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The purpose of this podcast is to entertain us, make us laugh and relax while learning the English language. It is a little twist; a deviation from the normal conventional way of teaching the English language. We will be learning the correct usage of English grammar, words, spellings and punctuations only that the language of communication will be Pidgin English also called Broken English in Nigeria.
Pattern 9 is the last pattern used in forming a basic simple sentence. This pattern has 4 parts: Subject, Predicator, Direct Object, and Adverbial. In the previous episodes, subject, predicator, and direct object have been explained. In this episode, the adverbial is explained. The adverbial is an adverb and its function is to qualify a noun. Example of pattern 9 sentences: I placed the food on the dining table. "I" is the subject; "placed" is the predicator; "the food" is the direct object, and "on the dining table" is the adverbial. TAKE AWAY: ALWAYS CELEBRATE YOUR VICTORIES — BIG OR SMALL
Sat, 08 May 2021 - 04min - 28 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES (PATTERN 8)
Pattern 8 of the basic simple sentences has 4 parts: Subject, predicator, direct object, and adjectival object complement. The adjectival object complement is realised with adjectives, and adjectival phrases. This complement describes the direct object which could be a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. EXAMPLE: The news made us happy. The news (SUBJECT) made (PREDICATOR) us (DIRECT OBJECT) happy (ADJ OBJECT COMPLEMENT). TAKE AWAY: We attract to our lives what we say with our mouths.
Fri, 02 Apr 2021 - 02min - 27 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES (PATTERN 7)
Pattern 7 of the basic simple sentences has 4 parts: Subject, predicator, direct object, and nominal object complement. The nominal object complement is realised with nouns, nouns phrases, and pronouns. This complement gives us extra information about the direct object. What the direct object does is to receive the action performed by the subject and the object complement then gives us more information about the direct object. EXAMPLES: A) Nigerians appointed Buhari the president. Nigerians (SUBJECT) appointed (PREDICATOR) Buhari (DIRECT OBJECT) the president (NOM OBJECT COMPLEMENT) B) He painted his room white He (SUBJECT) painted (PREDICATOR) his room (DIRECT OBJECT) white (NOM OBJECT COMPLEMENT) TAKEAWAY: MAINTAIN YOUR JOY IN ALL SITUATIONS.
Sat, 27 Mar 2021 - 03min - 26 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES (PATTERN 6)
The 6th pattern for forming the basic simple sentences has 3 parts: subject, predicator, and adverbial. The subject performs the action of the sentence. The predicator is the verb and in this pattern; it is a linking verb which links the adverbial to the sentence. The adverbial performs the function of the adverb which to supply various information about the place, time, manner of an action. The adverb, adverbial phrase, noun, noun phrase, and prepositional phrase also perform the function of an adverbial in this pattern. 1. I slept there: "there" is the adverbial. 2. I slept in the coolest room: "in the coolest room" is a prepositional phrase functioning as an adverbial. 3. I danced yesterday: "yesterday" is a noun functioning as an adverbial 4. I danced all night: "all night" is a noun phrase functioning as an adverbial. "There" and "in the coolest room" show adverb of place. "Yesterday" and "all night" show adverb of time. TAKE AWAY: It always seems impossible until it’s done. ---Nelson Mandela
Sat, 06 Mar 2021 - 04min - 25 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES PATTERN 5
Pattern four and five are the same: SUBJECT–PREDICATOR–COMPLEMENT. The difference is that the complement in pattern four is nominal complement: He is my teacher. "My teacher" is a noun phrase. While the complement in pattern five is an adjectival complement: He is huge. "Huge" is an adjective. TAKE AWAY: Being aware of your fear is smart. Overcoming it is the mark of a successful person.
