Podcasts by Category

Control Your Finances

Control Your Finances

Charles Hunt

Helping you claim control of your finances, one skill at a time!

1 - 001 - Effective Budgeting for Financial Goals
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  • 1 - 001 - Effective Budgeting for Financial Goals

    Learn three simple ways that you can improve your budgeting skills. First, exercise self-awareness towards your income and expenses. Understand your general position in life from a realistic point of view. Second, categorize your expenses. Separate your "needs" from your "wants" to identify what you can sacrifice. Lastly, eliminate your "wants" to increase your net profit. The most practical way of achieving any personal financial goal is to take the after-expenses income (or net profit) and save it until you reach your monetary goal. The more you are willing to sacrifice, the quicker you will achieve your goals! Use these tips wisely and you'll be fine.

    Wed, 18 Mar 2020 - 04min