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Business Daily

Business Daily

BBC World Service

The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

3921 - Business Daily meets: Paul Carrick Brunson
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  • 3921 - Business Daily meets: Paul Carrick Brunson

    We found out why the dating guru swapped a career in investment banking to become a matchmaker.

    Now famous for his role in the hit TV show ‘Married at First Sight’, Paul Carrick Brunson explains how his current career path wasn’t always written in the stars. But a combination of business acumen, the backing of his partner and a touch of luck led to a lucrative trade in matchmaking.

    He explains his core business principles and gives his top tips for discussing money in a relationship.

    (Image: Paul Carrick Brunson. Credit: Chris Bethell)

    Presenter: Devina Gupta Producer: Sam Clack

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 3920 - The Baltimore bridge collapse – what happens next?

    It's been two months since the collapse of the key bridge in Baltimore, and the deadline to unblock the port's shipping channel is imminent. The US government has given a loose promise to make it happen by the end of May - but there are doubts that deadline will be met, causing more disruption to the local and global economy. How will businesses on sea and land find a way through more uncertainty?

    Izzy Greenfield speaks to small businesses who are feeling the impact; from fewer customers to disruption to supply chains.

    Baltimore used to rank first among US ports for autos and light trucks, handling a record 850,000 vehicles last year. Importantly, the port is where vehicles are processed and labelled to be sold domestically. We hear how the industry is seeing an immediate impact. And we learn about the struggles that transportation workers continue to face.

    (Image: Baltimore bridge after it collapsed in March 2024. Credit: Getty Images)

    Presented and produced by Izzy Greenfield

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 3919 - Why is olive oil so expensive?

    Most of us have noticed the prices of our weekly food shopping going up over the last few years, but some items have risen by astronomical amounts.

    Extra virgin olive oil - a premium, unprocessed oil from the olive, has seen many customers' prices rise by 50% in the past year alone.

    We explain why, as we hear from oil sommeliers and the people who buy and sell the product.

    (Image: Olive oil being poured into a bowl. Credit: Getty Images)

    Presented and produced by Rick Kelsey

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 3918 - Do women-only co-working spaces have a future?

    Female-only co-working spaces started to grow during the #metoo movement. But some have struggled.

    We speak to entrepreneurs who are running these spaces - and the women working in them.

    Are they a viable alternative to going to the office?

    (Picture: Oi Leng Lui, who founded the co-working space, The Hearth, in north London.)

    Presented and produced by Dougal Shaw

    Mon, 27 May 2024
  • 3917 - Business Daily meets: Laura Chinchilla

    Laura Chinchilla was the first woman to serve as president of Costa Rica and one of the first in Latin America.

    We talk to her about what that journey to the top job in her country was like, and the challenges facing Latin America - from corruption to crime, the drugs trade, migration, the brain drain, poor governance and low economic productivity.

    And we consider some of the potential solutions to those problems - solutions that could help Latin America bring prosperity to its people.

    (Picture: Laura Chinchilla Miranda, former President of Costa Rica, speaking at a conference. Credit: Getty Images)

    Presented and produced by Gideon Long

    Thu, 23 May 2024
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