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So This Is Love

So This Is Love

Julia Gaitho

Welcome to So This is Love, a podcast about love, the loss of love, heartbreak and the meeting of self. We share stories on how the relationships we once had teach us about who we are and define who we become. And maybe through these stories, we can answer that age old question; is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

30 - Abscondita & Abednego - S3 | E9
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  • 30 - Abscondita & Abednego - S3 | E9

    There is a saying that goes something like, ‘A father’s love is his daughter’s first love’. So then what happens to the girl when a father’s love is inconsistent, unstable or altogether unavailable? What is it about being human that makes us recreate traumatic relationships from childhood to adulthood instead of redesigning an opposite experience for a better life? In this story, Absocondita takes us through a journey that forces her to figure out the definition of love from a man, while having no example of the same from her early life. You can support this podcast via our mpesa till number 9095819 or PayPal ⁠

    Sat, 25 May 2024 - 36min
  • 29 - Zoe & Tim - S3 | E8

    In this story, Zoe leaves everything she knows behind to start a new life with Tim in a new country. In slow unfolding anticipation we hear how Zoe navigates through the highs of young romance, the lows of broken promises, and the triumphant return to self-emporement. Tune in to explore the complexities of relationships, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative power of finding oneself amidst life's greatest challenges

    Thu, 09 May 2024 - 49min
  • 28 - Sasha & Joseph - S3 | E7

    Do you ever wonder if the good guys finish last? From teenage infatuation to the allure of adventure, Sasha's quest for excitement leads her down unexpected roads. But amidst heartbreak and fleeting romances, one constant remains: Joseph, the steadfast friend always by her side. Join us as we unravel Sasha's winding path, filled with highs and lows, as she navigates the complexities of life, love, relationships and spirituality. 

    You can support this podcast via our mpesa till number 9095819 or PayPal ⁠

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024 - 52min
  • 27 - Bella & Jamey - S3 | E6

    In this episode, we are taken on a ride through Bella's story with unrequited love and self-discovery. Join us as Bella recounts her tumultuous journey with Jamey, navigating the complexities of love, self-worth, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of unreciprocated affection. Listen in as she shares the poignant lessons learned from her youthful heartbreak, shedding light on the transformative power of resilience and self-love.

    You can support this podcast via our mpesa till number 9095819 or PayPal ⁠

    Thu, 11 Apr 2024 - 55min
  • 26 - Jane & Adam - S3 | E5

    How long should you hold on to an issue before speaking up for yourself? What do you do when your partner completely changes for the worse as soon as you choose to go all in? How much should people know about what is going on in your relationship when looking for support? These are some of the questions that Jane asked herself when her relationship with the man she was about to marry quickly began to fall apart. As things slowly turn from bright to dark, Jane is forced to decide if it is more valuable to save face or choose herself in a situation that eventually threatens her safety.

    You can support this podcast via our mpesa till number 9095819 or PayPal ⁠

    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 - 1h 16min
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