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Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik

Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik, Your Brain Coach, Founder

Kwik Brain is a fun, fast-paced show designed to help busy people learn and achieve anything in a fraction of the time! Your coach, Jim Kwik (his real name), is the brain & memory trainer to elite mental performers, including many of the world’s leading CEO’s and celebrities. In this easy to digest bite-sized podcast, you will discover Kwik’s favorite shortcuts to read faster, remember more, and ‘supercharge’ your greatest wealth-building asset: your brain. Whether you’re a student, senior, entrepreneur or educator, you will get the edge with these simple actionable tools to sharpen your mind, enhance your focus, and fast-track your fullest potential. Get show notes, Jim’s latest brain-training, and submit your questions in our private community (free) at: Jim Kwik is the founder of, a widely recognized world leader in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning with students in over 150 countries. After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Kwik created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.

390 - My Go-To Nootropics for Thinking Faster & Sharper Part 2 with Dr. Oz Garcia
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  • 390 - My Go-To Nootropics for Thinking Faster & Sharper Part 2 with Dr. Oz Garcia

    What supplements can you take for better focus, memory, mood, mental vitality, energy, and productivity? A lot of advice on brain nutrients come down things like vitamin B, D, and Omega-3 fatty acids. And those are all essential elements that are necessary for any brain healthy diet. But what are the ingredients that are truly going to give you a mental edge so you can take your performance to the next level? I’m excited to welcome Dr. Oz Garcia back to the show for the second part of this incredible brain nutrition episode. Dr. Garcia is a nutritionist, renowned speaker, an expert on longevity, and a New York Times bestselling author. He’s here to continue our talk on one of the most important topics we’ve ever covered and to help me make an exciting announcement. In the last episode, I shared two brain ingredients I use on a regular basis. Today, I want to talk about three more nutrients that elevate me to an unstoppable state and give me a mental advantage. Listen in as we go over the supplements and nootropics to help you get in the right mindset to catch up, keep up, and get ahead. Link to KwikMind Link to Limitless Expanded Link to Kwik Success Program Link to Kwik Programs  (Use code: PODCAST15) Link to Show Notes Link to Kwik Brain C.O.D.E. Quiz Link to Free Speed Reading Masterclass  If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 18min
  • 389 - My Go-To Nootropics for Thinking Faster & Sharper Part 1 with Dr. Oz Garcia

    What supplements can you take for better focus, memory, mood, mental vitality, energy, and productivity? You already know that the key to having better memory and brain performance comes down to two things: novelty and nutrition. You have to exercise your brain and feed it the proper nutrients. A healthy brain diet is a good start, but you can take your nutrition even deeper with supplements and nootropics. I’m excited to welcome Dr. Oz Garcia to the show. Dr. Garcia is a nutritionist, renowned speaker, an expert on longevity, and a New York Times bestselling author. He’s here to talk about one of the most important topics we’ve ever covered and to help me make an exciting announcement. Adding supplements to your daily routine can enhance your mental performance. In this informative two-part series, I’m going to talk about some of my favorite ingredients that elevate me to a state where I truly feel unstoppable. If you’ve ever wondered what supplements and nootropics I use every day, this episode is for you. Link to KwikMind Link to Limitless Expanded Link to Kwik Success Program Link to Kwik Programs  (Use code: PODCAST15) Link to Show Notes Link to Kwik Brain C.O.D.E. Quiz Link to Free Speed Reading Masterclass  If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 26min
  • 388 - Stop Feeling Misunderstood Through Effective Communication Skills with Charles Duhigg

    Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret to unlocking effortless and effective communication? At some point, you’ve probably found yourself feeling tongue-tied, misunderstood, or simply like you can’t get your point across when talking to another person. The ability to connect with others can often look like a superpower. But science tells us anyone can be a supercommunicator—you just have to learn how. I’m excited to welcome Charles Duhigg to the show today. Charles is a Pulitzer prize-winning author. Through in-depth research, he’s cracked the science and art of communication. His storytelling has landed him on the New York Times bestselling list multiple times, and he’s here to talk about his latest book, Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection. When you’re in a deep conversation and having a moment of connection, it’s reflected in your body and brain. Your breathing, heart rate, even your neural activity, all synchronizes with the other person. Listen in as Charles reveals the three habits all supercommunicators have, and how you can practice them to develop deeper, more meaningful connection with others. Link to Limitless Expanded Link to Kwik Success Program Link to Kwik Programs  (Use code: PODCAST15) Link to Show Notes Link to Kwik Brain C.O.D.E. Quiz Link to Free Speed Reading Masterclass  If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

    Mon, 20 May 2024 - 19min
  • 387 - Becoming Multilingual: Techniques for Language Learning with Jim Kwik

    What are the cognitive benefits of being multilingual? Language surrounds you nearly every waking moment of your life. From your first words to your last, language helps you communicate your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to connect with others. And for many people, this rich linguistic environment involves not just one language, but two or more. Today, I’m going to explore the profound cognitive benefits of language. Specifically, how knowing more than one language can have a big impact on key brain functions like concentration, memory, task-switching, and creativity. It can even help slow cognitive decline. Beyond the brain benefits, research shows that the majority of the world’s population is multilingual. That means the more languages you can speak, the deeper the connections you can forge with those around you. If you’re looking for practical tips, techniques, and resources to help you pick up new languages faster and more effectively, this episode is for you. Link to Limitless Expanded Link to Kwik Success Program Link to Kwik Programs  (Use code: PODCAST15) Link to Show Notes Link to Kwik Brain C.O.D.E. Quiz Link to Free Speed Reading Masterclass  If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 14min
  • 386 - The 5-Step Scientific Method to Happiness with Tal Ben-Shahar

    Is there a secret to finding joy and happiness in life even when you’re struggling? If you search the internet for advice on how to be happy, you will come across an ocean of results. Experts tout suggestions like getting good sleep, eating a nutritious diet, practicing gratitude and meditation, and everything in between. But is there a practical, science-based approach for finding these sometimes elusive emotions no matter what life throws your way? To talk about this topic more in-depth, I’m excited to welcome Tal Ben-Shahar to the show today. Tal is a pioneering expert on positive psychology. He’s lectured all over the world and was the first person to design and launch a Master’s Degree in Happiness Studies. Tal is also the co-founder and chief learning officer of The Happiness Studies Academy. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to happiness. But there is a five-step staircase to help you climb out of despair so you can cultivate resilience and creativity in the face of adversity. Listen in as Tal equips you with actionable strategies for finding meaning, nurturing your mind, fostering supportive relationships, and embracing all of your emotions. Link to Limitless Expanded Link to Kwik Success Program Link to Kwik Programs  (Use code: PODCAST15) Link to Show Notes Link to Kwik Brain C.O.D.E. Quiz Link to Free Speed Reading Masterclass  If you’re inspired, I want to invite you to join me in my brand NEW 10-day course, specifically designed to boost your productivity. I know it sounds too good to be true, but I give you step-by-step guides using the accelerated learning model to help you get more done and achieve your goals. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

    Mon, 06 May 2024 - 20min
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