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Max Lucado Daily Devotional

Max Lucado Daily Devotional

Max Lucado

It doesn’t matter if it’s a good day, a hard day, or somewhere in-between—we need the hope God offers every day. Max shares words of hope and help through simple, one-minute daily devotionals to encourage you to take one step closer to Jesus.

2210 - Uninterrupted Awareness
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  • 2210 - Uninterrupted Awareness

    Unceasing prayer may sound complicated, but it needn’t be that way – just change your definition of prayer. Think of prayer less as an activity for God and more as an awareness of God. Seek to live in uninterrupted awareness. Acknowledge his presence everywhere you go. As you stand in line to register your car, think, Thank you, Lord, for being here. In the grocery store as you shop, think, Your presence, my King, I welcome.

    People struggle with life when they don’t have answers. The darkest valleys are blackened by the shadow of question marks. So what do you do? Think harder? Try harder? Have longer conversations with yourself? Ephesians 6:18 (MSG) says, “Pray hard and long.” Why not pray to the One with all the answers and let him take over?

    Read more Trade Your Cares for Calm

    For more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

    Fri, 31 May 2024
  • 2209 - Peace Happens When We Pray

    Worry happens when we keep our problems to ourselves or present our problems to the puny deities of money, muscle, or humankind. The act of prayer moves us from a spirit of concern to a spirit of gratitude. Even before our prayers are answered, our hearts begin to change. So take these steps:

    First, take your worries to God. Set aside some time each day to pour out your concerns, complaints, fears and woes to him. Don’t suppress; express! Take everything to God and then…leave it with him. Find a promise to match your problem. Spend time in the promises and stories of Scripture. Find a promise that fits your problem, and build your prayers around it. Pray specifically. Generic prayers aren’t nearly as effective as heartfelt prayers that target particular needs.

    Peace happens when we pray.

    Read more Trade Your Cares for Calm

    For more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

    Thu, 30 May 2024
  • 2208 - Heavenly Helpers

    The prophet Daniel discovered how seriously God takes our prayers. Daniel was troubled. He resolved to pray. After three weeks, Daniel saw a man with a belt of gold around his waist. His face was like lightning, his eyes on fire. Daniel was so stunned he fell to the ground. The angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven…” (Daniel 10:12 NLT).

    The moment Daniel began praying, the answer was issued. Demonic forces blocked the pathway of the angel, and the impasse lasted a full three weeks. Have you prayed and heard nothing? If so, I beg you, don’t give up. You have been heard in heaven. Angelic armies have been dispatched. Just keep praying. Heaven has helpers for you.

    Read more Trade Your Cares for Calm

    For more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

    Wed, 29 May 2024
  • 2207 - The Trinitarian Trifecta

    Paradise is not promised until Jesus returns. Peace, joy, and absence of pain are promises of the future, not of the present. Sin is still epidemic, but the cure is coming.

    Christ predicted bad news. He told us things are going to get bad before they get better. And when conditions worsen, “See to it that you are not alarmed” (Matthew 24:6 NIV). The only time we should get scared is when something surprises God. If something takes God by surprise, we are doomed. But since God knows all things, we are comforted.

    The same God who has the power of omniscience (knowing everything) also has the power of omnipresence (being multipresent) and omnipotence (having all power). That trinitarian trifecta is unstoppable. All problems are too small in the shadow of God.

    Read more Trade Your Cares for Calm

    For more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • 2206 - Our Good Giver

    “Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You; let such as love Your salvation say continually, ‘The Lord be magnified!’”  (Psalm 40:16 NKJV).

    The grateful heart is like a magnet sweeping over the day, collecting reasons for gratitude. For the jam on our toast and the milk on our cereal. For the joke that delights us and the warm sun that reminds us of God’s love. For the men who didn’t cheat on their wives. For the wives who didn’t turn from their men. For the kids who, in spite of unspeakable pressure to dishonor their parents, decided not to do so. Thank You Lord.

    To reflect on your blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover his heart. To discover his heart is to discover not just good gifts but the good Giver.

    Read more Trade Your Cares for Calm

    For more inspirational messages please visit Max Lucado.

    Mon, 27 May 2024
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