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Jewish History Soundbites

Jewish History Soundbites

Yehuda Geberer

Listen to noted Tour Guide, Lecturer and Yad Vashem Researcher of Jewish History Yehuda Geberer bring the world of pre-war Eastern Europe alive. Join in to meet the great personages, institutions and episodes of a riveting past. For speaking engagements or tours in Israel or Eastern Europe

429 - Polish Patriotism & Rav Dov Ber Meizlish
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  • 429 - Polish Patriotism & Rav Dov Ber Meizlish

    Following the partitions of Poland at the end of the 18th century, there were several attempts of the Polish people to revolt against Czarist Russia or Austria during the 19th century. An interesting component of this story is the Polish patriotic position adopted by one of the most prominent Polish rabbis of the 19th century, Rav Dov Ber Meizlish (1798-1870). As a wealthy businessman and learned scholar, Rav Meizlish emerged as a public activist and leading spokesman on behalf of the Jewish community, successively serving in the rabbinate of the two largest and most prominent communities in all of Poland – Krakow & Warsaw. Following a contentious tenure at the helm of the Krakow rabbinate in which his leadership wasn’t accepted by the entire community, and where he served as a Jewish representative in the Austrian parliament, he was appointed chief rabbi of Warsaw in 1857. During the 1863 Polish revolt against Czarist Russia, he took a prominent and public position in support of Polish independence. Following his passing in 1870 he was remembered not only by the Jewish community, but across Poland as an ardent patriot.   Cross River, a leading financial institution committed to supporting its communities, is proud to sponsor Jewish History Soundbites. As a trusted partner for individuals and businesses, Cross River understands the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage. By sponsoring this podcast, they demonstrate their unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of the communities in which they serve. Visit Cross River at   Subscribe to Jewish History Soundbites Podcast on: PodBean: or your favorite podcast platform Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites For sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history or feedback contact Yehuda at:

    Mon, 09 Sep 2024 - 43min
  • 428 - The 1837 Tzfas Earthquake

    On January 1, 1837, a devastating earthquake hit the upper Galilee and southern Lebanon, destroying towns, villages, property and roads, disrupting commerce and claiming the lives of thousands of victims. The ancient and mystical city of Tzfas was essentially destroyed at the epicenter of the earthquake’s damage, with most of its citizens killed, and the remainder being rendered homeless and penniless in the wake of this natural disaster. The traumatic event left a decisive impact on the trajectory of the Old Yishuv, with the wider social, economic and religious ramifications of this displacement being felt for decades. The rise of Yerushalayim with the downfall of Tzfas, messianic tension and subsequent disappointment, the funding apparatus of the Old Yishuv, and many other elements of Jewish life, would be heavily influenced by this one natural disaster which changed the Jewish history of the Holy Land.   Cross River, a leading financial institution committed to supporting its communities, is proud to sponsor Jewish History Soundbites. As a trusted partner for individuals and businesses, Cross River understands the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage. By sponsoring this podcast, they demonstrate their unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of the communities in which they serve. Visit Cross River at   Subscribe to Jewish History Soundbites Podcast on: PodBean: or your favorite podcast platform Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites For sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history or feedback contact Yehuda at:

    Sun, 25 Aug 2024 - 37min
  • 427 - The Death Marches

    Towards the end of 1944, as it became clear to the senior officers of the Nazi SS that the war was lost, they decided to evacuate the many concentration camps which held several hundred thousand inmates, and which stood in the path of the rapidly advancing Red Army. Himmler and his SS didn’t want to leave living witnesses to be liberated by the Allied armies, and they also wished to utilize the slave labor of concentration camp inmates in the remaining war industry in Germany for the duration of the war. During the winter of 1944-45, a mass evacuation of nearly a half a million prisoners commenced from large concentration camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthof and Gross-Rosen, along with many smaller camps, began under horrid conditions. Starved, diseased, freezing weather, lack of preparation for the journey, and constant shootings of those who lagged behind, made these death marches a murderous journey, in which tens of thousands were killed or died along the way. As trains were often unavailable, the bulk of these death marches took place on foot. This last deadly phase of the Holocaust was a tragic ending for many victims, and a traumatic memory for the few survivors.    Cross River, a leading financial institution committed to supporting its communities, is proud to sponsor Jewish History Soundbites. As a trusted partner for individuals and businesses, Cross River understands the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage. By sponsoring this podcast, they demonstrate their unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of the communities in which they serve. Visit Cross River at   Subscribe to Jewish History Soundbites Podcast on: PodBean: or your favorite podcast platform Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites For sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history or feedback contact Yehuda at:

    Thu, 08 Aug 2024 - 47min
  • 426 - The Tzadik of Shtefanesht

    Rav Avraham Matisyahu Friedman of Shtefanesht (1849-1933) was a grandson of Rav Yisrael Friedman of Ruzhin, leader of the Shtefanesht Chassidic dynasty for 65 years, and one of the most important rabbinical figures in Romanian Jewry during his lifetime. Though mysterious in his silent ways, he held sway over thousands who sought his advice and blessing, influencing the wider community well beyond the confines of his Chassidic followers. Upon his passing away childless in 1933, the Shtefanesht dynasty came to an end. But following his reburial in Israel in 1969, a resurgence of interest into his life story and the miraculous power of his prayer and blessing attributed to him, leaves a lasting legacy which only continues to grow with time.   Cross River, a leading financial institution committed to supporting its communities, is proud to sponsor Jewish History Soundbites. As a trusted partner for individuals and businesses, Cross River understands the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage. By sponsoring this podcast, they demonstrate their unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of the communities in which they serve. Visit Cross River at   Subscribe to Jewish History Soundbites Podcast on: PodBean: or your favorite podcast platform Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites For sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history or feedback contact Yehuda at:

    Mon, 29 Jul 2024 - 51min
  • 425 - Haskala in 19th Century Imperial Russia Part II

    The Jewish enlightenment movement – known as the Haskala, endeavored to implement changes within the Jewish communal structure in the modern era. Though the haskala in its many manifestations existed in many countries in the modern era, this episode will focus on the haskala in 19th century Czarist Russia. Throughout the 19th century, the haskala grew into somewhat of a movement, and promulgated initiatives to integrate Russian Jewry into surrounding society, through changes in communal infrastructure, education, economy, rabbinate and culture. Often working with the governmental authorities, the haskala faced much opposition from the traditional establishment. The story of the haskala, its limited impact, the response of the traditional community and the legacy of the haskala, reverberates down to this very day.   Cross River, a leading financial institution committed to supporting its communities, is proud to sponsor Jewish History Soundbites. As a trusted partner for individuals and businesses, Cross River understands the importance of preserving and celebrating our heritage. By sponsoring this podcast, they demonstrate their unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of the communities in which they serve. Visit Cross River at   Subscribe to Jewish History Soundbites Podcast on: PodBean: or your favorite podcast platform Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram at @Jsoundbites For sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history or feedback contact Yehuda at:

    Tue, 16 Jul 2024 - 43min
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