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IDEAS is a deep-dive into contemporary thought and intellectual history. No topic is off-limits. In the age of clickbait and superficial headlines, it's for people who like to think.

1569 - The Making of a Beast: Entering a New World of Fire
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  • 1569 - The Making of a Beast: Entering a New World of Fire

    John Vaillant details the terrifying growth and destructive force of the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire in his award-winning book, Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast. He unpacks how fire made humans who we are — and how humans are changing fire. Vaillant says we're changing the climate "in a way that favours fire way more than it favours us."

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 54min
  • 1568 - The Heavy Metal Suite: Music and the Future of Mining

    Eight composers, five instruments, and a world of metal. IDEASexplores a project by the University of British Columbia called The Heavy Metal Suite that conveys the challenges and opportunities of the mining industry, through music. Each composer draws inspiration from their country’s mineral resources in their original pieces.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 54min
  • 1567 - The extreme in America’s mainstream

    Leonard Moore has long taught popular courses on American history at McGill University. His retirement lecture is full of insight — and worries — about the deep polarization in the United States. He argues history has its lessons, but it’s still an open question whether they’ll be learned.

    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 54min
  • 1566 - Wade Davis' CBC Massey Lecture # 5 | The Wayfinders: Century of the Wind

    In his 2009 CBC Massey Lectures, The Wayfinders,anthropologist Wade Davis explored how the modern world can learn from Indigenous peoples. From the navigational skills of Polynesian sailors to the healing properties of plants, there is old knowledge we can all learn from. IDEAS revisits Davis' 5th Massey Lecture. Go to to listen to the full series.

    Fri, 24 May 2024 - 54min
  • 1565 - Massey at 60: Wade Davis on looking to Indigenous cultures for answers to world crises

    Anthropologist Wade Davis has spent a lifetime exploring our planet. In his 2009 CBC Massey Lectures, The Wayfinders, he takes the reader and the listener on a journey through the wonders of the natural world, as they are seen and experienced by Indigenous peoples. Davis revisits his lectures in conversation with IDEASproducer Philip Coulter at Massey College.

    Thu, 23 May 2024 - 54min
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