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Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.

Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English without grammar.

Georgiana, founder of

The Speak English Now Podcast is your resource for practicing your English speaking and listening. You will learn English with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You won’t need any grammar nor boring exercises. You will also learn about the English culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on learning English. All the audio is in English and you can get the text at

418 - #301 Learn English with Dad Jokes 1
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  • 418 - #301 Learn English with Dad Jokes 1

    Today, we're diving into the world of dad jokes and how they can help you improve your English skills. Dad jokes are funny and a great way to have fun while learning.

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently. And what do you need to speak fluently? You need to LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN, and LISTEN. :)

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    On my website you can get the 5 Secrets to speak English and also my premium courses.

    Before we start, get the transcript at:

    It's completely free!

    Ok, let's start!

    The Essence of Dad Jokes

    These jokes are short and funny. Dads use them to make their kids laugh. They are simple, with clever twists on words we use every day.

    What is a pun?

    A pun is a kind of joke that plays with words that sound the same or have multiple meanings. It's like a riddle made of words.

    For example, imagine a joke that says, 'I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough.' In this joke, 'dough' means the stuff we use to make bread but also, the money we earn. 

    So, it's funny because it means the person couldn't make enough bread dough and also couldn't make enough money.

    Puns are a fun way to use words differently to make people laugh or think.

    Expression "No pun intended:"

    When someone says, 'No pun intended,' they're telling you they made a little joke but didn't mean to. It's like saying, 'I didn't try to be funny, but it turned out that way.'

    For example, if someone says, 'I'm feeling a bit down today, no pun intended,' they mean they feel sad, since the word 'down' can also mean 'lower.' 

    So, it's a joke, but they want to make sure you know they didn't mean to be funny.

    Let's get to the fun part and learn some Dad Jokes:

    What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho cheese!

    The humor in this joke comes from a pun, where 'nacho' sounds like 'not your.' So, when it says 'nacho cheese,' it's making a funny connection that cheese that doesn't belong to you is called 'nacho cheese.'

    Before we continue with the next section, visit my website: and get my premium courses. There are several levels. If you can't decide which one is for you, just send me a message by using my website contact form.

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 12min
  • 417 - 300th Episode Celebration - Seven Years of Speak English Now Podcast

    Hello, everyone!

    Today is a special day because it's our seventh year together!!! This week, we have reached 300 episodes and more than 30 million downloads!

    Thanks to all of you, we've created a huge family of learners from all around the world.

    Thank you so much for your support and for sharing the podcast with your friends and family. I appreciate every one of you listening and learning with this podcast and my premium courses. 

    As we celebrate, I promise to keep bringing you fun and helpful episodes.

    More Great News: I will also launch a new premium course!

    Let me recommend to you my most listened-to episodes:

    #003 - The Importance Of Repeated Listening

    In this episode, I explain how many times you have to listen to a material in English. 

    #018 - Benefits of Listening in English when Exercising

    In episode #018, I discuss the importance of exercising and studying English.

    #200 - Difficult words to Pronounce in English 

    In episode #200, I look at some English words very difficult to pronounce.

    So, let me know if you enjoyed these recommendations. And tell me your favorite episode (out of all 300.)

    Here are some comments from students:

    Carlos Silva 

    Hi, Georgiana, I'm gonna be very honest with you: You are the best teacher IN THE WORLD, I love your teaching method. I have listened to almost all your episodes, and your method is awesome!

    Manuel Ruiz  

    This method is great. I've studied English for a long time with many textbooks about grammar, writing, etc., without successful results, but this is the best method for speaking English fluently. I recommend it!!

    You can find more comments like these on my website:

    Thu, 23 May 2024 - 28min
  • 416 - #299 The Gold Rush 1849

    Today, we're diving into an exciting part of history called the Gold Rush. Ever thought about hunting for treasure? Lots of people did back then!

    What was the Gold Rush?

    During the Gold Rush people traveled to places where they thought they could find gold. For example, in 1849, many went to California because they had heard they could find gold there. This event is called the California Gold Rush. Imagine: people from all over the world came to California, hoping to become rich.

    Why did people go there?

    People joined the Gold Rush for different reasons. The main one was to find gold and make money. They thought this would make their lives better and help their families. Some were looking for adventure and wanted to explore new places.

    What was life like during this time?

    Life during the Gold Rush was tough. Those seeking gold traveled a long way and lived in camps. They used simple tools like pans and shovels to search for gold in rivers and dirt. It was very exciting when someone found gold, but many didn't find much and were discouraged.