Sat, 20 Feb 2021 - 02min - 24 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES-PATTERN 4
The 4th pattern for forming basic simple sentences is the SUBJECT-VERB-NOMINAL SUBJECT COMPLEMENT. We already established what the subject and verb are in previous episodes. So today, we are focusing on the subject complement. The nominal subject complement renames the subject. It tells us who the subject is. It is realised with nouns, nouns phrases, or pronouns just like the subject and object. The verb in this pattern is a linking verb and not an action verb because no action is being transferred. I am an English language tutor. The boys are students. The winner is I/me(The winner is me is used more in informal context.) English language tutor, students and I/me are all telling us about the subjects I, the boys, and the winner respectively. TAKE AWAY: I am a glutton for tranquility.––– Wole Soyinka.
Sat, 06 Feb 2021 - 03min - 23 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES: PATTERN 3
This pattern has 4 parts: subject, predicator, indirect object, and the direct object. The subject, direct object, and indirect objects are all realised with nouns and pronouns, noun phrases. 1. He gave her a ring. 2. David gave Kemi a ring. 3. The gentleman gave the lady a ring. Analysing the first example: The subject HE performs the action. The predicator GAVE is the action being performed. The HER is the indirect object. The A RING is the direct object receiving the action performed by the subject. The function of the indirect object is to receive the direct object and it is found in-between the predicator and the direct object. It can also be found at the end of the direct object (A RING) but it must be preceded by a preposition: He gave a ring to her. TAKE AWAY: One of the truest tests for integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised. ––– Chinua Achebe
Sat, 23 Jan 2021 - 04min - 22 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES: PATTERN 2
The second pattern in forming the basic simple sentences is the SUBJECT-PREDICATOR-DIRECT OBJECT pattern. The subject performs the action. The predicator must be a transitive verb and its function is to transfer action from the subject to the direct object. The direct object is the receiver of the action being performed by the subject. The words we use to realise the subject and direct objects are: nouns, pronouns and noun phrases. 1. Sola slapped Seun. 2. She slapped her. 3. The lady slapped the girl. TAKE AWAY: We don't learn and do, we learn by doing. ––– Courtesy of Oluwatoni Ajewole.
Sat, 16 Jan 2021 - 02min - 21 - BASIC SIMPLE SENTENCES (PATTERN 1)
The first pattern in forming the basic simple sentences is the SUBJECT-PREDICATOR pattern. This pattern is foundational to any sentence formation. The subject is the first word in any sentence and it is the part of the sentence performing the action in the sentence. It is derived with words from the word classes of nouns, pronouns and noun phrases. The predicator comes after the subject and it is the word showing the action being performed by the subject. It is derived with words from the word classes of verbs and verb phrases. Examples are: I(pronoun) smiled; Oladoyin(noun) smiled; The lady(noun phrase) smiled; She was smiling. "Smiled" in the examples is a verb while "was smiling" is a verb phrase. TAKE AWAY: Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. ––– Albert Einstein.
Sat, 09 Jan 2021 - 03min - 20 - MUCH AND MANY (Adjectives of quantity)
Adjectives of quantity describes the largeness of nouns. Much and Many are adjectives of quantity that describes the indefinite largeness of nouns. MUCH is used with uncountable nouns and with interrogative and negative sentences. EXAMPLES: How much money do you have? There hasn't been much rain this year. MANY is used with countable nouns and with interrogative, affirmative and negative sentences. EXAMPLES: How many books are on that table? He has many friends in school. I don't have many shoes. TAKEAWAY:- Intelligence plus character that is the true goal of education --- Martin Luther King Jr.
Giving negative response to 'Do you mind' questions means that you are okay with the question be asked. You can answer this question with No, I don't, No, go ahead. TAKE AWAY:- "If you have no enemies, you have no character. Taking a stand always creates opposition." Paul Newman
Giving positive response to 'Do You Mind' questions means that you have a problem with the question asked and you do not agree with it. TAKE AWAY:- "What could be better than to hold out your hand to people less fortunate than you are?" PAUL Newman
Sat, 21 Nov 2020 - 04min - 17 - ASKING QUESTIONS WITH DO YOU MIND... PART 2
Do you mind if + VERB is used to ask someone if they object to something you are asking: Do you mind if I excuse myself? Do you mind if I ask your mum? Also we don't need to add another "YOU" to "Do you mind" questions like this: Do you mind "you" sitting elsewhere? Do you mind if "you" sit elsewhere? TAKE AWAY:- "If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great." ––– Tom Hanks.
