Podcasts by Category

SAP Learning Insights

SAP Learning Insights


Digital- and Social Learning Stories

37 - SAP Basis with SAPdalf
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  • 37 - SAP Basis with SAPdalf

    In this episode of the SAP Learning Insights podcast, David Chaviano interviews Lukasz Skorwider, an SAP Basis consultant, about what SAP Basis is and how it's used. Lukasz gives insights in his experience, explaining that SAP Basis acts as the "generator" of a company, operating in the background to keep the most important systems running. He believes that while AI and cloud technologies are changing the field, they also present new opportunities. Lukasz also advises newbies interested in SAP Basis to start learning through resources like blogs, YouTube channels, openSAP, podcasts, and the SAP Community. He notes that the field is constantly evolving, which keeps it interesting and challenging at the same time.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 20min
  • 36 - Techture – Skill Development – How to stay ahead?

    Many young people wonder how to keep up with skill development. In this podcast episode, host Magdalena Glass sits down with Andreas Felber, a master's student in business information systems, and Service Architecture Expert German Mesa. Together, they explore how to identify what skills are relevant now and in the future. They also discuss what can help in the learning process, especially in staying motivated, and share advice on preparing for the first professional job. Of course, they sprinkle in personal stories for some extra wisdom.

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024 - 36min
  • 35 - Techture – Without borders – Which future skills matter universally?

    In this episode Canadian SAP Development Architect Wayne Pau shares the essential skills needed to succeed regardless of industry and position. Discover why mastering the art of learning is crucial for starting a professional career and staying successful along the way. Gain valuable insights into how it is like to work in a global, remote setup, and collaborating across diverse disciplines.

    Thu, 11 Apr 2024 - 35min
  • 34 - Choosing a career in SAP with Stephen Lofthouse

    In today’s episode, David Chaviano hosts professor Stephen Lofthouse from Nottingham University Business School on the SAP Learning Insights Podcast to discuss the importance and benefits of pursuing a career in SAP. Steve, with a background that transited from pharmacy to software development and teaching SAP for many years, is passionate about equipping students with SAP skills and connecting them to industry opportunities. SAP knowledge can lead to a global career and the understanding the platform used by numerous businesses makes students an attractive hire. Steve suggests students start by researching companies using SAP, utilizing free learning resources like learning.sap.com and openSAP for skills, and actively engage with the SAP Community to demonstrate their interest and knowledge. He highlights the vast opportunities in technology and SAP, especially as AI and cloud migrations become prevalent, making it an ideal time to enter the field and secure a long-lasting, globally relevant career.

    Fri, 15 Mar 2024 - 32min
  • 33 - Techture – Mindset – How to approach the unknown?

    “Uncertainty” is something that we have within ourselves, and it is something that is always awaiting us. In regard to future skills the hosts David Chaviano and Magdalena Glass try to come to an answer in the episode of “Mindset – How to approach the unknown?” together with their guests Santiago, SAP working student in the field of enterprise architecture and Lukasz, SAP development manager at the Innovation Center Potsdam. Together they explore what you have to personally overcome and what is essential in the context of mindset to change and be part of the change around you. Tune in to find out, what skills are supportive on this journey and how you can prepare to face the future.

    Mon, 04 Mar 2024 - 46min
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