Podcasts by Category

We Love Hakka 客家風情

We Love Hakka 客家風情


Sponsored by Hakka Affairs Council, ICRT's "We Love Hakka" program is a window into the fascinating language, food, art and culture of the Hakka. Hakka make up more than 10% of Taiwan's population and boast a proud heritage dating back hundreds of years. The Hakka language and culture has significantly influenced Taiwanese society, so tune in ICRT to explore and learn with "We Love Hakka!" Monday through Friday program is aired 5 times a day during the 7AM, 12PM, 3PM, 5PM and 10PM hours. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

223 - We Love Hakka (Festival: 星際大戰日 Star Wars Day)
0:00 / 0:00
  • 223 - We Love Hakka (Festival: 星際大戰日 Star Wars Day)

    《May the Force be with you》想必很多人對這句台詞不陌生。沒錯!這就是紅遍40年的電影「星際大戰 (Star Wars)」裡最經典的台詞,但你知道這句話為何讓每年的5月4日不只是「國際消防員日 (International Firefighters' Day)」,還是世界各地「星際迷」的「星際大戰紀念日」嗎? 其實是跟英國第一位女性首相柴契爾夫人有關,因為1979年的五月四日是她上任就職的第一天。支持者 (保守黨) 買下整版倫敦晚報的廣告,在裏頭寫道:「願五月四日與你同在,馬姬 (瑪格莉特的暱稱),恭喜! (May the Fourth Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations!)」,因為「May the Force」的發音與「五月四日」(May the fourth)聽起來非常像,而且星際大戰也與鐵娘子一樣,在歷史上寫下無人能超過的傳奇定位,所以「星際迷」們沿用這樣的雙關語,將五月四日這一天訂為星際大戰紀念日,在世界各地舉辦各式各樣的活動慶祝。 利用字音的相似,用諧音雙關的方式象徵寓意,是中華文字有趣特色,其實在臺灣融合豐富、多元的語言文化,除了常見的國語諧音,在客語裡也有一些很有趣的諧音意象。舉例來說:客家人若說你「很ㄎㄧㄤ」不是在罵你很笨,而是誇讚你很棒;又或是形容一個人喜歡忘東忘西是用「電動咧」來形容! 在這一集的客語說世界裡,我們一起來學習和「星際大戰日」一樣具有諧音的客語吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 222 - We Love Hakka (Culture: 客家戲曲劇本創作徵選 Hakka Opera Script Creation Contest)

    為鼓勵戲劇文學或戲曲表演領域人才投入客家戲曲劇本創作,提升客家戲劇文學品質及藝術涵養,客委會接續舉辦「客家戲曲劇本創作徵選 (Hakka Opera Script Creation Contest)」活動,報名只到5月31號,總獎金高達65萬元,歡迎愛好劇本寫作、熱愛客家傳統戲曲的創作者踴躍報名。 The Hakka Affairs Council is hosting the "Hakka Opera Script Creation Contest" to inspire individuals skilled in dramatic literature or opera to write Hakka opera scripts. This event aims to enhance the quality and artistic depth of Hakka theater. The contest is open for entries until May 31st, and offers prizes totaling 650-thousand NT. The Council invites all who are passionate about scriptwriting and cherish Hakka traditional opera to participate in the contest. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 221 - We Love Hakka (Song: 粹垢TRAEGO – 愛仰仔 Aimless)

    客家龐克樂團「粹垢」的團名是客語「可憐」的意思,因為他們看到百姓無力改變不公義的社會現況頗為可憐,就以此為團名。歌曲《愛仰仔》在激情帶嘶吼的歌聲與強烈的吉他、爵士鼓節奏之下唱出在社會上努力打拼、卻仍然被現實打擊的人的心聲,歌詞還提到:他們此時只想獨自安靜,思量要怎樣才能再次找回前方的路。 The name of the Hakka punk band "TRAEGO" translates to "pitiful", reflecting their empathy for the people who feel powerless against societal injustices. Their song "Aimless" combines passionate vocals with intense guitar and drumbeats to voice the struggles of those striving to make a difference but repeatedly knocked down by harsh realities. The lyrics convey a desire for solitude and reflection on finding a way forward. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 220 - We Love Hakka (Phrase: 電影院 movie theater)

    這一集,帶你認識客家單詞「電影院」要如何說?也學學跟「電影院」相關的用語喔! 一起來聽聽ICRT DJ Joseph 以及客語老師-彭月春的趣味教學吧! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
  • 219 - We Love Hakka (Culture: AI主播 AI news anchors)

    在AI技術飛速發展的今天,AI主播已經成為新聞傳播領域的一個創新亮點。客委會為了便利民眾學習客語,在「哈客網路學院(Hakka e-learning center)」新增客語AI主播播報單元,採用AI製圖與影片合成技術,這些AI主播能夠能以多種客語口音播報新聞以及詞彙教學,為觀眾提供全新的新聞觀看體驗。 In today's fast-growing world of AI technology, AI news anchors have emerged as a novel way to deliver news. The Hakka Affairs Council has introduced a unique section at the "Hakka e-learning center" for learning the Hakka language with the help of these AI news anchors. Utilizing cutting-edge technology to generate images and videos, these AI anchors can deliver news and teach vocabulary in several Hakka dialects, giving viewers a fresh and interesting way to watch the news. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Tue, 30 Apr 2024
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