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The Spectator Australia

A safe space for dangerous conversations, from The Spectator Australia.
The Spectator is the world’s longest-running magazine of news, arts and ideas.
Hosted by Will Kingston.

70 - A heretical conversation with Andrew Gold
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  • 70 - A heretical conversation with Andrew Gold

    Heresy is defined as opinion profoundly at odds with what is generally accepted. It has rarely been more dangerous to be a heretic, which is why it's rarely been more important to champion them. There is no bigger heretic than Andrew Gold. Andrew is a journalist, author, and TV presenter who produces documentaries on bizarre and controversial subcultures. He has battled an abusive exorcist, dueled with the Crazy Baby Lady, hunted UFOs, and spoken to a teen school captain, who also happened to be a pedophile. His podcast is appropriately titled, 'heretics'. Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here [https://linktr.ee/fireatwillpod]. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia here. [https://www.spectator.com.au/join/] Subscribe to Andrew's YouTube channel here [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3aiQJmnJ8wamobGcsBz6Ww]. Buy 'The Psychology of Secrets' here [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Psychology-Secrets-Adventures-Murderers-Influencers/dp/1035002590].

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 69 - The rebirth of the West, with Victor Davis Hanson

    Note: We had some minor sound issues in the first 10 minutes, but we couldn't bring ourselves to edit out anything that Victor said. Stick with it. It's worth it! In some respects, the West is exhibiting similar symptoms to past civilizations that decayed, declined, or were completely wiped off the map. At the same time, there are green shoots that may point to a rebirth of the United States, and Western civilization more broadly. To put our moment in a historical context, Will is joined by the inimitable Victor Davis Hanson. Victor's latest book is titled 'The End of Everything: How Wars Descend Into Annihilation.' Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here [https://linktr.ee/fireatwillpod]. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia here. [https://www.spectator.com.au/join/] Buy 'The End of Everything' here [https://www.amazon.com/End-Everything-Wars-Descend-Annihilation/dp/1541673522].

    Wed, 22 May 2024
  • 68 - The REAL reason for African poverty, with Magatte Wade

    Australiana is now Fire at Will - your safe space for dangerous conversations. Why is Africa poor? There's a series of trendy answers to that question, that are almost taken as read amongst the progressive elite that dominate our institutions. Racism, slavery, and colonialism.  Magatte Wade has called BS on this narrative, and she is uniquely qualified to do so, being widely regarded as the world's leading African prosperity activist. She is an entrepreneur, speaker, and author. Her latest book is titled 'The Heart of a Cheetah: How we have been lied to about African poverty, and what that means for human flourishing'. Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here [https://linktr.ee/fireatwillpod]. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia here. [https://www.spectator.com.au/join/] Follow Magatte here [https://www.magattewade.com/].

    Wed, 15 May 2024
  • 67 - Fighting cultural socialism, with Eric Kaufmann

    Australiana is now Fire at Will - your safe space for dangerous conversations. Across the western world, cosplay protests are ongoing in some of the most elite academic institutions. They point to a deeper malaise in places of higher education. That's a real problem. The illiberal dogmas that have infiltrated our social institutions have their roots in the cultural rot in western education systems. To discuss how this happened, and what can be done, Will is joined by Eric Kaufmann. Eric is Professor of Politics at the University of Buckingham. His next book is out soon. It is titled 'Taboo: How making race sacred produced a cultural revolution.' Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here [https://linktr.ee/fireatwillpod]. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia here. [https://www.spectator.com.au/join/]

    Wed, 08 May 2024
  • 66 - Ready... Aim... Fire at Will.

    Introducing your safe space for dangerous conversations. Follow Will Kingston and Fire at Will on social media here [https://linktr.ee/fireatwillpod]. Subscribe to The Spectator Australia here. [https://www.spectator.com.au/join/]

    Mon, 06 May 2024
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