Podcasts by Category

People Pleasers Anonymous

People Pleasers Anonymous


Hosted by a recovering people pleaser herself, this podcast is filled with soul lessons & tips from other sources and personal experience to get listeners back to putting what’s most important first- YOU. Host @mar___637

27 - Emotional Enmeshment
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  • 27 - Emotional Enmeshment

    If nothing else, by the end of this episode you will learn how to say the word Enmeshment LOL, but hopefully you have as many lightbulb moments as I did.If you feel like you are often walking on eggshells, and or can only have a good time when your partner/others around you have a good time, then this one's for you. <3Book: https://holdmetightonline.com/about-dr.-sue-johnson/Podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/love-happiness-and-success-with-dr-lisa-marie-bobby/id858864457

    Mon, 05 Feb 2024
  • 26 - Crazy is the space between what they tell you, & what you know.

    One of the main takeaways from my last therapy sesh was to STOP fine tooth combing negative situations looking for a fault of mine, and this is a huuuuge helpful tip to People Pleasers looking to heal.Listen as I share a recent experience that allowed me to practice this & a helpful article that outlines a step by step process to organize emotions effectively. Book: Out of Love- Hazel Hazehttps://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/developing-self-awareness

    Fri, 17 Nov 2023
  • 25 - Summer Lessons: The Power of Tramutation

    This summer I've had SO MANY lightbulb moments, but I needed time to put them into words (and I'm not claiming I did a very... organized job; but I'm sure you'll get the point). Join me as I share what I learned these past few full moons & retrogrades, receiving clearer answer than ever from the universe how I can further grow as a recovering people pleaser <3

    Wed, 06 Sep 2023
  • 24 - Getting out of a funk

    Life has just been FULL ON for me lately, and as most humans do, I started forgetting all the helpful law of attraction tips I've learned this far. Listen as I rehash my recent life struggles & how I changed my perspective to get back in a good vibration :)Sources:Allana Pratt- Intimate ConversationsSpirit, Purpose & Energy with JJ Flizanes Episode 385- When your partner Triggers you

    Wed, 07 Jun 2023
  • 23 - Why I'll never compete again

    Finally the answer to the question I still get asked constantly, which made me realize so much about myself, my false beliefs and how I can progress further at overcoming perfectionism and people pleasing.<3

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023
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