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I Hope This Triggers You

I Hope This Triggers You

QTV: I Hope This Triggers You

QUEER·ious TV presents "I Hope This Triggers You" a podcast dedicated to healing. Heal. Love. Life. Real life experiences by real life queer humans.

2 - Emotion VS Logic
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  • 2 - Emotion VS Logic

    Emotion VS Logic: Separate languages. Ft Cole Lawson 

    @eyeamcolelawson @iamalexanderking

    Wed, 02 Dec 2020 - 25min
  • 1 - Chemistry VS Sexual Attraction

    QTV: Alexander King + Cole Lawson talks triggers. Chemistry VS Sexual you know the difference? @iamalexanderking @eyeamcolelawson @queerioustv

    Wed, 25 Nov 2020 - 24min