Podcasts by Category

Aspects of Democracy

Aspects of Democracy

Linköpings universitet

Welcome to the podcast series Aspects of Democracy where we talk about potential key aspects of sustainable democracy. Researchers with experience from democracy research discuss aspects like equity, accountability and public participation - do we need these aspects and how can they help strengthen democracy? The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se.

15 - The public library – a treasure trove of democracy
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  • 15 - The public library – a treasure trove of democracy

    Are literature and culture important to democracy? Is the public library a book storage or a democratic living room - or is it perhaps a flexible resource as well as a room? In this episode of Aspects of Democracy, I meet Johanna Vernqvist, associate professor in comparative literature, and we talk about the role of libraries and reading, partly based on her fascinating research at the library of Löfstad Castle and the women in and behind the book collection. Tune in to hear about poetry, empowerment and age-old leatherbound books! -- The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se. Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay. Photo credit: Anna Nilsen -- Listen to more podcasts from Linkoping University: https://liu.se/en/podcast

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024 - 21min
  • 14 - A stroll at the Agora – local political arenas of today

    All year round, democracy is repeatedly and discreetly upheld in local council meetings. But what happens if these meetings disappear as a physical place? Fredrik Garcia, PhD student in political science, is writing a thesis on city council meetings and shares results on effects that COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing had on local decision-making. This episode touches on big topics such as the birth of democracy and gender differences in floor time in politics, but also mentions the little things such as the upside and woe of starting a PhD with earlier work life experiences. Read the article mentioned in the episode on council meetings during the pandemic. Tune in to hear about the local political arena – or what the ancient Greek might call the Agora – of today! -- The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se. Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay. -- Listen to more podcasts from Linkoping University: https://liu.se/en/podcast

    Wed, 01 May 2024 - 30min
  • 13 - A sustainable planet for sustainable democracy: Who votes for future citizens?

    Podcast anniversary! We celebrate by looking forward into the future. What we decide today and how we live our lives will also affect coming generations. Veronica Brodén Gyberg, associate professor at Linköping university, talks about sustainability and about her research on preconditions for just climate adaptation. The end of the cross-disciplinary project on just transition in Sweden mentioned in the episode was marked by a roundtable, panel and arts exhibition. The exhibition was created together with citizens of the studied places. Another example of Veronica’s engagement in cross-disciplinary work is the research project on sustainable management of Amazon forest which is a collaboration between natural and social scientists to explore win-win solutions for resource utilization and climate mitigation. Join us to hear her reflect on the world we create for future generations! -- The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se. Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay. -- Listen to more podcasts from Linkoping University: https://liu.se/en/podcast

    Mon, 01 Apr 2024 - 25min
  • 12 - Freedom of speech and academic freedom

    In this episode of Aspects of Democracy, Professor Claudia Tazreiter reflects on a fundamental right in modern democracy – freedom of speech. How can we safeguard this right and are there limits where freedom of speech might conflict with other rights? Based on her work in the Scholars at Risk network, an international network for protection of threatened scholars and promotion of academic freedom, she also talks about the importance of freedom to study, research, and teach without facing threats and oppression. Claudia’s research focuses on the impacts of forced and irregular migration on human rights culture, the role of civil society in social change, and gender in migration. She is also currently Swedish representative in the European Advocacy Committee. Tune in to hear her reflect on a key aspect of democracy!  -- The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se. Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay. -- Listen to more podcasts from Linkoping University: https://liu.se/en/podcast

    Fri, 01 Mar 2024 - 16min
  • 11 - Citizenship

    What is the meaning of citizenship and is this kind of “nation-state membership” still relevant in a global world? Dr. Mariana S. Gustafsson, assistant professor in political science joins the podcast to talk about citizenship as a concept and about the individual citizen’s voice, choice and engagement in relation to the state. The poem Helena is spontaneously mistranslating in the episode is Nils Ferlin’s “Si världen är förklarad”. Join us to hear Mariana’s reflections on citizenship! -- The podcast series is brought to you by the political science unit at Linköping University and hosted by Helena Iacobaeus, PhD student in political science. For questions or suggestions on topics, e-mail helena.iacobaeus@liu.se. Intro music credit: ZakharValaha from Pixabay. -- Listen to more podcasts from Linkoping University: https://liu.se/en/podcast

    Thu, 01 Feb 2024 - 24min
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