Fri, 09 Oct 2020 - 03min - 16 - ASKING QUESTIONS WITH "DO YOU MIND..." (PART 1)
HAPPY 60TH INDEPENDENCE DAY NIGERIA. 'Do You Mind...' means 'do you have any problem with or does it bother you.' We ask questions with 'Do You Mind...' when: 1. we want to ask someone to do something for us: Do you mind shutting the door? Do you mind helping me in the kitchen? 2. we want to ask permission to do something: Do you mind me shutting the door? 3. we want to ask permission for a third person to do something for us: Do you mind Stella helping me out in the kitchen? TAKE AWAY:- "Someday. That's a dangerous word. It's just a code for 'never.'" ––– Tom Cruise
Fri, 02 Oct 2020 - 04min - 15 - RULES 100:SUBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE CASE RULES (RULE 105)
Rule 5 is the last rule of the subjective and objective case rules. Rule 5 says that, "when citing instances, the introduces we use determines the case. If the introducer is LIKE, the pronoun that will be used after it will be the objective case but if SUCH AS is the introducer then the pronoun that will be used after it will be subjective case of the personal pronoun. Examples:- Beautiful ladies like us (not we) are smart. Responsible men such as he (not him) should be encouraged. TAKE AWAY:- Weak people take revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore. –––Albert Einstein.
Fri, 18 Sep 2020 - 03min - 14 - RULES 100: SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE CASE RULES (RULE 104)
Rule 4 says that,"when a question is asked with a verb of performance(main verb), we reply with a subject pronoun but when the verb is not a performance verb, we reply with an object pronoun. Who is knocking at the door? It is I. Who is at the door? It is me. TAKE AWAY:- Patience is the strength of the weak. Impatience is the weakness of the strong. –––Immanuel Kant
Wed, 09 Sep 2020 - 02min - 13 - RULE 100: SUBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE CASE RULES(RULE 103).
This episode talks about the third rule of the subjective and objective case rules which says, "When comparing, we use the subjective case of the personal pronouns at the object position." Arsenal seems stronger than they(are). My sister cooks better than I (cook). "Are" and "Cook", which are in brackets, in the two sentences have been omitted and this omission is called Ellipisis. TAKE AWAY: "Be a free thinker and don't accept everything you hear as truth. Be critical and evaluate what you believe in." –––Aristotle.
Wed, 02 Sep 2020 - 03min - 12 - RULES 100: SUBJECTIVE/OBJECTIVE CASE RULES (RULES 102)
RULE 102: The second rule of the Subjective and Onjective Case Rules says,"When a prepostion is used in a sentence, the object case of a personal pronoun should be used after it." The apple was given to me. Please, share this money among Tade, me and them. TAKE AWAY: "If we only wanted to be happy, it would be easy; but we want to be happier than other people, and that is almost always difficult since we think them happier than they are." –––Bason de Montesquieu
Wed, 26 Aug 2020 - 04min - 11 - RULES 1OO: SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE CASE RULES (RULE 101)
This episode is about the first rule of subjective objective case rules which states that: When a third or second person, is used with the pronoun 'I/me', the second or third person should come first before 'I.' This rule is called THE RULE OF SELFLESSNESS. EXAMPLES: Jide and I are brothers. You and I have been called for the job interview. The man gave Jide and me some money. TAKE AWAY: What is thinkable, is also possible.
