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Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation

Hello my friend! Welcome to Guided Meditation. We are so glad you joined us here today. And we invite you to make this your place to find inner peace, strength and relaxation. Our intention is to create meditation practices that will benefit you and to develop strengths, flow and personal growth. Contact us: Much love and peace, 💗 Jody and the Guided Meditation team

42 - Stress Relief - Calm Your Body 🌼
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  • 42 - Stress Relief - Calm Your Body 🌼

    Hey, it’s Jody here, welcoming you to the first session of our Stress Relief Mini Series, titled "Calm Your Body."  We all face stress, and unfortunately, it has a strong effect on our body, mind, and spirit.  So may this meditation help you to find peace amidst the chaos.

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 41 - Just Breathe - Breathwork Meditation 🧘‍♀️

    Hey, dear friend, it’s Jody here, and today I’m bringing you into a practice that has become a personal sanctuary for me—breathwork.  In moments when life feels too heavy, when everything seems overwhelming, I've often turned to what I call my adult version of a time-out. I sit on my meditation bench, close my eyes, and just breathe.  It’s amazing how this simple act can melt away the angst, the worries, the stresses, and the overwhelming sensations that crowd our minds. So today, I want to share this practice with you. This session is about returning to our breath, our most basic yet profound life force. By focusing on our breathing, we can ground ourselves, finding calm and clarity amidst the chaos of everyday life. May you find peace and solace in your breath.

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 40 - Exactly Where I'm Meant to Be Sleep Meditation 💤

    Hey, it's Evan and I'm so grateful you're here joining me for a soothing sleep meditation that I hope will relax your body and clear your mind, so you can drift off to sleep with ease.   If you're loving these meditations, make sure to rate and review them on Apple always helps others just like you find the meditations they need.

    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • 39 - Follow Your Own Path ➰

    Hello, my friend, it's Jody here, and today I'm excited to guide you through today’s meditation.  I've come to realize how easy it can be to lose sight of our own journey when we're constantly bombarded by other peoples' expectations and societal pressures.  This meditation is particularly special to me because it’s about honoring and trusting our own unique paths. It’s an invitation for us to step into our personal power and step more fully into the truth of who we are and what we want, so we can live the most authentic, and intentional life.  I hope you enjoy it.

    Mon, 27 May 2024
  • 38 - Body Love Sleep Meditation 💖

    Hey, it's Evan and I'm so grateful you're here joining me for a soothing sleep meditation that I hope will relax your body and clear your mind, so you can drift off to sleep with ease.   If you're loving these meditations, make sure to rate and review them on Apple always helps others just like you find the meditations they need.

    Sun, 26 May 2024
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