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Christianityworks with Berni Dymet

Christianityworks with Berni Dymet

Vision Christian Media

With a passion to help you make an instant connection with Jesus Christ – Berni Dymet uses everyday stories that will help you discover God and develop an intimate relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit and a knowledge of the Bible.

313 - You Weren't Meant to be a Slave - 29-30 June 2024
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  • 313 - You Weren't Meant to be a Slave - 29-30 June 2024

    It???s pretty obvious, but let me say it anyway. You and I were not made in order to be slaves. You and I were made in order to be free. So why is it then that so many people are intent on living their lives as slaves these days? Hmm? Why don???t you join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks to take a fresh look at the freedom that God has ready and waiting for you.

    Support the show: https://christianityworks.com/channels/cw/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sat, 29 Jun 2024
  • 312 - Looking at Freedom Differently - 22-23 June 2024

    All too many people start off believing in the free favour of God through Jesus Christ, but ... you know, as time goes on, we end up falling back into our old ways. We end up right back in that old idea that you have to work your way into God???s favour. And what a terrible mistake that is. Why don???t you join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks to take a fresh look at the freedom that God has ready and waiting for you.

    Support the show: https://christianityworks.com/channels/cw/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sat, 22 Jun 2024
  • 311 - A Whole New Take on Freedom - 15-16 June 2024

    A Whole New Take on Freedom

    Support the show: https://christianityworks.com/channels/cw/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sat, 15 Jun 2024
  • 310 - Full On: Surrender, Sacrifice and Worship - 8-9 June 2024

    There???s a description of God???s people that pops up several timed in the Bible. It???s the adjective ???stiff-necked???. An interesting way to describe the stubbornness of God???s people. I???m guessing that it points to their unwillingness to bow down their lives in worship to God. I wonder ??? I wonder if you know anyone like that!! Why don???t you join Berni Dymet this week on Christianityworks as He opens God???s Word to discover Jesus??? solution - to lukewarm Christianity.

    Support the show: https://christianityworks.com/channels/cw/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sat, 08 Jun 2024
  • 309 - Full On: Repentance and Forgiveness - 1-2 June 2024

    As politically incorrect, unpopular and old-fashioned things go, the subject of repentance would have to be right up there near the top of the list. Repentance - what the blazes does it mean anyhow? Who even talks that way anymore these days? Give me a break!! Why don???t you join Berni Dymet this week on Christianityworks as He opens God???s Word to discover Jesus??? solution - to lukewarm Christianity.

    Support the show: https://christianityworks.com/channels/cw/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Sat, 01 Jun 2024
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