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Cuba To You

Cuba To You

Cuba To You

Podcast by Cuba To You

6 - Building Bridges with Antwan Gaines
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  • 6 - Building Bridges with Antwan Gaines

    In this podcast episode me and Antwan Gaines discuss the topic of racism, diving deep into the topic from multiple angles and providing a restorative, biblical insight on solutions to the problem!

    Thu, 25 Jun 2020 - 1h 07min
  • 5 - Cubans Need to be Allies

    Cubans Need to be Allies by Cuba To You

    Wed, 03 Jun 2020 - 31min
  • 4 - Arbitrary Sentencing: The Cornerstone of The Cuban Revolution

    In this episode I highlight the history of arbitrary sentencing by the cuban communist regime which began at the onset of the revolution.

    Mon, 23 Mar 2020 - 29min
  • 3 - What's Happening To Jose Daniel Ferrer Is An Outrage

    The Cuban government is unjustly seeking a prisons sentence for an innocent man, and lying about him on media outlets.

    Tue, 03 Mar 2020 - 11min
  • 2 - Cubans And Trump

    In this podcast I discuss the recent events which took place at a Caravana (rally) for Cuba's freedom. I noticed that what was advertised mainly to advocate for freedom in Cuba, also included many pro-Trump elements which I found interesting. I discuss a fight almost breaking out, and the effect Trump has had on the Cuban people!

    Sun, 01 Mar 2020 - 25min