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岩彈主音(基督教詩歌)(Christian Poetry)(Paino)(Gospel)

岩彈主音(基督教詩歌)(Christian Poetry)(Paino)(Gospel)

Roy Play Piano For The Lord

終於二歲了。 這是一個用鋼琴 記錄聖靈感動時的地方。 一開始我只有49鍵的MIDI 對我而言,上帝好像開了 一個不可能的玩笑。 想不到這49鍵, 對神而言就夠用了, 這真的是大大的讓驕傲的我謙卑下來。 雖我不知上帝如何使用, 但對神而言,何事、何地 何處、何種資源, 祂全然能用。 我不太會傳福音 但這是我唯一能作的 在彈琴時感受到, 主的恩典夠所有愛他的人用。 聖靈天天喜樂賜下詩歌, 但阿岩肉體卻常常軟弱、 不定時發作品, 請大家見諒. 詩篇98:4 全 地 都 要 向 耶 和 華 歡 樂 . 要 發 起 大 聲 、 歡 呼 歌 頌 。 Let all the earth send out a glad cry to the Lord; sounding with a loud voice, and praising him with songs of joy. 98:5 要 用 琴 歌 頌 耶 和 華 、 用 琴 和 詩 歌 的 聲 音 歌 頌 他 . Make melody to the Lord with instruments of music; with a corded instrument and the voice of song. https://sndn.link/FG 「創作供什一小組 與愛主的弟兄姐妹使用。」 如有任何侵權不妥, 請寫Email告訴我。感謝 royplaypianoforgod@gmail.com -------------------------- "Created for Bread of Life Christian Church in Vietnam, The tithing group in Binh Duong, Vietnam Use with brothers and sisters who love the Lord. " If any infringement or inappropriateness, Please write Email tell to me. royplaypianoforgod@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

191 - 奇異恩典Amazing Grace 2
0:00 / 0:00
  • 191 - 奇異恩典Amazing Grace 2

    奇異恩典Amazing Grace 作者:約翰·牛頓 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見 浩大恩典 使我敬畏 使我心得安慰 初信之時即蒙恩惠 真是何等寶貴 Amazing Grace Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear. And Grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that Grace appear The hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; 'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far and Grace will lead me home. When we've been here ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we've first begun. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Mon, 27 May 2024
  • 190 - 尋回所愛Find My Beloved (慕主音樂) /Mix

    我也不知MIX什麼詩歌,如果有人知道在麻煩告訴我 感謝 **尋回所愛 **Find My Beloved Mix 作詞:呂敏文 作曲:施弘文 北風興起 南風吹來 Awake, North wind. Oh! Come, South wind 良人啊 願你來 Oh! My lover, May you come 我渴望園中 溢出香氣 How I long my garden spill fragrance to 願你心得滿足 satisfy your heart 北風興起 南風吹來 Awake, North wind, O come, South wind 良人啊 求你來 Oh my lover, May you come 因我屬於你 你屬我 For I am yours and you are mine 你是我起初和最後的愛 You're my first and everlasting love 天雖已黑 風雖已大 Dark though the sky, strong though the wind 我聽見良人 在輕聲呼喚我 I hear my lover's gently calling me 只因我轉身而離去 My garden became a wilderness 我的果園荒涼 when I turn away from you 我要起來 尋回所愛 I will arise, look for my love 再與你相遇 在我倆的園中 unite with you in our garden again 我知你仍在 溫柔等著我 I know you still gently wait for me 來獻上成熟的愛 to offer my mature love 源自聖經 雅歌書 From Bible Song of Songs -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Sat, 18 May 2024
  • 189 - 如祢 / Like You

    如祢 / Like You 詞曲 Lyricist & Composer:趙治德 Samuel Chao、璽恩 SiEnVanessa、楊蒨時 Hope Yang 英譯詞 Translator:宋怡萌 Joy Sung 演唱 Vocal:璽恩 SiEnVanessa [Verse1] 站立在祢座前 Standing before Your throne 站立在 祢信實面前 Standing before Your faithfulness 祢雙手領我 走出曠野 You lead me out from the wilderness 看見祢為我所預備 I see what You’ve prepared for me [Chorus] 我要貼近 貼近祢心跳的聲音 I will draw near, draw near to hear Your heartbeat 思緒如祢 步伐如祢 更靠近祢 To think like You, to walk like You, closer to You 活出 像祢 豐盛的生命 To live as You, abundant life 我要領受 祢起初對我的心意 I will receive, your will towards me from the start 我心渴望 榮耀如祢 聖潔如祢 I long to be glorious like you, holy like you 基督 耶穌 我全屬於祢 Jesus Christ, I belong to You [Verse2] 光照在黑暗裡 使臉上帕子都挪去 Light shining in the dark, lifting the veil off from my face 祢話語如鏡 煉淨我心 Your Word’s a mirror, cleansing my heart 榮上加榮 因祢聖靈 Glory to glory by Your Spirit [Bridge] 我心 坦然無懼 敬拜祢 跟隨祢 Boldly, with all of my heart, worship You, follow You 永恆 在祢手裡 我放下 自己 You hold eternity, I lay down my life -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Sun, 05 May 2024
  • 188 - 常常喜樂/讚美之泉

    常常喜樂  詩集:讚美之泉 06 - 全能的創造主,21 曲、詞:盛曉玫 常常喜樂 向主高歌 不論環境如何 高山或低谷主都看顧 相信就能蒙福 常常禱告 耐心等候 主做事有定時 流淚撒種必歡呼收割 相信就有喜樂 下垂的手再一次舉起來 封閉的心再一次敞開 拋開一切憂慮 放下一切重擔 來到主的面前 我喜樂滿懷 冰冷的心被主愛來溫暖 乾涸的靈被主愛充滿 主是我的力量 主是我的高台 死蔭幽谷一路有耶穌陪伴 祂永不離開 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Sat, 13 Apr 2024
  • 187 - 真實的敬拜者 /주를 위한 이곳에 / True worshipper

    **真實的敬拜者 ** 주를 위한 이곳에 詞曲 김준영/임선호 中譯 張漢業 為主來到這地方 주를 위한 이곳에 人們獻上敬拜讚美 예배하는 자들 중에 主卻找不到一個 그가 찾는 이 없어 真實的敬拜者而悲傷 주님께서 슬퍼하시네 因主所尋找的人 주님이 찾으시는 是一個真實敬拜者 그 한 사람 그 예배자 我願成為那一個 내가 그 사람 되길 以心靈誠實敬拜的人 간절히 주께 예배하네 因主恩典 我站在這地方 주 은혜로 이곳에 서 있네 因主同在 向祂俯伏敬拜 주 임재에 엎드려 절하네 世上的一切都不能滿足 그 어느 것도 난 필요 없네 惟有敬拜我的主 주님만 경배해 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    Sat, 06 Apr 2024
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