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Radio Maria England

Radio Maria England

Radio Maria England

Radio Maria England is a 24hr Catholic Radio Station broadcasting programmes expressing the Christian faith. It aims to support Catholics and others in their spiritual life and witness to those who wish to learn more about Catholicism. It is part of the World Family of Radio Maria, formed in 1998 in response to the apparitions and messages of Our Lady in Medjugorje and Fatima. Radio Maria currently has 82 radio stations across five continents with 500 million listeners worldwide.

2085 - DIVING DEEPER - Tim Hutchinson - The Body of Christ: A Christian Feast
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  • 2085 - DIVING DEEPER - Tim Hutchinson - The Body of Christ: A Christian Feast

    In anticipation of the Feast of Corpus Christi (and delivered on its traditional date) Tim asks the question, why do we celebrate the Body of Christ?

    If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting www.RadioMariaEngland.uk or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 52min
  • 2084 - QUESTIONS OF FAITH - Fr Toby - Casting Lots and Fasting

    In this episode of Questions of faith a caller asked why making a big decision like choosing a replacement for Judas involved casting lots and yet the Church doesn't use methods like this for decisions now - why is this? Here Fr Toby's answer to this and to other questions on this episode of Questions of Faith.

    QUESTIONS OF FAITH is a programme in which listeners call in and ask our guests a theological, biblical or pastoral question - anything related to the faith, in other words. We usually have a priest, religious brother or sister or lay evangelist on and the programme airs live on Fridays at 11:15am. 

    If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting www.RadioMariaEngland.uk or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 39min
  • 2083 - DIVING DEEPER - Ros Powell - The Trial of Our Faith is More Precious than Gold

    Ros Powell is a Catholic Evangelist, who is a speaker and prayer group leader.  She is also involved in pro-life work in Northern Ireland and has a prison ministry.  For more information about Ros, please visit her website, rospowell.com

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 49min
  • 2082 - WORD FOR TODAY - Fr Toby - The Sacrament of Friendship Borne of the Spirit

    Fr Toby reflects on the feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    WORD FOR TODAY is broadcast live on Radio Maria on weekdays at 1:15pm and is rebroadcast at 12:15am and 5:45am the following day. In it our Priest Director Fr Toby offers a reflection, usually drawing from the Mass readings of the day. 

    If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting www.RadioMariaEngland.uk or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 09min
  • 2081 - WORD FOR TODAY - Fr Toby - The Insite to Cry Out, "Lord have Mercy!"

    Fr Toby on the blind man Bartimaeus.

    WORD FOR TODAY is broadcast live on Radio Maria on weekdays at 1:15pm and is rebroadcast at 12:15am and 5:45am the following day. In it our Priest Director Fr Toby offers a reflection, usually drawing from the Mass readings of the day. 

    If you enjoyed this programme, please consider making a once off or monthly donation to Radio Maria England by visiting www.RadioMariaEngland.uk or calling 0300 302 1251 during office hours. It is only through the ongoing support of our listeners that we continue to be a Christian voice by your side.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 08min
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