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Mainstream Mental Health

Mainstream Mental Health

MHNR Network, LLC

Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio ( covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals. In addition, Dr. John Huber is a professor and teaches undergraduate and graduate psychology at Texas State University.

181 - Lifetime Lockdown? 40% Of Americans Will Avoid Public Spaces Long After Coronavirus Pandemic Ends
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  • 181 - Lifetime Lockdown? 40% Of Americans Will Avoid Public Spaces Long After Coronavirus Pandemic Ends

    Lifetime Lockdown? 40% Of Americans Will Avoid Public Spaces Long After Coronavirus Pandemic Ends

    Here’s hoping you enjoyed the last movie or concert you attended, because if the results of a new survey are accurate, it may be a long, long time before such events are ever popular again. According to the research, 40% of Americans plan to avoid public spaces unless “absolutely necessary” long after the coronavirus pandemic has subsided.

    The survey, commissioned by Vital Vio, asked 1,000 U.S. adults about how they envision every day life in the wake of the coronavirus. All in all, it looks like there are suddenly a whole lot more germaphobes in the land of the free. Over four in five (82%) said they are now more aware of, and concerned about, cleaning protocols in public areas. Additionally, 58% are more suspicious about their friends’ and family’s hygiene habits. Next year’s Thanksgiving could get interesting.

    Even among those who said they will return to public spaces eventually, it isn’t going to happen immediately. A third will wait a few weeks, and 26% will wait one or two months. Some respondents (16%) went so far as to say that they’re unsure if they’ll ever feel comfortable out in public again.

    Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio (featured on the Mental Health News Radio network) covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Dr. John Huber
    Texas Based - Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist

    Kristin Sunanta Walker is CEO or everythingEHR and the MHNR Network.
    Kristin has been working within the health care field for more than two decades. She started out in medical billing for an Urgent Care center in Southern California. Kristin is also the host of Mental Health News Radio. She has interviewed leaders in the behavioral health community such as CEO’s of technology companies, counselors, best-selling authors, and global experts in the field of Behavioral Health. Her show is downloaded in over 171 countries and continues its reach with inspiring guests from every corner of the world.

    Tue, 21 Apr 2020
  • 180 - Mental Health Perspectives: How to cope with quarantine fatigue

    How to cope with quarantine fatigue

    In March, social distancing restrictions took effect across the U.S., and stay-home messages filled my social media feed. I saw lots of appeals to flatten the curve, charts showing how to stop the spread and photos of fun family activities.

    But, we’re two months into lockdown now. The weather is getting nicer, and we’re tired of staying home.


    Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio (featured on the Mental Health News Radio network) covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Dr. John Huber
    Texas Based - Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist

    Kristin Sunanta Walker is CEO or everythingEHR and the MHNR Network.
    Kristin has been working within the health care field for more than two decades. She started out in medical billing for an Urgent Care center in Southern California. Kristin is also the host of Mental Health News Radio. She has interviewed leaders in the behavioral health community such as CEO’s of technology companies, counselors, best-selling authors, and global experts in the field of Behavioral Health. Her show is downloaded in over 171 countries and continues its reach with inspiring guests from every corner of the world.

    Sun, 12 Apr 2020
  • 179 - Mental Health Perspectives: Will Suicides Increase If The Pandemic Continues Longer Than Expected?

    Trump Says There Will Be 'Suicides By The Thousands' If The US Coronavirus Shutdown Continues

    President Donald Trump said Tuesday that there will be "suicides by the thousands" if entire sectors of the US economy remain shutdown in an effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus that threatens to overwhelm hospitals.


    Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio (featured on the Mental Health News Radio network) covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Dr. John Huber
    Texas Based - Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist

    Kristin Sunanta Walker is CEO or everythingEHR and the MHNR Network.
    Kristin has been working within the health care field for more than two decades. She started out in medical billing for an Urgent Care center in Southern California. Kristin is also the host of Mental Health News Radio. She has interviewed leaders in the behavioral health community such as CEO’s of technology companies, counselors, best-selling authors, and global experts in the field of Behavioral Health. Her show is downloaded in over 171 countries and continues its reach with inspiring guests from every corner of the world.

    Fri, 03 Apr 2020
  • 178 - Mental Health Perspectives: How To Protect Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus Pandemic

    How To Protect Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus Pandemic

    As news about the coronavirus outbreak continues to dominate the headlines and millions of people—in the U.S. and the world over—are being asked to self-quarantine, it has become increasingly significant to pay as much attention to our mental health as we do to our physical health.

    Sample Questions

    What are some of the ways that people can reduce their fear during the coronavirus pandemic?

    What are the short and long psychological effects of people having much less interaction with each other due to "social distancing"?

    What do you think are some of the mental health challenges that a person who is quarantined (on a cruise ship now for example) faces?

    Do you think that it is important for your mental well being to experience nature and different outdoor environments?

    Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio (featured on the Mental Health News Radio network) covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Dr. John Huber
    Texas Based - Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Kristin Walker
    Kristin Sunanta Walker is CEO or everythingEHR and the MHNR Network.
    Kristin has been working within the health care field for more than two decades. She started out in medical billing for an Urgent Care center in Southern California. Kristin is also the host of Mental Health News Radio. She has interviewed leaders in the behavioral health community such as CEO’s of technology companies, counselors, best-selling authors, and global experts in the field of Behavioral Health. Her show is downloaded in over 171 countries and continues its reach with inspiring guests from every corner of the world.

    Sun, 08 Mar 2020
  • 177 - The Psychology of Working Remotely

    Teresa Douglas who was recently featured on CNN Business, Forbes, Fortune and more (see links below) on the topic of Working Remotely

    As the Coronavirus spreads, and employees are suddenly forced to work from home, I wanted to introduce you to Teresa Douglas, author of a new book, Working Remotely.

    This respected workplace expert is available to offer essential strategies on how to successfully Work from Home – which is proving to be a challenge for many given that technology doesn’t always work and children sometimes get in the way of being productive.

    Douglas discusses:

    Your Workspace: Tools to Effectively Get the Job Done
    Getting what you need from Colleagues spread across the World
    Coronavirus Stress: Work / Life Wellness
    Physical & Mental Health Strategies
    Warding off toxic levels of loneliness / depression

    Hosted by Dr. John Huber, Mainstream Mental Health Radio (featured on the Mental Health News Radio network) covers today’s top headlines pertaining to psychology. The program also offers insight and advice on how individuals can bring about lasting positive changes in their lives. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    About Dr. John Huber
    Texas Based - Dr. John Huber ( is the Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, a non-profit organization that brings lasting and positive change to the lives of individuals that suffer from mental health issues. A mental health professional for over twenty years, Dr. Huber is a Clinical Forensic Psychologist, and he is a practitioner with privileges at two long term acute care hospitals.

    Sat, 14 Mar 2020
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