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Yahweh Yahshua Assembly

Yahweh Yahshua Assembly

Pastor Mark Pulley

We are a Hebraic roots ministry that teaches Torah because we are saved thru Yahshua. We are called out of the pagan root church system which is connected to Babylon. Yahshua came to set us free to live according to YHWH'S laws and commandments!

209 - YHWH, commandments, our nation and our children.
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  • 209 - YHWH, commandments, our nation and our children.

    Our nation, our families, our grandchildren and our children are in the condition they are in because of not obeying YHWH'S commandments! That is what the scriptures clearly teach. This is not to condemn but to awaken us to live according to YHWH'S laws and commandments. Our sins and lawlessness is passed down to the third and fourth generation. So our disobeying YHWH has an extreme effect negatively upon our children and grandchildren. We need to take responsibility for this. Our obeying YHWH'S laws and commandments also has a tremendous effect upon not only our lives but our children and grandchildren and our nation as well. YHWH awaken us and call our nation to repentance and to turn back to your laws and Commandments by the power of your name. I pray this teaching blesses you in obeying his Commandments.

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 49min
  • 208 - Hebrew vs Christian Greek perspective of the scriptures!

    The Scriptures were written by Hebrews, to other Hebrews. Even in the NT the writers/Apostles were Hebrew, they were Torah obedient. Pagan Rome is not Torah, feast days, shabbat, clean foods obedient. Rome changed the scriptures to comply to there pagan beliefs and to be anti Hebrew, anti YHWH'S commandments. So you can read the scriptures from a Christian Roman perspective and still not understand what it says. Pray and ask the Father to reveal the scriptures as they were written and to understand this you will need to research everything according to the original Hebrew language. YHWH bless you!

    Sun, 26 May 2024 - 27min
  • 207 - You can't be Torah observant and be a Christian.

    Being a Christian is opposite of being Torah observant or Torah obedient. These are two different beliefs. Being Torah observant is living according to YHWH'S laws and commandments. Being a Christian is following the foundation of Catholicism which is built upon serving sun gods and there pagan practices. Torah observant believers follow YHWH'S Hebrew scriptures, Christianity has added to the scriptures and have taken away from YHWH'S instructions and do there own thing. YHWH commands us to come out of Babylon. You can't be a Torah Christian believer, no such thing. It's either Christianity or YHWH'S laws and commandments.

    Sat, 25 May 2024 - 44min
  • 206 - Becoming Torah Observant, knowing YHWH'S name!

    Becoming Torah observant is a process. It is a work of YHWH'S Spirit. One of the first things one needs to understand in order to become Torah observant is to understand that his Commandments are forever and one of the next things we need to understand is about YHWH'S name. Constantine removed YHWH'S name from the Hebrew scriptures and replace it with L O R D and God. Those are not names they are titles. Lord is a title that means baal, which means Satan. So whenever you call upon the name of the Lord you are calling upon baal not YHWH. When you use the term God you are calling upon a pagan deity named Gad. None of these titles are we to use in referring to the most high YHWH. So I pray this teaching blesses you and helps you to understand that YHWH'S name is forever!

    Sat, 18 May 2024 - 51min
  • 205 - YHWH'S Torah is forever!

    In order to become Torah observant we must receive and embrace that YHWH'S laws and commandments are forever! Yahshua was an Israelite and that makes his body the body of Israel and when we are in him we are the body of Messiah or the body of Israel.

    Sat, 11 May 2024 - 51min
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