time, especially this year with some rain and muddy, fun times after and during. Thank you all for seeing me at live events this year and listening to my music on Spotify and Soundcloud. I feel very grateful for all the messages I receive where many of you share very personal things with me. It’s an honour to touch so many of you. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and New Year and hope to see you somewhere on this globe next year. Much love, Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: bit.ly/AlexCrPL

    Tue, 19 Dec 2023 - 1h 25min
  • 70 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #55 (Peace)

    Welcome to a new Deep & Sexy journey! This time my theme is ‘peace’. Maybe an obvious one. There is always need for more peace, whether it’s on a global level or on a smaller level. Everywhere we need more peace. Peace between countries is probably the one most needed these days. But don’t forget the peace in classrooms where kids are bullied by others. Not only happens it at schools, it happens at the corporation where you or your neighbor might be working as well. So please look around you and try to show up for people who need it. Also….it doesn’t mind to be more kind. Just be aware of it to try to show up with kindness and compassion. There is a story behind everyone. From the outside we can’t see what’s all going on in the human in front of us or next to us. Enjoy some music now…..hope you’ll be able to enjoy and share it with your friends. Much love, Alex Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: bit.ly/AlexCrPL

    Tue, 14 Nov 2023 - 1h 02min
  • 69 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #54 (Live @ Ubuhlanti // AfrikaBurn 2023)

    Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: bit.ly/AlexCrPL Afrikaburn 2023….what another adventure that was. I played two sets. One at my beloved Space Cowboys and the second one at the Bridges For Music camp, called Ubuhlanti. Saturday night, a packed venue (yes, I would call it a venue) and an amazing African female artist playing before me, creating a high energy amongst the crowd. My turn….so much fun, so many happy faces, so much love to share. Being at AfrikaBurn is always one of my highlights of the year and this year was definitely not an exception to that. Enough words….enjoy the music and the vibe! See you soon somewhere on this planet! Love, Alex

    Mon, 31 Jul 2023 - 2h 15min
  • 68 - Deep & Sexy Podcast #53 (Breathe)

    Follow the Deep & Sexy playlist on Spotify: bit.ly/AlexCrPL Welcome to my 53rd podcast! Breathe….it’s probably the most important thing in life and I practice it consciously almost every day. Why? Cause it brings me back into my body whenever I feel a little out of touch with it. Nowadays there are many ‘teachers’ who can help with this. I still do my practise with the good old Wim Hof and recently I discovered another amazing breath coach Finnian Kelly who was able to bring me very deep back into my own body. Thank you Finnian for guiding me there. After a breath session I dove into my catalogue of music and created another podcast for you all. The last few weeks I was able to work on a lot of new releases for the next coming months as well, so keep an eye on my Spotify channel. I am very excited for many of this releases which I will gradually share with you throughout the year. For now, be safe and stay well. If you like this podcast please don't forget to like and share it with your loved ones. Love, Alex

    Tue, 04 Apr 2023 - 58min
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