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آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English

آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت به همراه متن - Learn to speak English

مرتضی نصرت

آموزش زبان انگلیسی با متد مرتضی نصرت

95 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۵)
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  • 95 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۵)

    ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۵)

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    Tue, 16 Apr 2024
  • 94 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۴)

    ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته. با توجه به فیدبک شما دوستان انتشار این سری را ادامه می‌دهیم. در صورتی که تمایل داشتید می‌توانید از لینک زیر برای حمایت مالی از این پادکست استفاده کنید. این لینک مخصوص افرادی است که حساب ارزی دارند. این پادکست تا ابد رایگان باقی خواهد ماند و حمایت‌های شما ضامن بقاء پادکست خواهد بود.


    Did you see Jane's face?

    Yes, she looked very surprised.

    She is faking it.

    What do you mean?

    She knew about the surprised party.

    How do you know?

    Bet accidentally told her about it.

    Are you sure? She looked very surprised to me.

    She is a great actress. 

    I guess you can't believe everything you see.


    I can't understand why everyone wants to see this movie.

    It's really funny.

    It's not funny at all.

    Have you seen it?

    Yes, it was boring.

    You don't have a sense of humor.


    I can't understand why everyone is so mad at john.

    He was rude to Tom.

    I don't think he was rude. 

    He said mean things to Tom.

    Tom asked John a question.

    John didn't have to be so honest.

    John was just telling the truth.

    Sometimes the truth is painful.

    Then you shouldn't ask questions.

    I can't understand why you are on John's side.


    I'm sick and tired of fixing the dish washer.

    Maybe it's time to buy a new one.

    Can we afford to buy a new one?

    It costs more money to fix every month.

    You're right.

    Let's go shopping for a new dishwasher today.


    I'm sick and tired of noisy neighbour upstairs.

    His music is so loud.

    Let's talk to the apartment manager again.

    He's not going to do anything.

    Then we should move.

    But the rent is cheap here.

    Well, we have to choose between cheap rent or a quiet apartment.

    That's the tough choice.

    No, it's not. We can find another cheap place.

    What if we find another place with a noisy neighbour.


    This hotel is so old.

    It's not that bad. 

    What do you mean? This place is awful.

    I've seen worth hotels. Stop complaining.

    There's a bug in my bed.

    Okay, this place is pretty bad.


    I can't believe people like this show.

    Stop complaining, it's not that bad.

    Is there anything to watch?

    I like the show.

    Give it a chance.

    There is just too much singing. 

    It's a musical. There's supposed to be singing.

    How can you watch this?

    I like musicals. Are you going to continue complaining?

    No, I stopped. But I get to choose the show next time.

    Okay, that's a deal. Now, stop complaining.

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    Mon, 22 Jan 2024
  • 93 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۳)

    ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته. با توجه به فیدبک شما دوستان انتشار این سری را ادامه می‌دهیم. در صورتی که تمایل داشتید می‌توانید از لینک زیر برای حمایت مالی از این پادکست استفاده کنید. این لینک مخصوص افرادی است که حساب ارزی دارند. این پادکست تا ابد رایگان باقی خواهد ماند و حمایت‌های شما ضامن بقاء پادکست خواهد بود.

    لینک حمایت مالی از پادکست


    Can you help me move some furniture?

    I hurt my back.

    When did you hurt your back?


    Really, I saw you playing tennis at the gym this morning.

    I'm sorry. I was trying to get out of helping.


    Can you give me a ride to the airport?

    When? Tomorrow morning.

    I'm sorry but my car is in the shop.

    How long has it been in the shop?

    A couple of days.

    That's interesting.

    What's interesting?

    I saw you washing your car this morning.

    You did? I'm sorry. I lied. I just hate morning traffic.

    You are always trying to get out of helping me.


    Let's go to the party.

    I don't feel like it.

    Why? It's Friday night.

    I want to watch movies in my pajamas.

    Come on. Brad is going to be there.

    Okay, I'll go for an hour.


    You need a new look.

    What's wrong with my look?

    You should cut your hair. It's old-fashioned.

    I like my long hair.

    Try something new.

    I'm afraid to.

    It's just hair. It'll grow back.

    Maybe I will.

    It's hard to maintain this long hair.

    Let's go to the saloon now.

    Okay, you talked me into it.


    I'm thinking about getting a motorcycle.

    Are you crazy? Motorcycles are dangerous. 

    I'll be careful. 

    I really wish you would not get one.

    Why? What's the problem?

    I would be worried all the time.

    Okay, I won't get one. I'll find something else to do.


    Let's sell the house.

    Why? I love this house. 

    It's too much to take care of.

    We raised four kids in this house.

    They are grown up now. 

    There would be no memories in a new house.

    We would make new memories.

    I really don't want to move Carol.

    Okay, I understand. You talked me out of it.


    Did you see that?

    Yes, it was an amazing magic trick. 

    It looked so real.

    It did but it was just magic.

    Are you sure?

    Yes, don't believe everything you see. 

