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Crackpot: A Conspiracy Podcast

Two law school buddies discuss the believability of conspiracy theories ranging from aliens to Tupac.

444 - The Aliens of Lake Baikal
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  • 444 - The Aliens of Lake Baikal


    Nestled in the heart of Siberia, Lake Baikal is not only the world's deepest and oldest freshwater lake but also a hotspot for bizarre paranormal occurrences. From sightings of mysterious lights dancing across the sky to encounters with elusive creatures lurking in its depths, Lake Baikal has become a magnet for those seeking answers to the unexplainable.

    In this episode, we'll explore the rich tapestry of legends and folklore that shroud the lake, from tales of ancient spirits guarding its waters to rumors of secret government experiments conducted beneath its surface. We'll hear firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses who have experienced strange phenomena, and we'll examine the scientific theories proposed to make sense of these mysteries.

    But are these occurrences merely figments of imagination, or is there something truly otherworldly lurking beneath the surface of Lake Baikal? Join us as we attempt to separate fact from fiction and uncover the truth behind Russia's most intriguing paranormal enigma.

    Notes, blog, merch and more!


    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 50min
  • 443 - Whitley Strieber’s Communion: An Alien Abduction Story


    In this week’s episode we dive deep into the world of alien abduction phenomenon with Whitley Strieber's controversial bestseller, Communion: A True Story. We'll explore Strieber's firsthand account of his alleged abduction experience, including his memories recovered through hypnosis and the physical evidence he claims to possess.

    Join us as we delve into the gripping details of Strieber's encounter, analyze the psychological factors surrounding alien abduction claims, and explore the wider cultural fascination with extraterrestrial visitation. Whether you're a seasoned believer in UFOs or a curious skeptic, this episode promises a thought-provoking exploration of the unknown.

    Notes, blog, merch and more!


    Mon, 20 May 2024 - 50min
  • 442 - Ghost Lights or Alien Beacons? Exploring the Marfa, Hessdalen & Min-Min Lights



    From the desolate plains of Texas to the fjords of Norway, and the vast outback of Australia, strange lights dance across the night sky.  This episode dives into the captivating enigmas of the Marfa Lights, Hessdalen Lights, and Min-Min Lights. We'll hear firsthand accounts from eyewitnesses, their chilling descriptions, and the lingering questions that fuel the fire.  But science isn't taking a backseat! We'll explore the various scientific theories attempting to explain these phenomena, from geological oddities to atmospheric phenomena.  And for those who believe there's more to the story, we'll delve into the realm of the paranormal, exploring potential extraterrestrial explanations and even ancient folklore.  So, grab your flashlight and join us as we investigate these unexplained lights – are they earthly anomalies, messages from beyond, or something else entirely? Tune in and illuminate the mystery!


    Notes, blog, merch and more!


    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 55min
  • 441 - Is Space Plasma Alive?


    Have you ever looked up at the night sky and wondered what's really "out there"? In this week’s show we dive deep into the fascinating world of atmospheric space plasma. We'll crack open the science behind this mysterious fourth state of matter. But that's not all! We'll also push the boundaries of our knowledge, venturing into the realm of speculation: Could atmospheric space plasma hold hidden properties or even support unknown life forms? Join us as we separate the known from the unknown, and explore the thrilling possibilities that lie beyond our atmosphere.

    Notes, blog, merch and more!


    Mon, 06 May 2024 - 50min
  • 440 - Spirit Mediums and Non Local Minds


    This week the boys talk about the world of spirit mediumship and non local minds. With stories from Leslie Kean’s book Surviving Death, Zach shares some truly incredible experiences that simply cannot be explained. Can the dead communicate with the living? What explains the physical phenomena produced in darkened seances witnessed by many all over the world? Tune in this week to find out! 

    Notes, blog, merch and more!

    Originally broadcast as a Premium episode in Season 5


    Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 53min
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