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Business Miracles

Business Miracles

Heather Dominick

As Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs and Leaders we possess a unique set of strengths that are coded for you to experience a higher level of success and prosperity. Join Highly Sensitive Leadership Mentor, Heather Dominick, as she teaches you how to work less while making more – of an impact and income – by being willing to see and do things differently; a Business Miracle.

484 - 194 The HSP Business Power of Both/And
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  • 484 - 194 The HSP Business Power of Both/And

    A common cognitive distortion that HSPs fall prey to is all or nothing thinking, which causes you to see the world more negatively than it really is, and is linked to anxiety, depression, and even PTSD. As highly sensitives in business and leadership, it is important to engage in the retraining of your nervous system and develop high functioning skills based on your HSP strengths so you can grow resilience, alleviate anxiety and move forward towards your desires and dreams in spite of any chaos or disruption that is happening around you. All so you are able to walk through and lead the way for yourself, your family and friends, your team, and your clients. In this episode, I talk about the common tendency for highly sensitives to fall into either/or thinking, and how this is often the result of our lifelong experience of feeling othered and misunderstood. I explain that this pattern of thought, that most often is not based on facts, is an opportunity for us to develop high-functioning HSP skills based on our HSP strengths so we can shift into the both/and approach. I share three steps to support you in making this shift and empowering yourself and others to operate from this approach. All so that you can be of highest service not only to yourself, but to others and for the overall betterment of the world.   “It’s very fascinating that the belief transformation tool tends to be kind of like the black sheep of the energy management tools.” – Heather Dominick Listen and Learn: 1:51: What is all-or-nothing thinking 2:20: What is cognitive distortion 3:21: Why is either-or thinking common for HSPs 5:55: How to move from either-or to both-and thinking 7:09: How does the process of metacognition begin 15:19: Tips for using the both-and approach 18:01: What happens when anxiety alleviates   “We tend to favor the Order Form to the Universe, Autowriting and Scripting, and then it’s like, ugh, yeah, that BTT. The BTT sitting over in the corner, sad.” – Heather Dominick   Links and Resources: Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit – Stop the Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.com/ Get your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/194

    Wed, 11 Sep 2024 - 20min
  • 483 - 193 Turn HSP Empathy Into Compassionate Action

    As an HSP in business and leadership, it is important to learn how to first shift from sympathy to empathy, and then from empathy to compassion. To do this we need to actively engage in identifying and experiencing our full range of emotions, and then manage our response to those feelings using nervous system management tools in order to access lightheartedness and flow into hopeful action in spite of. All so we can be of highest service to ourselves, those we serve, and everyone around us. In this episode, I go into depth about the difference between sympathy, empathy, and compassion. I discuss how compassion is where we as highly sensitives in business and leadership are able to make the greatest difference and impact because compassion is the willingness to take action in service to positive change, which is often why we’ve chosen to be in business in the first place. I also share how lightheartedness supports us in being able to make the shift from empathy into compassion and what you can do to access hope and lightheartedness to stay out of the trap of limiting beliefs and HSP shadow behaviors.   “Our nervous system is wired to take in stimulation at a much higher degree, which means we are able to really intuit what another person is thinking, what they’re feeling, what they’re experiencing, and when we’re in a strength perspective, that allows us the ability to understand and share the feelings of that other person.” – Heather Dominick Listen and Learn: 1:45: What is empathy 3:40: What is the difference between sympathy and empathy 4:25: What is compassion 7:53: How to flow into hopeful action “Compassion is more engaged than simple empathy because it involves the willingness to take action.” – Heather Dominick   Links and Resources: Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.com Get your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/193

    Wed, 28 Aug 2024 - 11min
  • 482 - 192 Achieve HSP Financial Peace

    In a time when so many people are operating from fear when it comes to investments and income, it is more important than ever to step forward and show up as leaders in our families, communities, businesses, and organizations. Not through coping, but from empathetic compassion to demonstrate to others how a different way is possible. That you can hold things lightly, care deeply, and act with clarity, even (and especially) with investments and income generation, in order to achieve the financial peace that you desire. In this episode, I discuss the importance of lightheartedness when it comes to your investments and to generating income in your business as a highly sensitive. I share how your nervous system responds to what you feed it, and since we have a higher nervous system response than the other 80%, the non-highly sensitives of the world, the key to our success lies in using both inner and outer core practices to keep our vibe up and access hope over worry. This is our role as a Royal Advisor in these tumultuous times.   “We have control over what we feed our nervous system.” – Heather Dominick Listen and Learn: 2:35: Why people worry 7:22: How to find financial peace 10:50: What to ask yourself when you want to make change in your life 17:26: How to make use of the royal advisor role “The limbic part of the nervous system responds to what we feed it, worry or otherwise. HSPs have higher nervous system response.” – Heather Dominick   Links and Resources: Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.com Get your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/192

