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Revolutionary Left Radio

Revolutionary Left Radio

Revolutionary Left Radio

Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.

586 - UNLOCKED: Zionist Depravity & Palestinian Resistance
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  • 586 - UNLOCKED: Zionist Depravity & Palestinian Resistance

    This is a temporarily unlocked patreon bonus episode. If you want more episodes like this and access to over 300 bonus episodes in our ever-growing back-catalogue, all while supporting the show, join our patreon here:

    Rev Left is an ad-free, indepedent, educational media outlet 100% funded by our listeners, and it always will be! Thank you to everyone who supports the show! 

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 56min
  • 585 - Defending Socialism: A Logical Critique of Capitalism

    Philosopher Scott Sehon joins Breht to discuss his new book "Socialism: A Logical Introduction". Together they analyze arguments in favor of capitalism, argue against them, and defend socialism as a superior form of socio-economic organization in the process. They discuss different definitions of socialism, social democracy vs. democratic socialism, have a friendly back and forth about the Soviet Union, the role of morality and values in political debate, wealth inequality and its deleterious impact on society, the contradiction within capitalism between free markets and monopoly formation, democracy v. markets, and much more. 


    Get 15% off any book in the Left Wing Books Library HERE


    Support Rev Left and get access to over 300 bonus episodes in our back catalogue, as well as new bonus episodes each month. 

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 1h 33min
  • 584 - Modern China Pt. 3: The Great Leap Forward & Cultural Revolution w/ Ken Hammond

    In this episode of Guerrilla History, we get into part 3 of our 4 part miniseries on modern Chinese history featuring Ken Hammond (and guest host Breht O'Shea of Revolutionary Left Radio) with an amazing discussion of The Great Leap Forward and The Cultural Revolution!  If you haven't already listened to part 1 of the series, on the Taiping and Boxer Rebellions, or part 2 on The Chinese Revolution & Civil War, be sure to go back and check those out because we pick up right where we left off last time.  With these final two episodes in the series, we enter the period where various ideological traditions diverge in their analysis of the events, but regardless of what ideological background you come from, we encourage you to listen to these and engage with the information, as we believe the information will help you deepen your own analysis regardless of your ideological position.  

    Ken Hammond is Professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University. He has been engaged in radical politics since his involvement in the anti-war movement at Kent State in 1968-70.  Ken is also the author of the book China’s Revolution & the Quest for a Socialist Future.


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    Thu, 23 May 2024 - 2h 04min
  • 583 - Dialectics Deep Dive: The Final Installment

    In this final iteration of our long-standing series "Dialectics Deep Dive", Matthew Furlong joins Breht to discuss Althusser's essay "Contradiction and Overdetermination" and in the process they discuss many aspects of dialectical materialism and Marxist philosophy.


    Get 15% off any book in the Left Wing Books Library HERE


    Check out Part 1 of this episode here:

    Check out all our Dialectics Deep Dive episodes here:

    Video at 21:47: "Alan Watts on Life and Death"


    (Tricontinental Institute for Social Research - Hyperimperialism: A Dangerous, Decadent New Stage

    Tricontinental Institute - The Churning of the Global Order (Condensed version of Hyperimperialism):

    BreakThrough News - Hyperimperialism: US-NATO's Dangerous and Decadent New Stage (Rania Khalek w/ Vijay Prashad):

    BreakThrough News - Israel's Descent Into Madness & The Holocaust Comparison (Rania Khalek w/ Tarik Cyril Amar):

    Electronic Intifada - How Zionism pushes liberalism into decay (Nora Barrows-Friedman w/Matteo Capasso): https://

    Zhun Xu - "Industrial Agriculture: Lessons from North Korea"

    Red Clarion - "The Cult-building Tendency"

    Red Clarion - "Undead Unionism"

    The Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam - Curriculum of the Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism Part 1: The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism (translated and annotated by Luna Nguyen)

    Tue, 21 May 2024 - 2h 33min
  • 582 - Laundering Black Rage: Capitalism, Empire, and The Mechanics of Co-optation

    Rasul Mowatt and Too Black join Breht to discuss their new book Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits. The book is a spatial and historical critique of the capitalist State that examines how Black Rage—conceived as a constructive and logical response to the conquest of resources, land, and human beings racialized as Black—is cleaned for the unyielding means of White capital. Interlacing political theory with international histories of Black rebellion, it presents a thoughtful challenge to the counterinsurgent tactics of the State that consistently convert Black Rage into a commodity to be bought, sold, and repressed. Laundering Black Rage investigates how the Rage directed at the police murder of George Floyd could be marshalled to funnel the Black Lives Matter movement into corporate advertising and questionable leadership, while increasing the police budgets inside the laundry cities of capital - largely with our consent.

    Essayist/Performer Too Black and Geographer Rasul A. Mowatt assert Black Rage as a threat to the flow of capital and the established order of things, which must therefore be managed by the process of laundering.

    Intertwining stories of Black resistance throughout the African diaspora, State building under capitalism, cities as sites of laundering, and the world making of empire, Laundering Black Rage also lays the groundwork for upending the laundering process through an anti-colonial struggle of reverse-laundering conquest. Relevant to studies of race and culture, history, politics, and the built environment, this pathbreaking work is essential reading for scholars and organizers enraged at capitalism and White supremacy laundering their work for nefarious means.

    Check out The Black Myths Podcast

    You can find the book HERE

    (25% Discount code at checkout: EFLY01)

    Find the (more affordable) e-book version HERE   Essays:   Pt. 1   Pt. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

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    Fri, 10 May 2024 - 2h 17min
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