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Metaphysical with Rob Counts and John Vivanco

Join Rob Counts & Remote Viewer John Vivanco on a Journey to the Unknown.

114 - What Is the Observer Effect? Remote Viewing & Time Anomalies
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  • 114 - What Is the Observer Effect? Remote Viewing & Time Anomalies

    Have you ever heard of the observer effect? Basically, the act of just looking at an event—or even a particle—can actually change its nature. But how does this work? In this episode of Metaphysical, Rob and John talk about the double slit experiment, quantum physics, remote viewing, and so much more. When the nature of the universe starts coming into question, clearly, it shows us there’s a lot more to reality than any of us realized. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a show that’s out of this world. In this episode: hindrances in remote viewing, psychics, the double slit experiment, interference patterns, wave–particle duality, time constraints disappearing during remote viewing, knowing you’re being remote viewed or remote influenced, radio frequencies, parapsychological experimentation, thought constructs, telepathy experiments, the brain being an interpretation device, remote perturbation techniques, CIA studies, the observer effect, people who use superpowers for evil, the “upside down” from Stranger Things, why John won’t remote view abduction experiences, ESP or extrasensory perception, teleportation proof in studies, psychological operations, and more

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 41min
  • 113 - Ancient Sites That Warn of Cataclysms: Underground Pyramids & More

    Underground pyramids, tunnels, and caverns were discovered beneath a wine cellar in Italy. Enormous stone boxes were found in the Serapeum of Saqqara—and nobody knows how they got there. A mysterious monument at Gobekli Tepe shows evidence of a cataclysm that devastated humanity. Tunnels in Turkey show remains of an ancient, buried past. What can we learn about sites of ancient cataclysms, underground pyramids, and impossible tombs? Rob will share his investigative research, and John will bring you his remote viewing data in this episode about 4 ancient sites that warn of cataclysms. Tune in for a Metaphysical show that’s out of this world. In this episode: Etruscan pyramids, subterranean paths, the Apis cult of ancient Greece, the Clovis man, ice ages, the Younger Dryas period, the Vulture Stone stamped with a strange date, Derinkuyu’s underground city, ancient city of Elengubu, cyclical events of destruction and renewal throughout the universe, archaeologists’ baffling claims that they have no idea what they’ve found, ancient artifacts, ancient pigeon houses, enormous sarcophagi, giant bulls and bull worship, granite boxes that had to be dynamited open, Egyptian pyramids and Egyptian funerary texts, stone glyphs, John’s favorite ancient site, a race of feline beings, why the sun is so important, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), Atlantis-era civilizations, Indian epochs called  “yugas,” synchronicities, human intuition, anomalies outside our solar system, rediscovered dwellings, and more

    Thu, 16 May 2024 - 55min
  • 112 - Ancient Chamber of Secrets Reveals Hidden Vimanas in Padmanabhaswamy Temple

    Is there a real “Chamber of Secrets”? What lies inside the hidden vaults of the ancient Padmanabhaswamy Temple in India? Its mysterious door is protected by two massive, painted cobras. It has no bolts, latches, or other visible means of entry. It’s also believed that the door was sealed shut by sound waves from a secret chant lost in time. Hindu priests say that at present, there is no human capable of opening this door by executing the necessary chants. So what’s inside? Jewels and gold? Spirits of the beyond? A portal? Ancient scrolls? Well, the secrets of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple run as deep as its history, and Metaphysical is going to bring all the investigative research and remote viewing they can collect on it. Join Rob Counts and John Vivanco for another metaphysical show that’s out of this world. In this episode: Hear the background of the world’s richest Hindu temple, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple in the very far south of India, Kerala. The temple is dedicated to the deity Vishnu, also known as Padmanabhaswamy, and has fantastic tales associated with it. Miracles, divine serpents, Naga beings, and more are just part of the story. Guarded and managed by the Travancore family for generations, the vast riches inside were protected … for the most part. Despite a fierce fight between the Travancores and the government of India, archaeologists were directed to open some of the chambers inside the temple. The question is, what did they really find inside? Rob and John discuss the known contents of Padmanabhaswamy Temple’s vaults, its mysterious “chamber of secrets” and what happens when you get inside, whether Harry Potter had a similar concept, and the legend of how Padmanabhaswamy Temple was created in the first place. The discussion gets interesting when John shares his remote viewing data and Rob questions him about the ancient contents of the forbidden vaults. In this episode, discover what’s really in the Padmanabhaswamy Temple. Support Our Work: https://themetaphysical.tvShop Metaphysical Merch: https://shopmetaphysical.comWatch the Podcast: https://bit.ly/RiseTVMetaphysical

    Thu, 25 Apr 2024 - 45min
  • 111 - Naga Serpent Deities: Did They Mix With Humans?