    Wed, 14 Aug 2024 - 22min
  • 481 - 191 Business Cost vs. Investment

    In order to truly experience abundance as a highly sensitive leader in business, it’s necessary to heal your money story. Starting first by understanding the difference between cost and investment informed by what you define as valuable to you. From there, considering cost as an amount paid or spent to obtain something and investment as an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile return. Training yourself to see things through the lens of investment, and most importantly challenge socialized concepts of both cost and investment, is what will bring about an experience of financial ease and fulfillment. When you operate your business from this perspective, it will bring about business miracles for you and those you serve that you cannot even begin to perceive. In this episode, I share how my own shift in perception of cost versus investment was the key to changing my relationship with money and my experience with abundance. I go in-depth about the difference between cost and investment and how taking personal responsibility to release negative beliefs about money and to define what you value – not society, your family, friends, or even your religious values – is crucial in bringing about your own shift in perception and therefore change with your story about money.   “Making the mindset shift from cost to investment was key in changing my relationship with money, my money story, and then therefore my experience with abundance.” – Heather Dominick Listen and Learn: 4:56: How to shift your perception 6:25: What does the concept of cost do to highly sensitive people 10:45: How to define investment for highly sensitive people “I choose to define what is a worthwhile result for me.” – Heather Dominick   Links and Resources: Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit: Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.com Get your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/191

    Wed, 31 Jul 2024 - 17min
  • 480 - 190 Expanded Business Mindset

    As an HSP in business and leadership, it’s important to develop an expanded mindset, to be mentally prepared to think beyond what everyone else around you thinks so you can then behave differently than everyone else around you behaves, especially in times of intensity. Developing an expanded mindset is the mental form of going to the physical gym. You don’t go to the gym and take one yoga class or lift one set of weights and expect results. You go back every day until it’s 30 days and then 60 days before you begin to see results. The same goes for developing an expanded mindset. It is a continuous process that requires attention and study to prepare for future moments of challenge and difficulty. It is this mindset that fuels purpose and gives you the courage to stay the course and claim a place among the 20%, as an HSP, who influence betterment for others, whether that be family, friends, coworkers or clients. In this episode I read an excerpt from chapter 4 of my book “Different”, which talks about the importance of developing an expanded mindset as an HSP in business and leadership who is committed to change, growth and evolution. I share the key components necessary to be in continuous consistent practice with challenging your mindset so you can shift your thoughts and beliefs to support you in acting differently, and therefore bringing about a different result. All to help you remain resilient and stay on the path of serving through your purpose-driven business by choosing the way of effortlessness.   “If you are committed to change growth and evolution, then you will dedicate yourself to developing an expanded mindset.” – Heather Dominick Listen and Learn: 2:02: How to intentionally move toward lightheartedness at work 2:13: Why is community important for highly sensitive leaders 7:26: How to achieve an expanded mindset 9:30: Should you challenge your mindset 11:20: How to lead in your business as a highly sensitive person   “It’s important to go beyond only energy management to all the ways you are intentionally challenging your mindset such as what you are listening to, what you are reading, what you are writing, and what you are creating that’s visual.” – Heather Dominick   Links and Resources: Get your copy of Heather’s book DIFFERENT: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution: http://www.differentthebook.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit – Survive to Thrive: http://www.shiftfromsurvivetothrive.com Get your copy of the HSE Training Kit – Stop the Overwhelm: http://www.stoptheoverwhelm.com/ Get your copy of the HSE Assessment and Success Guide: http://www.myhsetype.com Learn more about this episode of Business Miracles at https://www.businessmiracles.com/190

    Wed, 17 Jul 2024 - 14min
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