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Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Berg’s Healthy Keto and Intermittent Fasting Podcast

Dr. Eric Berg

Dr. Eric Berg DC, describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss, and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of a best-selling book on, The New Body Type Guide. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health-related topics. Dr. Berg’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram channels have close to 6 million followers worldwide and have generated over 1 billion views.

10907 - Is Being Deaf Reversible?!
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  • 10907 - Is Being Deaf Reversible?!

    Today, we’re going to talk about resolving hearing loss with nutrients. Viruses and nutritional deficiencies are the leading causes of hearing loss.

    When you experience an acute infection, there is an initial dramatic decrease in zinc and iron. Both are related to hearing loss. Viruses can also cause selenium deficiency. Selenium is important in converting T4 to T3 and supports the T-helper cell, which coordinates the entire immune system.

    Diabetes can damage the sensory nerves in the ear and cause hearing impairment. This is known as diabetic autonomic neuropathy. Hearing loss associated with diabetes results from severe vitamin B1 deficiency.

    Vitamin B1 is the key nutrient supporting the autonomic nervous system; if you’re diabetic, you’re likely deficient. Take benfotiamine, a form of B1 that can penetrate the myelin sheath, for hearing loss associated with diabetes.

    Vitamin D plays a critical role in protecting against autoimmune conditions. Many autoimmune conditions, such as autoimmune inner ear disease, lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis, can cause hearing impairment.

    If the small bones inside your ear are damaged, you could develop hearing loss. Adequate potassium levels are vital for hearing.



    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 05min
  • 10906 - What Exercise Burns the Most Calories?

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the best exercise for calorie burning.

    The type of calories you burn depends on your diet and exercise habits. If you consume sugar, you’re going to burn sugar calories. If you consume fat without sugar, you’ll burn fat.

    Avoid overtraining, which increases cortisol and can deplete protein from your muscles.

    Calorie burning largely depends on the health of your mitochondria. Your energy levels, recovery time, and endurance can indicate whether your mitochondria are healthy. Certain medications like statins weaken the mitochondria.

    To increase and strengthen your mitochondria, do the following:

    • Exercise with adequate rest

    • Focus on thyroid health

    • Increase muscle mass

    • Intermittent fasting

    • Cold therapy

    • Consume meat

    Metabolomics can examine mitochondria to determine whether they’re getting enough fuel. Insulin resistance can destroy mitochondria. Growth hormone can reduce insulin resistance, help you build more muscle, and burn more fat.

    If your diet is too high in carbs, you won’t be able to burn fat. This is why it’s essential to look beyond calorie burning. Fat burning is only 15% exercise and 85% diet. The type of exercise that will help you burn the most calories is something that is high-intensity and involves as many muscles as possible.


    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 11min
  • 10905 - Why Sea Moss Is Going VIRAL!

    Sea moss and sea kelp are both types of seaweed that grow underwater and have similar nutritional value. People have used sea moss on their skin and internally to help with digestion and inflammation.

    Sea moss contains various nutrients, including amino acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and phytonutrients.

    One of the standout features of sea moss and other types of seaweed is its high mineral content. This includes trace minerals, which are essential for our health but needed in small amounts.

    Trace minerals are crucial in activating enzymes and proteins that aid in various bodily functions. For example, selenium is essential for converting the inactive form of thyroid hormone (T4) to its active form (T3) and supporting immune function.

    Sea moss is also a great source of iodine. Iodine is crucial for thyroid health and helps regulate estrogen levels in women.

    Unfortunately, most land-grown produce lacks trace minerals. To get enough of these essential minerals, we need to consume foods grown near the ocean or directly from the sea itself.

    Some forms of seaweed, including sea moss, contain carrageenan. While this ingredient has been linked to digestive issues, it’s important to distinguish between naturally occurring carrageenan found in sea moss and the artificially added version found in processed foods.

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 04min
  • 10904 - Is This Why You’re Stressed or Not Sleeping?

    Today, I’m going to tell you how to reverse magnesium deficiency. It’s very difficult to test for magnesium deficiency. Around 60% of your magnesium is in your bones, 39% in your soft tissue, and only 1% in your blood. A blood test is not a reliable way to determine if you have low magnesium.

    Magnesium deficiency can be caused by the following factors:

    • Diet

    • Gut inflammation

    • Diabetes

    • Insulin resistance

    • Excessive sugar consumption

    • Vitamin D without magnesium

    • Medications (antibiotics, PPIs, antacids, diuretics)

    Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can include:

    • Tetany

    • Tight muscles

    • Insomnia (sleep problems)

    • Anxiety

    • Fatigue

    • Nystagmus

    • Migraines

    • Kidney stones

    You need magnesium to make ATP, the “energy currency” of the body. Magnesium deficiency can also lead to calcium buildup.

    Here are some of the foods that have the most magnesium per 100 grams/3.5 ounces:

    1. Sea kelp: 760 mg of magnesium

    2. Almonds: 490 mg of magnesium

    3. Nutritional yeast: 231 mg of magnesium

    4. Pecans: 142 mg of magnesium

    5. Leafy greens: 100 mg of magnesium

    6. Dark chocolate: 165 mg of magnesium

    7. Pumpkin seeds: 265 mg of magnesium

    8. Meat and fish: 25 to 35 mg of magnesium

    The RDA for magnesium is 300 to 420 mg, and the average person only consumes 215 mg. If you have magnesium deficiency, increase your intake of magnesium-rich foods and supplement with 800 mg of magnesium glycinate.

    It can take up to a year to fix a chronic magnesium deficiency, but you might find that your low magnesium symptoms go away in a few weeks or months. After you’ve increased magnesium levels with supplements, you can maintain it with your diet.

    Always ensure you consume at least 400 mg of magnesium daily.

    Sun Tzu The Technology of War Book Link:

    The Miraculous Cure for and Prevention of ALL Diseases Book Link:


    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 06min
  • 10903 - Watch This If You Can't Go Number 2

    When your diet is filled with processed foods and lacking essential nutrients, it can lead to constipation.

    The most common type of constipation is primary constipation, in which constipation is the primary issue rather than being caused by a tumor or obstruction. The first line of treatment for constipation like this is often a petroleum-based medication called polyethylene glycol, but it can cause other problems.

    Microbes are vital in breaking down fiber and supporting healthy digestion. When our diet lacks these beneficial microbes, it can lead to problems such as bloating, cramping, and constipation.

    The first step is to practice intermittent fasting by eating only two meals daily with no snacks. This gives the digestive system a chance to rest and catch up.

    The second step is fixing your diet by simplifying meals and avoiding processed and refined foods. This also includes incorporating grass-fed meat, fermented foods, including sauerkraut, to provide beneficial microbes for a healthy gut. Following a Healthy Keto® diet is also beneficial.

    The third step is supplementing with betaine hydrochloride to increase stomach acid and improve digestion. This can also help alleviate constipation by lubricating the colon with bile.

    In addition to these steps, consuming plants raised on healthy soils can provide essential nutrients and beneficial microbes for a healthy gut. Magnesium and vitamin B1 can help promote regular bowel movements. Castor oil and senna are also good natural remedies for constipation.


    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 07min
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