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Running Lean

Running Lean

Patrick McGilvray

Get leaner and get stronger so you can run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible.

234 - 231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation
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  • 234 - 231. Replay: Sticking to Your Plan – Even on Vacation

    It’s that time of the year again!
    The kids are out of school, the weather is amazing, and you are going on vacation.
    But you might be worried because in the past, going on vacation meant going off the rails.
    You’re on vacation so you just want to have fun, right?
    You deserve to live a little!
    If this means coming home 10lbs heavier and hating yourself…is it really all that fun?
    In this episode of the podcast, I’ll offer up some helpful tips for sticking to your plan – even on vacation – so you can come home feeling good about yourself.
    Work With Me
    Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.
    Free Weight Loss Training for Runners
    If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.
    I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”
    I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!
    Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

    * Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
    * The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
    * The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
    * The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
    * The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
    * And so much more…

    You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.
    If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 41min
  • 233 - 230. What to Do in the Off-Season

    For a lot of runners, the off-season can be a challenging time.
    You’ve finished your races, the next training cycle won’t start for another 4-6 weeks, and you might feel like you’re in limbo until then.
    Here’s the thing, the way you approach the off-season is just as important as the training season itself.
    It’s so important that what you do in the off-season can often make or break your next race.
    So today, what to do in the off-season as a runner to ensure you start your next training cycle on the right track.
    Work With Me
    Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.
    Free Weight Loss Training for Runners
    If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.
    I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”
    I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!
    Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

    * Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
    * The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
    * The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
    * The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
    * The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
    * And so much more…

    You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.
    If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

    Fri, 24 May 2024 - 22min
  • 232 - 229. How to Have More Confidence Now

    One of the big keys to achieving anything significant in your life – losing weight and keeping it off, running a marathon – is confidence.
    Being confident that you can accomplish something big will make that accomplishment practically inevitable.
    The opposite is also true however – a severe lack of confidence will make it basically impossible to reach that big goal.
    So how do you get more confidence? Well, you are in luck because that’s what’s on the agenda here today.
    In this episode, I explain what confidence is, how it might just be the game-changer you’re looking for, and how to have more confidence now.
    Work With Me
    Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.
    Free Weight Loss Training for Runners
    If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.
    I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”
    I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!
    Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

    * Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
    * The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
    * The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
    * The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
    * The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
    * And so much more…

    You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.
    If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

    Fri, 17 May 2024 - 22min
  • 231 - 228. Lessons Learned Flying Pig Weekend

    This past weekend was the biggest running event of the year here in Cincinnati – Flying Pig Weekend!
    I did a lot of racing this weekend and let’s just say that things did not all go as planned.
    But despite dealing with some very challenging situations, the whole weekend was a huge success, both for the city and for me personally.
    Today on the podcast, I share my experiences in dealing with all the challenges and all the lessons learned Cincinnati Flying Pig weekend.
    Work With Me
    Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.
    Free Weight Loss Training for Runners
    If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.
    I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”
    I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!
    Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

    * Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
    * The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
    * The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
    * The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
    * The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
    * And so much more…

    You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.
    If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

    Fri, 10 May 2024 - 28min
  • 230 - 227. The Power of Practicing Mindfulness

    How are your stress levels these days?
    About 80% of Americans say they feel some degree of stress in their daily lives.
    Of course, some feel stress more often than others, but the fact is, we are a stressed-out society.
    Not dealing with stress can have all kinds of health and wellness implications including weight gain, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, depression, and a host of other issues.
    Having a daily stress management practice is imperative if you want to be a healthy happy human.
    And one of the most powerful ways to manage stress is to practice mindfulness.
    So in this episode, I explain the power of practicing mindfulness and why it might be the best gift you can ever give yourself.
    Work With Me
    Interested in working with me in a one-on-one setting? Get the personalized guidance, support, and accountability you need to lose weight, become fat-adapted, and do it in a way that supports your long-term health and fitness goals. Click here to learn more and apply for coaching.
    Free Weight Loss Training for Runners
    If you’re a runner and you struggle to lose weight, then I have just the thing to help you get started on the right track.
    I put together a brand-new, fun (and free) training just for you called “5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Leaner, Stronger Runner”
    I will teach you how to lose weight the RIGHT way and keep it off for good…without running a million miles a week!
    Here are a few things that you’ll learn in this in-depth training…

    * Why running more and eating less is not an effective way to lose weight
    * The one thing runners don’t do when trying to lose weight
    * The best fuel to use to improve your endurance and your weight loss
    * The mindset shifts required to make these changes last for life
    * The surprising key to losing weight and keeping it off for good
    * And so much more…

    You will learn how to crush your weight loss goals AND your running goals directly from me – The Weight Loss Coach for Runners.
    If you’re ready to get leaner and stronger, run faster and longer, and become the healthiest, most badass version of yourself, then you need to check out this free training now!

    Fri, 03 May 2024 - 28min
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