Podcasts by Category

Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne

Life after Kids with Drs. Brooke and Lynne

Drs. Brooke and Lynne
We're getting real, raw and vulnerable on all things MIDLIFE.  And, we're having honest conversation about our struggles and what it really takes to live a meaningful Life after Kids.
56 - Taking Care of Aging Parents: Challenges and Self-Care Tips
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  • 56 - Taking Care of Aging Parents: Challenges and Self-Care Tips

    For many midlife moms, just when life just starts to get a little quiet because the kids have grown up, we’re faced with another life event that can rock us to our core…taking care of aging family members.In this episode of Life after Kids, we’re wading into the sensitive and complex topic of caregiving for aging parents, a reality faced by many in the so-called sandwich generation. Our conversation touches on the emotional and logistical challenges that arise when adults find themselves cari...

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  • 55 - Connecting with Grown Kids: Understanding Their Unique Needs and Personalities

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  • 54 - Nostalgic Reflections on Childhood Favorites and Not-So-Favorites

    In the latest episode of Life after Kids, we welcome you into an intimate and nostalgic conversation that takes a delightful stroll down memory lane. Join us in a lively discussion about the quirks, the culture, and the cherished memories that define our experiences of motherhood and the evolution of personal technology from our childhood years.This episode touches on the heartfelt simplicity of Mother's Days past while reflecting on the joys of motherhood and the significance of Mother's Day...

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  • 53 - Letting Go of Worry: Navigating Life after Kids

    No matter how old we get or how old our kids get, we never STOP WORRYING ABOUT THEM! Worrying is often what mothers do best…In this heartfelt and genuine discussion, we dive into the universal experience of parental worry as their children grow older and gain independence. We explore how to cope with children leaving for college and embarking on their lives beyond the family home, offering insight to listeners navigating similar situations.The episode of Life after Kids opens with our typical...

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  • 52 - Finding Motivation and Purpose in the Empty Nest Phase

    In this episode of Life after Kids, we discuss how to find motivation and purpose when you have more time on your hands, particularly after entering the empty nest phase of life. We explore the complexities of adjusting to life when the busyness of raising children subsides, offering tangible advice and insights to those searching for fulfillment in this new chapter.Key Takeaways:Parkinson's Law: Work expands to fill the available time, illustrating why you may feel less productive when you h...

    Sun, 28 Apr 2024
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