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On Peace

On Peace

U.S. Institute of Peace

U.S. Institute of Peace experts discuss the latest foreign policy issues from around the world in this brief weekly collaboration with SiriusXM‘s POTUS Channel 124. In about 10 minutes, each episode of On Peace distills the most important aspects of a pressing peace and conflict challenge and highlights how the U.S. and international community might respond.

444 - Robin Wright on Raisi’s Death and What It Means for Iran
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  • 444 - Robin Wright on Raisi’s Death and What It Means for Iran

    With the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian regime has reached “a critical turning point.” And with just two weeks until the vote to replace him, it’s important to pay attention to “not only who wins the new presidency, but how many Iranians actually participate in the process,” says USIP’s Robin Wright.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 10min
  • 443 - Asfandyar Mir on Balancing Counterterrorism and Strategic Competition

    As terror threats emanating from Afghanistan and Pakistan rise, many may see counterterrorism as a distraction from other U.S. priorities, such as competition with China and Russia. But investment in counterterrorism can work “preventively, to shield the strategic competition agenda,” says USIP’s Asfandyar Mir.

    Mon, 20 May 2024 - 08min
  • 442 - Jason Tower on the Dangerous Proliferation of Scam Compounds in Southeast Asia

    Chinese crime syndicates have set up sophisticated online scamming operations throughout Southeast Asia that rake in an estimated $64 billion a year. Relying on forced labor, the scam compounds “look almost like penal colonies,” says USIP’s Jason Tower, adding: “This is happening on an industrial scale.”

    Mon, 13 May 2024 - 09min
  • 441 - Dean Cheng on China’s New Military Force

    China’s military structure is not prone to change. But in a shocking move, Chinese leader Xi Jinping recently established a new military entity focused on “information dominance” in future wars, with many observers “left wondering what this is going to mean and why they did it,” says USIP’s Dean Cheng.

    Tue, 07 May 2024 - 09min
  • 440 - Ambassador William Taylor on the Latest U.S. Aid to Ukraine

    The latest round of U.S. military aid to Ukraine will help halt Russia’s slow, grinding advance. But more long-term aid is needed to not only push back Russian forces, but to deter another future invasion, says USIP’s Ambassador William Taylor. “The only way that this war is going to end is for [Putin’s] cause … to end.”

    Mon, 29 Apr 2024 - 11min
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