Podcasts by Category



Copland Financial Ministries

God’s Word, the Bible contains phenomenal wisdom on finances. But unfortunately, most Christians either have limited understanding of God’s financial principles or they have not implemented God’s Truths in managing money.

11 - Right priorities lead to “true riches”
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  • 11 - Right priorities lead to “true riches”

    According to Scripture, right priorities in handling money will enhance our relationship with God and we will experience God’s peace and joy.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021
  • 10 - Money competes with God

    Faithful stewardship of the money God has entrusted to you will enable you to enjoy God’s “true riches”—which include a close personal relationship with God, and God’s joy and God’s peace.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021
  • 9 - Good money management builds treasure in Heaven

    Godliness includes the way we manage our finances. Following God’s principles for handling money is building treasure in heaven.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021
  • 8 - Financial faithfulness has eternal value

    May I encourage you to prayerfully ask God to show you how you need to adjust your focus from treasures on earth to treasures in heaven.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021
  • 7 - Financial character affects Ministry

    We must faithfully manage money according to God’s principles and God’s will, before we can enjoy a close personal relationship with God and an effective ministry blessed by God.

    Thu, 05 Aug 2021
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