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Cornerstone Singapore Audio Podcast

Cornerstone Singapore Audio Podcast

Cornerstone Community Church

Weekly audio sermons from Cornerstone Community Church in Singapore

943 - Honouring Your Father
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  • 943 - Honouring Your Father

    God’s instruction in Ephesians 6 for us to honour our father and mother was the first Scriptural commandment with a promise. It shows the premium He places on our relationships with our parents. But what’s the difference between honour and obedience? Ps. Peter shares from his personal experience in his father-son journey and how the Spirit of Fatherhood can help bring healing to our relationship with our fathers.

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 44min
  • 942 - God’s Intended End

    When God sees something, He has an intended end in mind – He sees the end to the beginning. We’re all works in progress being fashioned as God’s craftsmanship. When we understand the destination, it’s easier to embrace the process. Does it seem that bits of your life are being chipped off? Take heart! God is at work to make you into His masterpiece!

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 39min
  • 941 - A New Era

    It’s a new era, a new dawn! There are significant transitions in the Bible that show the end of one era and the beginning of another. God works in eras and the Church needs to move together with Him into a new wineskin. He wants to pour out new wine, new oil and fresh fire in this divine hour. He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying!

    Tue, 21 May 2024 - 47min
  • 940 - God’s Secret Weapon

    It’s amazing the role and influence mothers have played in the Bible. Consider Hannah and her influence over the prophet Samuel; Manoah’s wife over Samson; or Bathsheba over Solomon. And most of all, Mary’s godly influence over Jesus. Why is this important? Because the issue of gender has always been a divisive matter, even up till the time of Jesus. But the coming of the Holy Spirit was the game changer. If you do not yet know this, mothers, you’re God’s secret weapon!

    Tue, 14 May 2024 - 29min
  • 939 - God’s Divine Directive for Singapore

    In this powerful prophetic declaration over Singapore, Prophetess Emma Stark shares the heart of God and His mandate over our nation from the foundations of this country. He desires ‘Strategy with Compassion’ and for us to partner with His Spirit and compassion that His Kingdom might be further advanced.

    Wed, 08 May 2024 - 48min
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