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    Sat, 06 Jan 2024
  • 92 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۲)

    ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته. با توجه به فیدبک شما دوستان انتشار این سری را ادامه می‌دهیم. در صورتی که تمایل داشتید می‌توانید از لینک زیر برای حمایت مالی از این پادکست استفاده کنید. این لینک مخصوص افرادی است که حساب ارزی دارند. این پادکست تا ابد رایگان باقی خواهد ماند و حمایت‌های شما ضامن بقاء پادکست خواهد بود.

    لینک حمایت مالی از پادکست


    How are the kids doing?

    They are so busy with sports.

    What do they play?

    Jenny plays softball and Luke plays baseball.

    You must be busy with games.

    There are games every weekend. 

    Isn't it fun to watch?

    It is so much fun to watch and cheer the teams on.

    I missed those days. My kids are in college now.

    Time is too short.


    I am so busy.

    What's going on?

    I have an important report do tommorrow.

    Are you almost done?

    No, and I am starting to feel sick.

    You'd better get some rest before you get sicker.

    I don't have time to rest. 


    What are you doing this weekend?

    I have so much to do.

    Why are you always so busy?

    Because I have two jobs and I go to school part time.

    I'm sorry. Did I make you upset?

    No, I just have a lot of stress.

    Can I help you?

    Not really, it's just work and school stuff. 

    You need to make time for yourself.

    I know.

    Let's get dinner together next weekend.


    Have you met Jannet? My new roommate.

    No, I have not.

    I introduce you when she gets home.

    Okay, is she nice?

    She's really nice.

    She's our age too.

    Cool, we should take her to the coffee shop later.

    Great idea!


    I need to introduce you to my new roommate.

    What is her name?

    Maria, she's from Spain.

    What is she doing here?

    She is a foreign exchange student.

    That's cool.

    She is really nice. She taught me some Spanish words.

    I am taking Spanish right now.

    You should try speaking Spanish to her.

    I'll try. Hopefully, she won't laugh at me.


    Do you want to go to Lisa's party?

    No, not really.

    Let's tell her we're sick.

    Both of us are sick?

    Yeah, we're roommates. Should believe it.

    I feel bad about the line but I really don't wanna go to the party.


    Do you want to go to the concert tonight?

    Do you have tickets?

    Yes, I've got two tickets from my boss. She can't go.

    I would love to go. What about Sandy?

    I only have two tickets.

    What if she finds out? She'll be so sad.

    I can't give up these tickets. They are front row seats.

    Front row?

    Let's tell Sandy that we have to work late.

    Don't you want to buy a concert t-shirt? Then she'll know when we want to go to the concert. We'll get her one and tell her that my boss got them for us.

    Okay, that's a good line.

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    Sat, 30 Dec 2023
  • 91 - ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته (۱)

    ‫آموزش زبان انگلیسی نصرت پیشرفته. با توجه به فیدبک شما دوستان انتشار این سری را ادامه می‌دهیم. در صورتی که تمایل داشتید می‌توانید از لینک زیر برای حمایت مالی از این پادکست استفاده کنید. این لینک مخصوص افرادی است که حساب ارزی دارند. این پادکست تا ابد رایگان باقی خواهد ماند و حمایت‌های شما ضامن بقاء پادکست خواهد بود.

    لینک حمایت مالی از پادکست


    I was on the phone for an hour.

    Who are you talking to for an hour?

    Sam, an old friend for the college.

    Where is the last time to talk to him?

    At college graduation.

    WOW! That was 30 years ago.

    We had a lot of catching up to do.


    I had a lunch with Sue today.

    Your exgirlfriend.

    Yes, we bumped into each other at the store.

    She's back in the town.

    Yeah, she moved back last month.

    Are you going to see her again?

    I am single now. So, I ask her on a date.

    What did she say?

    Yes, we have more catching up to do.

    Ask Sue if she keeps in touch with Karen, my exgirlfriend.


    Did you hear about Molly and Dan?

    No, what's going on?

    They're getting a divorce.

    Really, they have been married for 30 years.

    Dan cheated on Molly.

    That is awful.


    Did you hear the office rumor?

    No, I didn't. What's happening?

    They are going to lay off several people this month.

    Where did you hear this?

    I heard it from Bill?

    Are you worried?

    Yes, I've been here for six months.

    Then I should be more worried than you.

    Why? Everyone likes you here.

    I've only been here for four months.


    Do you remember when we were kids?

    Yes, you were mean to me.

    No, I wasn't.

    Yes, You were. You used to take my toys.

    I did. I'm sorry.

    That's okay. You're a great brother now.


    Do you remember our 10th birthday?

    Yes, we got a puppy that year.

    I missed that puppy.

    Me too. He had a great name.

    Actually, I don't remember his name.

    How could you forget his name? His name was Buster.

    Oh yeah, it was a sad day when Buster died.

    I never wanted to have dog after that.

    How old was Buster when he died?

    You don't remember anything. He was 14 years old.


    How are the kids? They are doing well.

    How old are they? Mike is 18. He's in college. Janet is 16. She's in high school.

    WOW! They're growing up.

    I know. They're growing up too fast.

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    Sat, 23 Dec 2023
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