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NHA Health Science Podcast

NHA Health Science Podcast

Dr. Frank Sabatino

The NHA Health Science Podcast is brought to you by the National Health Association (NHA) championing the Gold Standard of a Whole Plant-Food Diet and Lifestyle Since 1948. The NHA's Mission is to educate and empower individuals to understand science-backed results from an integration of all aspects of health; personal, environmental, social, and the animals. All of our experts subscribe to a whole food, plant-based nutrition, no SOS, lifestyle and take a leadership role in advocating for healthy living and social justice. Many of our experts identify as ethical vegans. NHA supports medically supervised water-fasting. Water-fasting is a widely accepted protocol for healthy fasting.

83 - 082: From Over 300 Pounds to Thriving: Andrea Sereda’s Plant-Powered Journey
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  • 83 - 082: From Over 300 Pounds to Thriving: Andrea Sereda’s Plant-Powered Journey

    From living a life constrained by the burdens of obesity, Type II diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and the debilitating struggle to walk, Andrea Sereda's journey to vibrant health is a testament to the power of resilience and transformation. 


    We're thrilled to share that Andrea recently joined us as a featured guest on the #NHAHealthSciencePodcast, hosted by Dr. Frank Sabatino! In this episode, Andrea fearlessly opens up about her arduous battles and the remarkable journey to reclaiming her vitality through a whole food, plant-based diet.


    Despite facing immense challenges, Andrea's unwavering determination and commitment to change propelled her towards a path of healing and restoration. Through her poignant narrative, she illuminates the transformative impact of embracing a plant-based lifestyle, offering hope and inspiration to countless individuals facing similar struggles.


    Andrea's story is a ray of hope for anyone grappling with the daunting realities of chronic health conditions. By sharing her journey, she not only empowers others to prioritize their well-being but also highlights the profound resilience of the human spirit.


    Experience the full depth of Andrea's inspiring journey and discover the keys to unlocking your own path to wellness. Listen here: www.HealthScience.org/podcast/082-Andrea-Sereda.  #HealthTransformation #PlantBasedLiving #Inspiration


    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 46min
  • 82 - 081: Divine Nourishment: God’s Guidance in Plant-Based Nutrition with Wendie Pett

    On this episode of the #NHAHealthScience Podcast, Wendie Pett shares her journey and expertise in faith-based eating, holistic wellness, and the transformative power of a whole food, plant-based lifestyle.


    She and Dr. Frank Sabatino (host) explore the intersection of faith and health, discussing how spirituality can profoundly impact our approach to nutrition and overall well-being. Wendie's passion for empowering individuals to embrace healthy living shines through as she discusses practical strategies for integrating faith-based principles into daily life.


    Whether you're on a faith journey, seeking to enhance your wellness routine, or simply curious about the connection between spirituality and nutrition, this episode is for you! Tune in to gain valuable insights and inspiration for your health transformation journey.


    Don't miss out! Listen to the episode featuring Wendie Pett now on the NHA Health Science Podcast. 





    Thu, 23 May 2024 - 37min
  • 81 - 080: Eco-Seas: Unveiling Unusual Plant-Based Cruises with Lisa & Clayton McCarl

    Imagine taking a plant-based, healthy cruise, where like minded people join in. That's exactly what Dr. Frank Sabatino, alongside Lisa and Clayton McCarl, discussed on a recent episode of the NHA Health Science podcast. 


    They dug deep into the world of healthy, plant-based travel, exploring its intersection with wellness. From partnering with eco-conscious cruiselines like @WindstarCruises to crafting nutritious onboard dining experiences, the conversation showcased a commitment to promoting health and sustainability. 


    Reflecting on McCarl Travel's inception and the challenges faced, the trio highlighted the importance of storytelling in inspiring positive change. 


    It became evident that this wasn't just about business; it was about sharing a vision for a healthier, more vibrant world. Their shared mission to make healthy travel accessible resonated with the podcast community, igniting a passion for adventure rooted in wellness. 


    The episode underscored the power of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in driving meaningful progress. With every insight shared, from the demand for plant-based options to the transformative potential of travel, the conversation illuminated pathways toward a brighter, more sustainable future. As the episode concluded, listeners were left inspired, equipped with the tools and motivation to embark on their own journeys toward holistic well-being. Join us in embracing a healthier, happier world—one adventure at a time.


