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Jesse Mulligan presents an upbeat mix of the curious and the compelling, ranging from the stories of the day to the great questions of our time.

17065 - Critter of the Week
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  • 17065 - Critter of the Week

    International World Turtle Day was celebrated recently, a day to shellerbrate the magnificent turtles of the world and call attention to the many threats they face in our oceans. Turtles are threatened by plastic and chemical pollution in our oceans and human activity on land and water. You might not think we have turtles in Aotearoa, but five species frequent our waters. The honu, or leatherback sea turtle, is found worldwide and has been spotted as far south as Rakiura Stewart Island. Leatherbacks are impressive creatures, growing up to 2.7 m long and weighing about 500 kg.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 13min
  • 17064 - DIY tips and hints

    This week builder Stan Scott joins Jesse to help with any handy hints for projects people might be undertaking at home. If you have a question or need a hand with something you're up to please text 2101 or email

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 07min
  • 17063 - Chicken meatballs with whipped tahini

    Today's recipe from Gretchen Lowe is a fabulous evening meal for the family or a lovely platter to share with a larger number of guests as a snack. Gretchen shares her recipe for chicken meatballs with whipped tahini. You can find the recipe here.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 08min
  • 17062 - Film Review with Kate Rodger

    Today Kate talks to Jesse about The Garfield Movie, her top 5 picks for the long weekend and a 10 year celebration of Christopher Nolans' Interstellar release taking place at the Stardome.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 10min
  • 17061 - Freaky Friday

    Our weekly segment where we ask listeners to share their strange and spooky stories. If you have a spooky tale to share, email or text 2101 with the details.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 05min
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