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Israel Hour Radio - Israeli Music Podcast

Israel Hour Radio - Israeli Music Podcast

Josh Shron

Want to create a stronger connection with the land of Israel? Israeli music will bring you closer to Israel than ever before. For more than 25 years, Josh Shron's Israel Hour Radio has presented the very best in Israeli music - with news, discussion and FUN in English! Tune in each week for a front row seat to the latest in Israeli culture, and connect with others who share your passion for Israel!

545 - Episode #1190: Israel's High Holidays
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  • 545 - Episode #1190: Israel's High Holidays

    Each year, there is so much emotional Israeli music that emerges in commemoration of Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut. Between new original songs, musical tributes at state ceremonies, and performances at other events around the country, it can be difficult to keep up with it all. This year, however, was no ordinary year. Israel's Memorial Day was more somber than ever, and Independence Day took on a very different significance. So it only makes sense that we take a second week to explore the meaningful music that provided the soundtrack to this very important week. You'll hear uplifting songs celebrating our homeland, gut-wrenching songs mourning our losses, and new takes on classic songs that remind us of what we are fighting for. You'll also hear Eden Golan (finally) sing the original 'October Rain' - performing this year's Israeli Eurovision entry as it was always meant to be heard. Fasten your seatbelts for yet another emotional roller coaster ride, this week on Israel Hour Radio. (Original Air Date: May 19, 2024) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

    Sun, 19 May 2024 - 1h 06min
  • 544 - Episode #1189: From Darkness To Light

    We recorded this episode moments before Yom HaZikaron began in Israel, not sure of what to expect in this very strange and difficult year. So much has happened since last year's national 'high holiday season' in Israel. So much pain, so much fear, so much destruction, so much anxiety. How can we bear the burden of Memorial Day this year? How can we CELEBRATE Independence Day in a year like this? Well, perhaps music can help. This year, Israel's musical community has worked hard to create songs that capture this year's unique spirit, from sounds of pain to sounds of pride. Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'atzmaut may be behind us, but this week's songs will help you hold on to the powerful emotions you’ve undoubtedly felt all week long – and throughout the past seven months. (Original Air Date: May 12, 2024) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

    Sun, 12 May 2024 - 1h 07min
  • 543 - Episode #1188: Heroes Don't Wear Capes

    What does it mean to be a hero? What does it mean to be a JEWISH hero? And what can we learn about heroes from the tragic events of October 7? This week, we are honored to welcome Israeli singer Gilad Segev, creator of "Project Heroes". Ever since October 7, Gilad has spent his time gathering heroic stories from that Black Shabbat...stories of heroes who sacrificed their own lives to save countless others. These stories inspired Gilad so much that he set many of them to music, and now he's presenting them in a series of special concerts throughout the US and Canada. Gilad has a lot to say about the lessons our heroes can teach us. Don't miss this inspiring interview! (Original Air Date: May 5, 2024) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

    Sun, 05 May 2024 - 1h 07min
  • 542 - Episode #1187: Why Is This Night Different?

    Passover is here, and by all accounts, this year's celebration will be a lot different than most years'. Like every year, we'll gather around the seder table with family and friends. But this year, so many will be missing from the table. This year, we'll save empty seats for hostages and for active soldiers, all who SHOULD be joining our seder. We'll also see many empty seats, vacated by the souls we lost on October 7. As Israel remains under attack, our observance of Passover is marked by a strange mix of celebration, frustration, and trepidation. Have we ever experienced Pesach quite like this? As we celebrate Passover 5784 on Israel Hour Radio, sure, we'll share the usual mix of joyous Pesach favorites. But this year, we also include new songs for 5784, with painful reminders of our loved ones who are missing from the table. (Original Air Date: April 21, 2024) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

    Sun, 21 Apr 2024 - 1h 02min
  • 541 - Episode #1186: Six Months - A Musical Retrospective

    This week, we acknowledge a grim milestone: six months since the October 7 massacre, kidnapping of hostages, and the resulting Operation Swords of Iron. As we watch events unfold, we remain sick with worry for the safety of our brothers and sisters in Israel and around the world. At the same time, we stand united in the belief that the State of Israel will emerge from this conflict stronger than before. In expressing a roller coaster of emotions, the music of this conflict has been nothing short of inspiring. This week, a recap of the most significant songs of the past six months, with prayers for a brighter future. (Original Air Date: April 14, 2024) Full playlist at Love the show? Support us by becoming a member of Join the Israeli Music Community on Facebook!

    Sun, 14 Apr 2024 - 1h 08min
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