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Chasing Life

Chasing Life


Is there a science to being happy? Does our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we feel about our lives? Can we learn to become even happier? While happiness may look different for everyone, and can at times feel impossible to achieve, we know it’s an emotion that can be crucial to both your physical and mental health. So in this season of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is setting out to better understand happiness and what the science tells us about the best ways to achieve it.

618 - Can Anxiety Be A Good Thing?
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  • 618 - Can Anxiety Be A Good Thing?

    Do you spend time worrying about what could go wrong in the future, or stressing about something you did or said in the past? That nagging feeling has a name: anxiety. But what if worrying about preventing anxiety is actually getting in the way of our happiness? New York University neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki is on a mission to help more people accept, and even embrace, what she calls “the most misunderstood emotion.” In this episode, we’ll explore an unexpected solution to happiness: embracing stress and how accepting “good” anxiety can help us feel happier and more at ease with uncomfortable feelings. Plus, Professor Suzuki explains why our society’s obsession with avoiding anxiety and negative emotions may be doing more harm than good. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • 617 - Is There A Science To Happiness?

    Have you ever wondered: What does it mean to be truly happy? Can our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we feel about our lives? And, most importantly, can we learn to be even happier? Cognitive scientist and Yale University Psychology Professor Laurie Santos has spent her career researching these questions. As the host of The Happiness Lab, Laurie has gone on her own journey to discover what it truly means to be happy. On today’s podcast episode, Professor Santos will share her findings and how she says we can re-train our brains to make better choices, build better habits, and ultimately, be happier.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 21 May 2024
  • 616 - The Benefits of Gratitude

    It turns out a simple “thank you” really can go a long way. In fact, giving thanks doesn’t just make others feel good – it can also boost your own mental and physical well-being. Dr. Sanjay Gupta hears how gratitude helped one woman navigate a life-changing medical diagnosis. Plus, how you can implement a gratitude practice into your daily life. This episode originally aired on May 17, 2022. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 14 May 2024
  • 615 - How Worried Should You Be About Ultraprocessed Foods?

    We've all heard of processed foods, but what about ultraprocessed foods, which make up more than half of the typical American diet? In this special Chasing Life: Spotlight, CNN Medical Correspondent Meg Tirrell explores how these foods became so widespread and the potential risks they pose to our health. She speaks with Professor Marion Nestle, a leading authority on nutrition and food policy and NIH senior investigator Kevin Hall, who conducted the first and only controlled clinical trial on ultraprocessed foods. Hear about the study's remarkable findings; it may change some of the choices you make in the grocery store.    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 07 May 2024
  • 614 - What You Need to Know About Bird Flu

    The U.S. is grappling with a recently discovered outbreak of avian influenza in dairy cows, driven by the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus. It's the first instance that the bird flu virus has been detected in US cattle. How concerned should we be about drinking milk or even eating chicken? And could this lead to the next pandemic? Sanjay speaks with epidemiologist Prof. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, about the complexities of the current outbreak and what the public needs to know right now. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
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