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Filipina on the Rise

Filipina on the Rise

Krystl Fabella

Welcome to Filipina on the Rise Podcast! This podcast aims to promote Filipina excellence world wide by elevating Filipinas in every industry who are doing big things and making an impact! Together, we learn about their journey, tackle some cultural topics as related to being Filipino in the modern day, and give advice to someone pursuing their own excellence. highlight Filipino culture in modern day successes and celebrate what it means to be a Filipina. 

106 - Alyssa Lauren Stone, HuffPost writer, leaving a 6-figure Top Sales Executive career for Health & Happiness
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  • 106 - Alyssa Lauren Stone, HuffPost writer, leaving a 6-figure Top Sales Executive career for Health & Happiness

    Alyssa Lauren Stone is a Bay Area-based writer, Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, and certified Reiki Master. Alyssa delves into her journey of leaving a six-figure Top Sales Executive career to prioritize her health and happiness. In this episode, Alyssa explains how her corporate career negatively impacted her well-being. By tuning into her body, she realized that her efforts to function within the corporate world were merely a band-aid for her adrenal fatigue. Shifting away from ...

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 105 - "Make sure you have a strong Sisterhood, because..." Erica Yamauchi, former member & Hawaii Director of Comms in Office of Gov

    I talk with a former member I cherish so much! Erica boasts a diverse professional background. She is currently working in communications and engagement for the Governor of Hawaii in the state's Office of Wellness and Resilience, focusing on mental health and well-being. An advocate and activist at heart, Erika is the state co-lead for Moms Demand Action in Hawaii and is actively involved in advocacy work for working families and children in the Hawaiian Islands. As a mother of two young girl...

    Wed, 01 May 2024
  • 104 - Gina Mariko, CEO & Pinayista founder: Launching the 1st POC Wine & Food Fest, Profit-First Model, Overcoming Cyclical Burnout

    Gina Mariko Rosales is the founder of Make it Mariko and Pinayista, as well as the Co-founder of UNDISCOVERED SF and Balay Kreative. As a Filipino Japanese American entrepreneur, events enthusiast, efficiency nerd, dancer and nonprofit advocate, Gina is looking to create magical, meaningful moments that help remind us of the beauty and interconnectedness of life. In this episode Gina challenges the idea of “doing it all” as a business leader. The episode gives insight into the very real strug...

    Fri, 26 Apr 2024
  • 103 - It's here!! 5 Things You'll Gain from the Filipina Soul Sisterhood

    It's back and better than ever! Filipino Soul Sisterhood is our community of like-minded Filipino women looking to reconnect with their roots and support one another's growth. I share the origins of this community, born out of a shared desire for meaningful conversations and authentic connections, and what you can expect!Episode Summary:How did this start and what are 5 things I learned from thisUpcoming workshops and discussion topicsMembers share knowledge, mentorship, and resources, foster...

    Tue, 23 Apr 2024
  • 102 - Back from Portugal! Knowing PH history helped me make friends? + My 5 SECRETS to STANDING OUT while networking (Join our event!)

    Krystl is back from a quick trip in Portugal! shares her experiences and learnings from her recent trip to Portugal and how it relates to Philippine history. She discusses the connection between Portugal and the Philippines through Ferdinand Magellan and explores the possibility of the Philippines being a Portuguese colony. Crystal also emphasizes the importance of representation and announces an upcoming professional speed networking event for Filipino women. She shares her best networking t...

    Fri, 12 Apr 2024
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