This episode talks about pronoun and the personal pronoun. The pronoun is used to replace the a noun in order to avoid unnecessary repetition of the noun and boredom while reading. The personal pronoun is a type of pronoun that points to people directly. They are the: first person( I/ME, WE/US), second person(YOU), and third person(HE/HIM, SHE/HER, IT/IT, THEY/THEM). TAKEAWAY: "A joyful life is an individual creation that can not be copied from a recipe." ––– Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Wed, 12 Aug 2020 - 05min - 9 - TELEPHONE NUMBERS
In this episode, Oladoyin consciously goes back to make a correction on one of the previous episodes of LEARN ENGLISH IN PIDGIN: Letter O and Number Zero. She gives a shout out to Woliagba and Sammytutors for their contribution to this episode. Take Away: "It takes guts and humility to admit mistakes. Admitting we're wrong is courage, not weakness." ---Roy T Bennett
Wed, 05 Aug 2020 - 03min - 8 - I CAN, WE CAN.
Oladoyin draws you into her mind to see what she feels and she shares her resolve not to give up. Background song: Fountain by Judikay.
Wed, 29 Jul 2020 - 19min - 7 - I or ME (PART 2)
Me is an object pronoun and it is used at the end of a sentence: The food is for me. It is also joined with a noun at the object position: The food is for Shola and me. Take Away: "One day, people who didn't believe in you will tell everyone how they met you." ––– Johnny Depp
Wed, 22 Jul 2020 - 05min - 6 - I or ME(PART 1)
"I and ME" are both first person singular pronouns. "I" is a subject singular pronoun used to begin a sentence: I am leaving for Lagos today. Also, when referring to ourselves with someone else in the subject position, we make use of "I" and not "me": Okoro and I are going to the river. TAKEAWAY: " Mirror becomes a razor when it's broken. A stick becomes a flute when it's loved." --- Yoko Ono
Wed, 15 Jul 2020 - 04min - 5 - THIS and THESE
THIS and THESE should not be pronounced the same way. They both have different vowel sounds. THIS has the short vowel /I/ while THESE has the long vowel /I:/. THIS is a singular demonstrative pronoun; it points to just one thing: This is my brother. THESE is a plural demonstrative pronoun; it points to two or more things: These are my brothers. TAKEAWAY: "If you're that depressed, reach out to someone. And remember, suicide is a permanent solution, to a temporary problem." ---Robin Williams
Wed, 08 Jul 2020 - 02min - 4 - HIS and IS
HIS AND IS HIS and IS both have the same pronunciation but they belong to different parts of speech. HIS is a pronoun: a possessive pronoun. Example: His book. IS is an auxiliary verb; auxiliary verb sometimes serve as a main verb in a sentence i.e. it can stand alone in a sentence. Example: It is mine. Take away: Great things have small beginnings. ---Francis Drake
Wed, 01 Jul 2020 - 03min - 3 - MISUSED: IT'S and ITS.
IT'S is the contraction of IT IS and IT HAS: •It's raining(It is raining.) •It's been raining(It has been raining.) ITS is a possessive pronoun used to show ownership(possession): Bingo wagged its tail. ITS shows that the tail belongs to Bingo. A contraction is a word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe. A pronoun is used to replace a noun in a sentence. Possessive pronouns are used to show ownership.(hers, his, theirs, yours, its) TAKE AWAY: " Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ---Andy Warhol
Wed, 24 Jun 2020 - 04min - 2 - MISUSED: LETTER O AND NUMBER ZERO
This episode is about the misuse of the letter O and the number 0(Zero). Though they look similar in writing, they are very different in their pronunciation, and in their uses. The letter O is mistakenly used when we call out our phone numbers to others. This is actually wrong; we are meant to use the figure or number 0 when we call out our numbers. Quote(Takeaway): "Education is what remains after we have forgotten what we have learned in school." ---Albert Einstein
Wed, 17 Jun 2020 - 03min - 1 - MISUSED
Misused is all about English words that are used wrongly in conversations. These words are words that sound similar but are spelt differently. This episode is about the misuse of I'M and AM. "I'm" is the contracted form of "I am": I am going to the market. "Am" is an helping verb. It supports other verbs (action verbs) in a sentence. Also, "am" is a state of being verb. It tells you who a person is: I am an English teacher and also tells you what a person is doing: I am eating.
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 - 04min
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