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Crosstalk America from VCY America

Crosstalk America from VCY America


Reporting news and analyzing issues affecting the world, the Church, and your family from a Biblical perspective. Crosstalk is a live hour-long call in program heard weekdays on over 100 radio stations across America, hosted by Jim Schneider and produced by VCY America

2492 - News Roundup and Comment
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  • 2492 - News Roundup and Comment

    From former President Trump to the Middle East and more, Jim had much to present to listeners from the news desk. Here's a sample from the broadcast-----A jury found former President Trump guilty of 34 counts of business reporting violations claimed by Alvin Bragg, the District Attorney. Jim provided audio from Mr. Trump who is due in Manhattan court for sentencing on July 11th.----Trump's campaign raised 34.8 million dollars after the verdict.----The Biden-Harris campaign released a statement yesterday celebrating the verdict of the jury.----Robert F. Kennedy expects that Trump will be helped by the guilty verdict.----Jim provided audio from Jill Biden on -The View- claiming that it's actually Trump that can't put a sentence together.----Democrats will virtually choose President Joe Biden as their nominee after Ohio lawmakers dragged their feet in changing a state deadline that clashed with the party's convention.----The Israeli Defense Forces reported that a deadly blaze in Rafah, Gaza, may have been caused by a hidden store of Hamas weapons rather than the airstrike itself.----In a major breakthrough, Israel announced that it had regained control over the strategic Philadelphi Corridor cutting off the Gaza-to-Egypt terror tunnels. ----Several -Students for Justice in Palestine- set to travel to Washington, DC, to surround the White House on June 8th.--Jim provided audio of Osama Abuirshaid, the executive director for the American Muslims for Palestine. He spoke at George Washington University where he told listeners that they would take back America just like they'll take back Palestine.----Pro-Hamas rioters set fire on Tuesday to the Israeli embassy.

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 53min
  • 2491 - Reaching Children with the Gospel

    According to the World Population Review, there are approximately 2 billion children in the world ranging in age from 0-14. That's one-quarter of the world's population. --Sadly, children today are in the cross-hairs of efforts like the trans agenda and their admitted grooming and indoctrination. They're also being affected by broadcast and streaming TV, corporate America, social media, the educational system and other efforts.--All of these things magnify the need to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joining Crosstalk to discuss one such effort was Fred Pry, Vice President of Administration for Child Evangelism Fellowship -CEF-.--After sharing some background on CEF, Fred described how a Supreme Court ruling now allows for CEF Good News Clubs to have equal access-equal treatment and take these clubs into the public schools. --The result is that this past school year there have been over 3,000 Good News clubs that have operated with over half a million children involved. This is important because many of these children don't attend church anywhere. --Fred discussed the impact of Satan clubs, CEF summer ministry camps-clubs, how the five-day clubs operate, how you can host a five-day club in your garage or backyard, the incredible worldwide emphasis of CEF and much more.

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 53min
  • 2490 - Defending Children from the Trans Agenda

    Children today are being bombarded by the trans agenda. Some may use terms such as -indoctrination- or -grooming- to describe it and that's exactly what's taking place as an audio clip played by Jim proves. This grooming-indoctrination is happening in multiple ways and the guest on this broadcast describes these influences.--For this subject Crosstalk welcomed Rebecca Terrell. Rebecca is senior editor and regular contributor to the New American. In the current issue of The New American Rebecca is author of the cover story, -Defending Children Against the Trans Agenda.---Rebecca believes that our entire culture and nation is at stake. The upcoming generation of children and teens is being brainwashed and it's not only affecting us morally, it's also affecting the U.S. birth rate which has been in steep decline for many years. This brainwashing is happening to young people through school curriculum, media-entertainment, technology, corporate America, bans on conversion therapy and more.--Get the latest information on this topic, and hear what listeners had to say, when you review this edition of Crosstalk.

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 53min
  • 2489 - A World in Struggle

    We are witnessing a world struggle for domination and control of the population, land, energy and even your health. Right now, the World Health Assembly is meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, to finalize a vote on a pandemic treaty. There's also the struggle among nations as to who will-will not support Israel and the Jewish people. Then there's the current political struggle and the struggle over border control in America. Where is this leading and what might this mean for evangelical Christians-- --Returning to Crosstalk to answer these questions was Gary Kah. Gary is founder and director of Hope for the World. He's editor of Hope for the World Update, an author and former Europe - Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.--Gary began by describing the timeline of the pandemic treaty being discussed by the WHO, a treaty that's been in the making for a few years. It's being backed by the Biden administration. In order to avert any resistance from Congress, they've been referring to this as an accord. That way they can say that the Senate doesn't need to ratify it since it's not really a treaty. --If this treaty passes, the WHO would be given incredible power and it could be used to force what Gary described as -draconian measures- on the population of America when the next health crisis takes place. This means Americans could see restrictions in regard to speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care and informed consent. In other words if passed, the WHO would move from being an advisory body to a global authority as it pertains to public health.

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 53min
  • 2488 - What Meaneth These Stones?

    On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event. The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River. With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them.--We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way. Unfortunately, it's these statues and monuments that are under attack. Why is this happening----To address this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Tim Schmig. Dr. Schmig is executive director of the Michigan Association of Christian Schools, director of Stories in Stone and author of Stories in Stones- Our Heritage of Evidence.--So why is there such a concerted effort to remove statues and monuments today-- Dr. Schmig believes part of it is because people today are looking back through the lens of their own personal experiences, therefore they view our nation's founders based upon what's known as -presentism.- In other words, they weigh the actions and productivity of the founders -and others who've gone on before us- based on what they believe is right today.--As he noted, none of us are perfect, including America's founders. The present day protesters that tear down monuments aren't perfect either. So if you look at our nation through the lens of idealism, we'll be weighed in the balances and found wanting. Yet if you look at America's history based upon the times that they lived in, you'll see that those individuals did some amazing things.

    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 53min
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