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Retire Sooner with Wes Moss

Retire Sooner with Wes Moss

Wes Moss

Wes Moss is on a mission: help at least 1 million Americans of any age retire sooner and find joy along the way. A seasoned finance professional, best-selling author, broadcaster, and teacher, Wes has done extensive research on the habits of the happiest retirees. On this podcast, Wes shares key lifestyle and money habits you can implement now to prepare for a secure future while not depriving yourself of happiness in the present. In addition to leveraging his 20+ years of knowledge as an investment advisor, Wes brings in guests and specialists to teach you how to set and work towards your financial and lifestyle objectives. Refreshingly-free of mind-numbing financial jargon and unrealistic money goals, Retire Sooner with Wes Moss gives listeners the tools on how to retire sooner in the real world.

835 - Investing At Market All-Time Highs
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  • 835 - Investing At Market All-Time Highs

    According to a recent Schroders study, just 4% of current retirees say they are “living the dream,” while another 4% report they are “living a nightmare.” On today’s show, Wes lists some primary concerns, including inflation and unpredictable market fluctuations. He then relates it to the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq, each hitting all-time highs in May 2024, and how market history can possibly serve as a guide for long-term investing. Producer Mallory also stops by to compare and contrast her mom’s happy retiree core pursuits with her dad’s desire to keep working. Wes builds on this by describing a postcard he received from some happy retirees who are currently spending six months at sea. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 834 - The Millionaire Mission with Brian Preston

    You work hard for your money. But what if your money could work even harder for you? Brian Preston says there’s a way to make that happen. It’s called taking control of your financial freedom, and in his new book “Millionaire Mission,” he makes the case that it’s simpler than you think. I’ve known Brian for a long time. His podcast, “The Money Guy Show,” is incredibly popular. Sure, he’s got a bunch of impressive initials after his name, but what makes Brian so fascinating is how he lives his message. His wealth didn’t come from anything flashy. He built it through saving and investing as a business owner. Brian’s high school economics teacher told the class that if they invested just $100 per month, one day, they’d be millionaires. Brian was listening. While others were daydreaming about a new truck or the big game, his passion for personal finance was ignited. I’m guessing that didn’t make him the most popular kid in school, but much like compounding interest, it sure paid off later. Navigating life’s obstacles as we plan for retirement can feel like a riddle wrapped in an enigma. But Brian’s message can demystify the process and show you the way to build transformative wealth with the tools you already have available. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 23 May 2024
  • 833 - A 6% Withdrawal Rate: Crazy or Possible?

    Running out of money may be retirement’s most frightening concern, so it’s not surprising that people want to know how much of their nest egg they can safely spend. The 4% rule, identified by William Bengen, states that retirees who draw down 4% of their portfolio in the first year of retirement, adjusting every year for inflation, will likely see their money outlive them, assuming the portfolio has a 50-75% allocation to stocks. But what about people who want or need to spend more than that? Is 6% too high? On today’s episode, Wes breaks down the pros and cons and estimates the probability of success for a 6% withdrawal rate rather than 4%. With careful consideration and planning, he looks for a way to help listeners max out spending without running out of money. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 16 May 2024
  • 832 - Finding Hope with Chan Hellman

    Chan Hellman was nearly suicidal until someone in his life gave him hope. Now, he works to spread it to others. As the founding Director of The Hope Research Center at the University of Oklahoma, his research is focused on hope as a psychological strength for children, adults, and families experiencing trauma and adversity. Chan believes one key is to start small. If your goal is to get healthy, that doesn’t have to mean a gold medal in the Olympics. Just go buy some running shoes. His research shows there is no such thing as too much hope. Even when the chances are slim, there are usually pathways to get where you want to go. In today’s episode, Chan teaches us how to find hope and implement it in our lives. He says imagination is the instrument of hope. We don’t have to summit the mountain in one day, but if we can imagine our future selves reaching wherever it is we want to go, it generates the willpower and motivation it takes to get there. And if none of that hooks you, he even uses the Marvel movies as an example. If he can find hope for Iron Man, I know he can find it for you and me! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 09 May 2024
  • 831 - Answering Your Top Retirement Questions: Part 2

    On today’s episode, Wes welcomes Producer Mallory to the studio to tackle more questions from the hypothetical Retire Sooner conference. They analyze options for when to take Social Security, examine the idea of downsizing or relocating in retirement, review three habits that many happy retirees seem to incorporate into their lives, and discuss which tax considerations retirees might want to keep in mind when planning for the future. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Thu, 02 May 2024
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