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Bare by Bani J

Bare by Bani J

Bani J

Never one to shy away from all the things that move her, Bani is finally compiling moments - big and small - to remember, to mark, to share, to dwell in, to revel at and most of all to let you know, in this roller coaster called Life, we are not alone.

6 - The Sixth: Grief, in prose.
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  • 6 - The Sixth: Grief, in prose.

    Back on the 21st of August 2020, this feeling kept me up till about 3am - until I finally got out of bed and started writing ✍🏻 it feels like a love letter now- to the grief I felt- on behalf of my mother. Here you go mom.

    Mon, 22 Aug 2022 - 03min
  • 5 - The Fifth; Realizations.

    Realising some stories will always be left untold on my last trip back to Chandigarh ❤️

    Tue, 23 Nov 2021 - 10min
  • 4 - The Fourth.

    Mumbai, Quarantine Day 4, morning rituals and asking What is it that I need to know?

    Mon, 23 Mar 2020 - 07min
  • 3 - The Third.

    Coming to you from the UK visiting my sister + the family for x’mas! ❄️ Sofia surprises me when she brings up Max, Mom & heaven.

    Wed, 08 Jan 2020 - 03min
  • 2 - The Second

    First Drizzle of 2019 in Mumbai while still shooting for 4MSP cut to - back home in Chandigarh. Missing mom. Realisations aplenty in the silence of a still afternoon back in the house I grew up in.

    Wed, 11 Dec 2019 - 10min
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