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Mexica: A History Podcast

Mexica: A History Podcast

Jeremy Lipps

Mexica: A History Podcast is a 9-episode, audio narrative about the Conquest of Mexico, historically sourced (from both Indigenous sources and first hand European accounts). with the goal of bringing the rich sights, scents and sounds of the Mexica world to the listener. This podcast takes the listener through the Spanish defeat of Moctezuma and his Aztec allies in a richly sensual narrative.

11 - Rulers of Tenochtitlan - First Rulers of Tenochtitlan (Ep10)
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  • 11 - Rulers of Tenochtitlan - First Rulers of Tenochtitlan (Ep10)

    In this follow-up episode we explore the rulers of Tenochtitlan, or the tlatoque. From the first tlatoani, Acamapichtli, to the final traditional tlatoani, Cuauhtémoc, we'll explore all nine "Aztec rulers." In this episode Tenochtitlan emerges from the marshes of Lake Texcoco, the first three rulers find themselves subject to King Tezozomoc.Part 1 - Acamapichtli, the first ruler of Tenochtitlan.Part 2 - Huitzilihuitl, the second ruler of Tenochtitlan.Part 3 - Chimalpopoca, the third ruler of ...

    Sun, 19 May 2024
  • 10 - Bonus Episode: The End of the Mexica (Ep 9)

    In Episode 9, Cortes returns to the Valley of Mexico, bringing with him nearly a thousand refreshed Spanish soldiers, and tens of thousands of Tlaxcalan warriors. A brutal siege would grind the Mexica down until their ability to resist was done. This would be the end of Mexica power and culture in the valley.Part 1 - The March to TexcocoCortes returns to the Valley of Mexico and is welcomed by a young prince.Part 2 - The Players Are SetWith Cortes camped in Texcoco, backed by his Tlaxcala and...

    Tue, 14 Jun 2022
  • 9 - Fall of Tenochtitlan (Ep 8)

    In Episode 8, Cortes wears out his welcome in Tenochtitlan and sacrifices Moctezuma in a final attempt at saving his ambition: the greatest city in the New World. The Noche Triste, among the most iconic nights in Mexican history, plays out as the Spanish-Tlaxcala army flees the city.Part 1 - Cortes Returns to TenochtitlanFollowing the Toxcatl Massacre, which decapitated the Mexica nobility in Cortes' absence, he returns to take command of a bad situation. Part 2 - Death of MoctezumaHoled up a...

    Thu, 10 Mar 2022
  • 8 - Foreigners in Tenochtitlan (Ep 7)

    In Episode 7, Cortes enters the Mexica capital and is welcomed. But things quickly go bad and violence erupts.Part 1 - Entering TenochtitlanCortes, his Spanish soldiers and 4 or 5 thousand Tlaxcalan warriors enter Tenochtitlan along the causeway.Part 2 - Meeting MoctezumaMoctezuma emerges from the crowd to welcome Cortes to Tenochtitlan.Part 3 - Guests in the CapitalThe Spanish are welcomed and granted use of the Palace of Axayacatl, the former Tlatoani.Part 4 - The Hostage MoctezumaIn one of...

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022
  • 7 - Entering the Land of Mexico (Ep 6)

    In Episode 6, Cortes continues his march toward Tenochtitlan with a fateful and violent stop in Cholula.Part 1 - CholulaCortes and his 400 Spanish soldiers enter Cholula while the nearly 10,000-strong Tlaxcala and Totonac armies wait outside the city. Here they commit one of the worst atrocities ever committed in the Conquest of the New World.Part 2 - Word of the Destruction of CholulaWord of the incomprehensible destruction of Cholula spreads, and with it; fear.Part 3 - Up the VolcanoDiego d...

    Tue, 22 Feb 2022
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