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The Aligned Woman's Way

The Aligned Woman's Way

Diane Mckendrick

A podcast where we discuss how to fill your own cup, embrace financial abundance, and live the life of your dreams Say Hi to me on social media: Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/diane.mckendrick/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dianemckendrick/ Join my Mastermind here: https://www.dianemckendrick.com/salespage Feel free to join my Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/those2sisterstime2shine Join Those2Sisters Taste Tester Bundle Here: https://www.those2sisters.com.au/tastetester

174 - #174 Come clean, mummy melt down.
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  • 174 - #174 Come clean, mummy melt down.

    Real time, real life, real raw Visit the website:www.those2sisters.com

    Mon, 20 May 2024 - 32min
  • 173 - #173 - Stop 2nd guessing yourself with Billie Sharp

    Join me & fellow Business Super Star & Biz Mumma, Billie Sharp as we discuss everything from intuition in business to pivioting in your parental role to suit & cultivate YOUR version of success not what you have seen on Tv or been taught by society.

    Visit our website:


    Thu, 09 May 2024 - 55min
  • 172 - #172 - I Want to ... BUT I'm scared of losing control

    A raw & vulnerable share as we expose our BUTS to the world ...

    Have you ever wanted to do something BUT you are really scared of being out of control?

    Fear of losing control can often paralyze you and prevent you from stepping into your true potential, keeping you spinning in circles.

    We have your BUT covered...

    In this podcast, we explore powerful strategies to safely raise your threshold to uncertainty & train your mind, body, and spirit to thrive in the face of uncertainty.

    We delve into practical, easy, accessible techniques for expanding your comfort zone, increasing resilience, and reclaiming control over your life.

    Don't let fear hold you back any longer – listen in to Lose Your But and Change Your Life

    REGISTER TO THE NEXT COACHING COUCH HERE: I Want To Delegate But Fear of Losing Control

    Fri, 12 Apr 2024 - 47min
  • 171 - #171 - Come Clean: My most 3 painful experiences

    As a coach, I have trained myself like a STEALTH NINJA to move through tragic, challenging & painful moments - RAPIDLY.
    The drawback to that is that I have never really shared the depths of despair I have experienced as a pilot's wife, a Mum of 2, running a business from my garage being responsible for 2 families' primary income.
    The pressure, the hardship, the despair, decision fatigue, daily imposter syndrome sneaking in.
    The daily crisis of confidence, loss of identity & feeling lost & unsure a lot of the time.
    My content, books, podcasts are often filled to the brim with valuable & life-changing content, wisdom, and lessons which is the catalyst to QUICK CHANGE & TRANSFORMATION in my personal life & many of my clients & followers.
    But I've never really taken the time to sit & share the moments of despair, the cry on the kitchen floor in the foetal position moments or sob uncontrollably in the shower as my world seems to crumble around me ... after I have given every piece of me to my purpose, parenting, physic, finances, people around me.
    No more Stealth Ninja moving out of the pain & reframing to positive or finding the wisdom & lessons.
    It is time to come clean, and share these moments of despair, defeat & desperation in the name of deeper connection & collective healing.
    Here it goes ...

    Thu, 28 Mar 2024 - 34min
  • 170 - #170 Smiling on Social Media while Screaming at your kids with Michelle Anne

    If you're a parent in business - especially one that works from home.
    This podcast is a MUST.

    Mon, 25 Mar 2024 - 41min
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