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Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Insight for Living Daily Broadcast

Chuck Swindoll - Insight for Living Ministries

Join the millions who listen to the lively messages of Chuck Swindoll, a down-to-earth pastor who communicates God’s truth in understandable and practical terms—with a good dose of humor thrown in. Chuck’s messages help you apply the Bible to your own life.

2288 - A Needed Return to Joyful Generosity, Part 1
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  • 2288 - A Needed Return to Joyful Generosity, Part 1

    The most joyful folks you'll meet are generous people. Generous with their love. Generous with their time. Generous with their possessions. Their giving spirit radiates from within and sparkles in their eyes. "God loves a cheerful giver," wrote Paul (2 Corinthians 9:7)-and so does everyone who knows one! Givers exude joy, along with hospitality, encouragement, and inspiration. In this message, Pastor Chuck Swindoll introduces you to the cheerful givers in the Bible-the Israelites, the members of the early church, and Jesus Himself. You'll see generous people in action, and you'll want to join them!

    Fri, 31 May 2024 - 30min
  • 2287 - Antichrist's Lieutenant: The Beast Out of the Earth, Part 3

    Few things are more painful than falling into deception. And deception is the major weapon in the devil's arsenal throughout the Bible! From Revelation 13:11-18, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how the end-times demonic puppet of the antichrist counterfeits with appealing style, inspiring words, amazing acts, and charismatic leadership before he unleashes torrents of persecution, cruelty, and brutality. Grow in your discernment. Sharpen your spiritual senses to understand what isn't obvious, to tell good from evil, and to stand firm in Christ!

    Thu, 30 May 2024 - 30min
  • 2286 - Antichrist's Lieutenant: The Beast Out of the Earth, Part 2

    Few things are more painful than falling into deception. And deception is the major weapon in the devil's arsenal throughout the Bible! From Revelation 13:11-18, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how the end-times demonic puppet of the antichrist counterfeits with appealing style, inspiring words, amazing acts, and charismatic leadership before he unleashes torrents of persecution, cruelty, and brutality. Grow in your discernment. Sharpen your spiritual senses to understand what isn't obvious, to tell good from evil, and to stand firm in Christ!

    Wed, 29 May 2024 - 30min
  • 2285 - Antichrist's Lieutenant: The Beast Out of the Earth, Part 1

    Few things are more painful than falling into deception. And deception is the major weapon in the devil's arsenal throughout the Bible! From Revelation 13:11-18, Pastor Chuck Swindoll explains how the end-times demonic puppet of the antichrist counterfeits with appealing style, inspiring words, amazing acts, and charismatic leadership before he unleashes torrents of persecution, cruelty, and brutality. Grow in your discernment. Sharpen your spiritual senses to understand what isn't obvious, to tell good from evil, and to stand firm in Christ!

    Tue, 28 May 2024 - 30min
  • 2284 - Antichrist: The Beast Out of the Sea, Part 2

    A deceiver from the moment he appeared in the garden of Eden, the devil is in full stride as John sees a vision of "the dragon" empowering the antichrist in Revelation 13:1-10. Bursting with fraudulent power and hungry for human worship, he blasphemes the true God. Listen as Pastor Chuck Swindoll journeys into the future to a time when the masses openly worship the beast! Understand how deception takes root and how easily darkness can masquerade as light. Root yourself in this truth: God controls the future and believers belong to Him!

    Mon, 27 May 2024 - 30min
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