    Lisa and Clayton didn't miss a beat in recognizing the driving force behind the collaborative partnership with the NHA and specifically Wanda and Mark Huberman. 


    Looking for a different type of travel? Then check out this episode of the NHA Health Science Podcast. 


    www.HealthScience.org/podcast/080-Lisa-Clayton-McCarl  #HealthyVoyages #PlantBasedTravel #EcoFriendlyCruising

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 37min
  • 80 - 079: Eyes on Health: Nourishing Your Vision Through Nutrition with Dr. Rudrani Banik

    Did you know that vision is one of our most precious senses? Yet, it's often overlooked until problems arise. In fact, 75% of vision loss is preventable! Dr. Rani Banik joined us on the #NHAHealthSciencePodcast to shed light on the importance of proactive eye care.


    Dr. Banik's journey from conventional ophthalmology to embracing functional medicine has transformed the way we view eye health. Through her expertise, she advocates for a holistic approach that emphasizes nutrition, lifestyle, and preventive care. By addressing root causes and empowering patients, Dr. Banik is revolutionizing the landscape of eye care.


    Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy vision. Dr. Banik highlights the impact of a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients. By fueling our bodies with nourishing foods, we can support our eyes and overall well-being.


    Stress is another factor that can affect eye health. Dr. Banik discusses the connection between stressors in our lives and vision issues, emphasizing the importance of stress management techniques such as mindfulness and relaxation.


    Tune in to the #NHAHealthSciencePodcast to learn more about Dr. Banik's groundbreaking work in ophthalmology. From clinical trials to educational initiatives, she is dedicated to advancing knowledge and innovation in the field.


    Whether you're interested in preventing eye conditions or optimizing your vision, Dr. Banik's insights offer valuable guidance for all. Join us as we explore the intersection of nutrition, lifestyle, and eye health with Dr. Rani Banik on the #NHAHealthSciencePodcast.


     Listen to the full episode and access additional resources at www.HealthScience.org/podcast/079-Rani-Banik . Prioritize your eye health and empower yourself to see the world with clarity and vitality!


    Thu, 09 May 2024 - 38min
  • 79 - 078: Love of Organic Farming Rooted in Life’s Work with Mark Epstein

    Mark Epstein's journey from the world of finance to sustainable farming is a testament to the power of personal transformation and aligning one's values with their actions. His story encapsulates the intersection of sustainability, holistic living, and community building.


    Roots in Finance


    Initially drawn to the complexities of trading, Mark's career in finance provided him with valuable insights into the workings of global markets. However, as he delved deeper, he grappled with the ethical dimensions of his work, questioning its contribution to society.


    Awakening to Sustainability


    A pivotal moment came when a fire in his Chicago apartment prompted Mark to reassess his priorities. This event led him to realize the importance of understanding one's role in serving the world, sparking a journey towards sustainability and holistic living.


    Transition to Farming


    Mark's relocation to Pinehurst, North Carolina, following the fire, marked the beginning of his journey into farming. Surrounded by serene landscapes, he felt compelled to cultivate the land and nurture life from its soil, transitioning from finance to farming.


    Challenges and Innovation


    Transitioning from finance to farming presented its challenges, including skepticism from local agricultural experts. Undeterred, Mark immersed himself in learning about soil biology and sustainable practices. His innovative approach to greenhouse cultivation, utilizing geothermal technology, showcases his commitment to sustainable agriculture.


    Community Engagement


    Beyond technological innovation, Mark emphasizes the importance of fostering community connections in farming. Through educational workshops and community events, he invites locals to experience the joys and challenges of farming firsthand, promoting a deeper connection with the source of their food.


    Mark's journey exemplifies the transformative power of aligning one's values with their actions. His commitment to sustainability, holistic living, and community building offers a compelling vision for a more interconnected and resilient future.


    Follow Mark's full story on the #NHAHealthSciencePodcast hosted by Dr. Frank Sabatino at www.HealthScience.org/podcast/078-Mark-Epstein.  #Sustainability #HolisticLiving #CommunityBuilding


    Thu, 02 May 2024 - 49min
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