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Naing Ayar from Myanmar

Naing Ayar from Myanmar

Naing ayar

Single father Vlogger and writer from Myanmar lives in Brooklyn. Sharing parenting, mental health and motivation. Talk shows, discussion and books. This podcast brings comprehensive topics.

7 - Welcome to USA! Ultimate welcome guide in Burmese version.
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  • 7 - Welcome to USA! Ultimate welcome guide in Burmese version.

    This is a welcome guide of USA for people who going to move here and study here. As a travel profession and certified interpreter working in USA, I found that welcome guides are most important thing to read before you arriving to new place. This could help you a lot. Have a great American dream ahead!

    Sat, 30 Jul 2022 - 43min
  • 6 - How to cope with losing someone you love (Tribute to Ko Phyo Zeyar Thaw, Ko Jimmy, Ko Hla Myo, Ko Aung Thura execution)

    On July 24th 2022, People of Myanmar had devasting news about detained political prisoners Ko Phyo Zayar Thaw , Ko Jimmy, Ko Hla Myo Aung and Ko Aung Thura Zaw. They have been executed in the Insein prison announced by the Military junta newspaper. Since revolution in Myanmar been long run, many lives have been already sacrificed. This episode is to share my knowledge how to cope with losing someone you love. Tribute to all the fallen legends during this revolution. Dictatorship and brutal military must fail. We win unless we give up!

    Mon, 25 Jul 2022 - 21min
  • 5 - Child safety handbook

    This is the article and resources for the child safety for parents and guardians. All these informations are endorsed by the ACS of United states.

    Thu, 18 Nov 2021 - 18min
  • 4 - What is ADHD

    ADHD is one of the most research disorder and why US institutions are investing a lot for this disorder.

    Fri, 12 Nov 2021 - 35min
  • 3 - Mindfulness and minimalism by Dr Phio Thiha

    The article by Dr Pyio Thiha Mindfulness and minimalism. This is a great article about minimalism and how to utilize to enjoy our life in peaceful ways. Follow Dr Phio Thiha at https://www.facebook.com/phio.thiha

    Mon, 08 Nov 2021 - 12min
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