    Who were the people involved?

    Imagine leaving your home and traveling to a completely new place, not knowing what you would find. That's exactly what thousands did during this period. They were called "forty-niners" because so many arrived in 1849. Men, women, and families all took the risk, dreaming of striking it rich.

    Lots of these adventurers sailed on ships, while others walked or rode horses along dusty trails to reach California. The journey was not easy; there were dangers like bad weather and tough roads. But the hope of finding gold kept them going.

    When they arrived, finding gold was harder than most thought. They spent long days in cold rivers or under the hot sun, looking through mud and stones. Some lucky ones found big nuggets, while many others found only small flakes or nothing at all.

    What was the impact of the Gold Rush?

    It changed many places. For example, San Francisco grew quickly in the USA. People built new shops, houses, and roads. However, it also caused problems like damage to the land and unfair treatment of local people.

    The Gold Rush was a very important time. It shows us how the dream of finding wealth can make many people move and change places. Learning about this era helps us understand how history is full of big changes and adventures.

    So, that's a little about this fascinating period. It was a time of hope, hard work, and big changes.

    Get the transcript on my website:

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 15min
  • 415 - #298 Differences between Do and Make

    Understanding "Do" and "Make"

    Today, we're going to talk about something that confuses many students: when to use "do" and when to use "make."

    When to Use "Do"

    Let's start with "do." We use "do" when we talk about general tasks or activities that don't create something new. It's like saying you're doing something that's part of your routine. Let's hear some examples:

    Do homework: "After school, I always do my homework." Do the dishes: "In our house, we do the dishes right after dinner." Do exercises: "My friend does exercises every morning to stay healthy."

    So remember, when you're talking about doing a job or something you need to finish, "do" is the word to use!

    When to Use "Make"

    Now, let's talk about "make." We use "make" when we create something or when there's a result from what we do. It's like making something new or making a choice.

    Here are some examples with "Make:"

    Make a cake: "Why don't you make a delicious cake?" Make a decision: "It can be tough, but everyone needs to make decisions sometimes." Make a phone call: "I make a phone call to check on my friend every week."

    Remember that when something new is created from what you do, like a cake or a decision, you should use "make."

    Let's hear more examples:

    Do your best: "In every competition, it's important to do your best." Do your hair: "Every morning, I do my hair before going to school." Do the laundry: "We usually do the laundry on Saturdays." Do a favor: "Could you do me a favor and pass the salt?" Do business: "His company does business with clients worldwide." Do a dance: "At the party, everyone was doing a fun dance." Do damage: "The storm did a lot of damage to the town."

    More Examples Using "Make:"

    Make friends: "When you go to a new school, it's important to make friends." Make a list: "Before we go shopping, let's make a list of everything we need." Make a joke: "He likes to make jokes to make everyone laugh." Make peace: "After arguing, they made peace and were friends again." Make money: "She has a wonderful job that helps her make a lot of money." Make a plan: "Let's make a plan for the trip." Make a choice: "You need to make a choice; even if you don't like it."


    Great! Let's continue practicing "do" and "make" with a on point-of-view lesson."


    Get the transcript on my website:


















    Thu, 09 May 2024 - 12min
  • 414 - #297 Internet Vocabulary in English part 2

    Hi! I'm Georgiana, and I'm back with a new episode. I'm here to help you speak English fluently.

    If you want to help me, SHARE the podcast with your friends and family. That would mean a lot. Thanks.

    Before we start, get the transcript. Visit:

    Today, we will learn more internet words and practice speaking with a mini-story.

    Ok, let's start!

    Online Forum:

    An online forum is similar to a discussion group at the library. People gather on a website to discuss various topics, sharing their thoughts in posts and replies.


    A blog is like a personal journal or a collection of articles online. Individuals or organizations regularly update them to share information and opinions.


    Podcasts are like radio shows on the Internet. You can listen to them online or download them to your device.


    A webinar is an online seminar or presentation where you can watch and interact with the presenter through live video and other features.


    E-commerce is like an online marketplace. It involves buying and selling products or services on the Internet.


    Be cautious! Phishing is when someone tricks you into sharing private stuff like your passwords or credit card details by pretending to be someone you trust.

    Username and Password:

    Your username and password are like keys to your online accounts. They protect your information from unauthorized access.


    Get the transcript at:

    Thu, 02 May 2024 - 16min
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