    Encounters with Naga serpent deities stretch back throughout recorded history. The question is, did they mix with humans, as some accounts say? As humans, we have a burning need to know certain truths: How did we get to where we are today with our technology? Were there beings in ancient history who helped humans civilize themselves? Were accounts of enlightened visitors actually extraterrestrials, or were they instead extra-dimensional beings—from other dimensions? How do the records of these beings in history corroborate their existence, and where can we find them? In this episode, Rob and John discuss a specific anomaly found in Southeast Asia that stretches back as far back as recorded history: the Naga. These serpent-like beings—half human, half serpent—can be found depicted and worshiped in temples all over India, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, and more.  Join investigative researcher Rob Counts and remote viewer John Vivanco for a show that’s out of this world.  In this episode: Humanoid, shapeshifting serpents have been found in ancient texts. They never lived on the surface, but always under ground or under water. It’s not only eastern texts or deities like Nu Wa that involve serpentine beings, but snake-like entities are also in places like the Bible. What were the “nachash” in Israel and the Middle East? “Kala” from Eddie Murphy’s movie The Golden Child was a reference to real Naga beings. Are some accounts of mermaids actually references to the Naga? Hear Bodhisattva Nagarjuna’s story of encountering beings in a palace under the sea. Discover why Nagaland in India was really named that. Hear John Vivanco’s remote viewing data you can’t find anywhere else that describes why the Naga hide from humans and whether they could still be here on Earth. With Rob Counts’ deep investigative research and related side conversations about giants, the evolution of mankind, and more, this episode is profoundly metaphysical. Support Our Work: https://themetaphysical.tvShop Metaphysical Merch: https://shopmetaphysical.com----Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/3JvFZyzListen on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3IbWaA2Follow on Social Media:https://www.tiktok.com/@metaphysicalshowhttps://www.instagram.com/metaphysicalshowhttps://twitter.com/metaphysicalwowhttps://www.reddit.com/r/metaphysicalshowhttps://www.threads.net/@metaphysicalshowhttps://t.me/metaphysicalshow

    Thu, 04 Apr 2024 - 44min
  • 110 - Never Whistle in the Woods: Nahanni Valley’s Secrets & Creatures

    Never whistle in the woods. Forests like those in the Nahanni Valley contain secrets, like strange creatures, that are attracted by the sound. And that’s not the only mystery. An entire native tribe disappeared into thin air, the fires still burning in their teepees. Giant, dark creatures from the woods terrified villagers—and even made them go mad. Cannibalistic mountain people were spotted, looking more like dwarves of legend than like men. Explorations to find a mysterious vault in the Nahanni Valley led to underground, ancient secrets. Join remote viewer John Vivanco and investigative researcher Rob Counts for a Metaphysical show that’s out of this world. If you go to the Nahanni Valley in Canada, don’t whistle in the woods because you’ll either terrify locals or you might invite something even worse to hunt you. The native people to the valley, the Dene, recorded a big, strong, warlike race called the Naha in their history. But one day, they suddenly disappeared. Where did they go? How does a folk tale of “Annie Lafferty”—the girl who went mad, shed her clothes, and scaled walls—compare with a 1933 newspaper article about a different (but possibly the same) Lafferty girl? Are tales of the brooding “Nakani,” a mysterious, Bigfoot-like creature, actually real? One man who lived with the natives in 1876, Father Emile Petitot, and a trader in 1879, B.R. Ross, had firsthand knowledge of the Nakani. Were sightings of creatures just figments of the local tribe’s overactive imagination, or was something more happening on the lands of the Nahanni? And what about rumors of the treacherous tundra having a secret, warm oasis? A 1937 article with the perspective of an expert-in-aviation Arctic explorer set the record straight about what’s up beyond the mountains. John Vivanco brings his team’s remote viewing data to every story, newspaper report, and legend Rob Counts found, and the pair discuss the surprising ways zinc mines are being used by clandestine groups and even extraterrestrial beings. 🛒 Shop Metaphysical Merch💻 Watch Metaphysical and more on Rise TV🎧 Listen on Spotify🎧 Listen on Apple Podcasts 📱 Follow on Social Media: TikTokInstagramXThreadsRedditTelegram

    Thu, 21 Mar 2024 - 37min
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