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The Matt and Kendal Hagee Podcast

The Matt and Kendal Hagee Podcast

Matt and Kendal Hagee

Subscribe to this podcast to receive the latest sermons from Cornerstone Church, and Matt and Kendal Hagee's practical insights and perspectives to strengthen your relationship with Christ and experience the everyday difference God can make in your life. For more information and to connect with Matt and Kendal, please visit

693 - Parallel Truths
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  • 693 - Parallel Truths

    The Kingdom of Heaven is not temporary; it is eternal. God knew the cost before you knew you needed a Savior for redemption. Knowing all of this, He went to Calvary anyway. It is your job to seek Him, to pray and ask Him to guide your steps…and to get to work doing that which honors the Lord.

    Sun, 26 May 2024 - 48min
  • 692 - Abiding in Christ

    If you abide in Jesus, His Word abides in you. Then you can ask God the Father (in Jesus’ name) for whatever you need and it shall be done. This can be a reality in your life when you are abiding in Christ. How do you do that? How can you be led by the Holy Spirit? God wants to use His Word to change you, and in turn use you to extend His healing and salvation to others.

    Wed, 22 May 2024 - 18min
  • 691 - I Dare You to Grow

    The parables are Kingdom principles as told by Jesus. He used these stories as illustrations, inviting us to grow spiritually. His Word is alive and powerful. Whatever you need, you can find in Scripture. Whatever you sow, you will reap. Be doers of the Word and not hearers only.

    Sun, 19 May 2024 - 50min
  • 690 - His Word is Life

    Happy Mother’s Day! One day of celebration is not enough. Thank you for your contributions to your family. You are the heart of the household. May God richly bless you! God meant what He said when He said by his stripes we are healed. This is mentioned many times throughout Scripture. His Word is life and health. Let’s dig into how to apply this to your daily life.

    Sun, 12 May 2024 - 18min
  • 689 - The Ideal Woman

    There is no greater gift than a godly mother. Mothers create a home, and the right kind of home is heaven on earth. The ideal woman is a successful mother, according to Proverbs 31. What you do after a child is born determines if you enrich or impoverish your child. This determines a mother’s success.

    Sun, 12 May 2024 - 41min
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