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Menopause Conversations

Menopause Conversations

Angela Counsel

Menopause Conversations is a podcast for women in their mid-stage of life. We explore the issues that impact women as they transition through peri and post menopause. Join us and become part of the conversation as we explore the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of being a women in her mid-stage of life. Episodes include a mix of interviews with Wise Women as well as some solo episodes from Naturopath and Menopause Coach, Angela Counsel.

158 - From Couch to Mountain with Yvonne Shepherd
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  • 158 - From Couch to Mountain with Yvonne Shepherd

    This weeks podcast is a little something different as we welcome Yvonne Shepherd, the creator of Women’s Fitness Adventures.

    Yvonne has helped change the lives of many women in their 50s & over from burnt out Corporate workers to exhausted mothers, grandmothers and women that are feeling a little lost, unlike themselves & looking to experience more adventure in their lives in a supportive environment.


    Through 10 years of Women’s Fitness Adventures Yvonne has created a space for women to come together, support each other, have some fun and do things they never thought they’d be able to do.

    She has helped to empower thousands of womento grow stronger and more confident, forge lasting friendships and unforgettable memories.

    If a community of amazing women looking for adventure, travelling to exciting places around the world, creating new friendships, looking & feeling good & discovering or rediscovering what their own capabilities & strengths are, you’ll love listening to this episode.


    Whatever success means for you, you might find it by joining this group. You too could be achieving something beyond your wildest dreams and have a whole new lease on life.


    To learn more about Yvonne’s work, Women’s Fitness Adventures and the Couch2Mountain Program, take the time join her upcoming webinar on 6th June via this link.

    And for a little hit of inspiration, enjoy a look at what others have had to say about their recent adventure:

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 36min
  • 157 - Beyond Booze with Sarah Rusbatch

    Have you ever asked yourself why it is that you need or want that glass of wine or beer? Stress, boredom, the social aspect of drinking or something else entirely?

    What about the effects that alcohol is having on your health, especially if you are already consuming other things like medications?

    In this episode of Menopause Conversations we are joined by special guest, Sarah Rusbatch.

    Sarah is a multi award winning Grey Area Drinking Coach, Menopause Coach, Author of the best-selling book 'Beyond Booze', Motivational Speaker and founder of a community of over 20,000 women. She has been featured on ABC News, Mamania, Body & Soul, Women's Health & The Sunday Times and is also a regular contributor on Channel 9.

    Sarah has supported thousands of individuals to change their relationship with alcohol with a goal to 'love yourself', and live your best life so we encourage you to take a listen to this fascinating and thought provoking discussion as we talk about:

    The alarming statistics of alcohol consumption in women over 45 & it being on the rise. The difference between how women's bodies metabolise alcohol vs men and the increased health risks in older women. What you gain when you remove alcohol. Why you think you can't do without it and changing your thinking about what that means. Grey Area Drinking The messaging in both society & marketing around social use, using it to unwind or deal with stress, 'you deserve it', and 'how do I have fun without it?' What does an unhealthy relationship with alcohol look like? Non-alcoholic wines and other drink replacements.

    To learn more about Sarah, get in touch or discover more about the great working she is doing, you can find her via:

    Instagram - Sarah Rusbatch (@sarahrusbatch) • Instagram photos and videos Facebook - The Women's Wellbeing Collective Facebook Group Her Website

    To grab a copy of her book, visit any big department store (in Australia) or go online to purchase via her website, Amazon or Booktopia.

    Tue, 21 May 2024 - 51min
  • 156 - Beyond the Scales - A balanced look at Health in Menopause

    How many times have you weighed yourself on the scales one day and then the next day found your weight has gone up or down, simply overnight?

    Many of us have a belief that the scale is the ultimate measure of health and wellnessbut when it comes to menopause, this couldn't be further from the truth.

    Hormonal changes, water retention, and shifts in body composition can all skew the number on the scale so let's explore why this number is not only misleading but can be downright harmful to our understanding of health during menopause.

    The fixation on the scale can lead to scale anxiety, body image issues, and even disordered eating behaviours. It's a cycle that's tough to break, but it's possible.

    Knowledge is power, and the more we understand about the limitations of the scale, the better equipped we are to take control of our health.

    If you're keen to learn more about this and other important factors in Menopause and how to thrive, join my upcoming FREE online workshop from 20th May - The Secret to Thriving in Menopause without HRT.

    Register here:

    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 14min
  • 155 - Menopause Demystified

    Most of us are aware of the symptoms that can be experienced in menopause but do you understand what is actually happening to your body and did you know that there are 4 different stages of peri-menopause?

    How do you know what stage you are in?

    Join me in this episode as I share a recent Menopause Demystified Masterclass I ran to help guide women through the changes that happen with your hormones as you move through the menopause transition.

    You'll discover:

    The 4 different stages of peri-menopause and how to identify which stage you are in. The roles of the different reproductive hormones and what happens as they start to decline. Other key hormones that you need to be aware of during peri-menopause and beyond.

    In this call I reference a guidebook to help you follow along & identify what stage you may be in so if this interests, you, you can download it here:

    If you're keen to learn more, my upcoming FREE 4 Day Secret to Thriving in Menopause Workshop will help unlock the secrets to thriving in menopause without HRT. Tackle the hot flushes, restless nights, meno-belly weight gain and so much more.

    Starting 20th May, you can register via the link above.

    Mon, 06 May 2024 - 58min
  • 154 - Weight Loss Drugs - Are they Good or Bad?

    There is an obesity crisis around the world and the statistics are concerning. 

    95% of Americans have some kind of metabolic disorder eg; insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes. 6 in 10 Americans have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 people have more than 1 chronic disease. Type 2 diabetes, cardio vascular disease and other chronic conditions continue to rise. Over 1 billion people worldwide are classified as obese & over 2 billion are classified as overweight.

    Australia's statistics are much the same. Is it any wonder why people are desperate for a quick solution and that these quick solutions are also on the rise?
    But, how safe are they for you? What are the benefits vs the side effects? What do the studies show and do these 'solutions' offer a long-term fix?
    It's a tricky one to navigate in a culture of immediacy so let's dive in to this one together and explore how you can teach your body to be more metabolically flexible. 

    Learn more about this in my upcoming FREE 4 Day Workshop, The Secret to Thriving in Menopause without HRT. Starting 20th May.

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 17min
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