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Manifest With The Chakras

Manifest With The Chakras

Supriya Prasad

Welcome to "Manifest With The Chakras," where we dive deep into the energy centers within your body also known as chakras (chuck-rahs). Join me as we explore the practical ways in which you can harness the power of the seven fundamental chakras - Root (Muladhara), Sacral (Svadisthana), Solar Plexus (Manipura), Heart (Anahata), Throat (vishuddha), Third Eye (Ajna), and crown (Sahasrara) - to manifest your desired reality. While Western teachings often focus on the seven main chakras, we'll also dive deep into the expanded understanding of the ancient Vedic and Upanishad texts, which discuss the 150+ chakras in the body. Each chakra represents a distinct energy within you, influencing different aspects of your life. This podcast will guide you in identifying and clearing blockages within your chakras, allowing you to create or switch the energy necessary to manifest the life you imagine. From understanding how each chakra relates to various facets of your life to practical techniques for balancing and energizing them, "Manifest With The Chakras" is your comprehensive guide to awakening and aligning your energy centers for manifesting abundance, joy, and fulfillment. Tune in to discover how to navigate the intricate web of your chakras and manifest your best life!

8 - Ep. 8 - How Core Transformation Heals the Sacral and Root Chakras w/Alina Nikishina
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  • 8 - Ep. 8 - How Core Transformation Heals the Sacral and Root Chakras w/Alina Nikishina

    On this episode of Manifest With The Chakras, my guest, Alina Nikishina, transformation coach and mentor, and I will discuss Core Transformation and how it works with your root and sacral chakras.  I speak about my Core Transformation session where I get to the root cause of scrolling endlessly before bedtime and we talk about how deep these habits go! Alina specializes in subconscious change and helps conscious leaders and creative souls transform self-sabotage, fear, and inner criticism into impact, success, and well-being. Part of what makes her work unique is a method called Core Transformation, which we'll get into today.  This gentle process allows us to work with different "parts" of ourselves stuck in unwanted behavior patterns and create profound inner change without having to struggle or rely on willpower.  Alina's Contact Info: LinkedIn:  Facebook: More about Supriya:  Check out my free course, Switch The Energy of Your Business:  Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how you can unblock your chakras in your business or life:  Let’s connect!Facebook:

    Mon, 29 Jul 2024
  • 7 - Ep. 7 - Why The Throat and Heart Chakras Are Important for Entreprenuers w/Emily Aarons!

    On today's episode, we discuss why the throat and heart chakras are essential for entrepreneurs with guest Emily Aarons, CEO, Leading Educator, Business Alignment Coach, and Energy Healer.  Emily Aarons is a leading educator to spiritual entrepreneurs, a renowned energy healer, and a business coach. With over two decades of experience blending spirituality and business, Emily’s mission is to help outstanding practitioners build a successful and sustainable business. Her dedication to excellence sets the gold standard for the healing and coaching industry, which sees business as a spiritual practice.  Connect with Emily!  Website:    Email:  Connect with Supriya!  If you want to learn more, check out my free course, Switch The Energy of Your Business:   Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how you can unblock your chakras in your business:

    Thu, 20 Jun 2024
  • 6 - Ep 6. How The Solar Plexus Affects Our Confidence and Self Worth

    This episode is about discovering your solar plexus chakra blocks regarding self-worth and confidence. We dive deep into how issues like body image affect our confidence and how using tools like polarization (in the right way) can help you reprogram your subconscious beliefs about self-esteem and worthiness.  If you want to learn more, check out my free course, Switch The Energy of Your Life: Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how you can unblock your chakras in your business or life: Let’s connect!

    Thu, 06 Jun 2024
  • 5 - Ep 5. Unblocking The Sacral Chakra

    This episode is about discovering your sacral chakra blocks and how to clear them. We dive deep into limiting societal beliefs such as “women not having it all” and childhood traumas that lead to our shame, which, when we don't address it, will block our sacral. We also discuss our ego, divine feminine, and divine masculine energy, addiction, emotional blocks, and societal norms, which can lead to a very blocked sacral chakra. If you want to learn more, check out my free course, Switch The Energy of Your Life: Schedule a discovery call with me to learn how you can unblock your chakras in your business or life: Let’s connect!

    Thu, 23 May 2024
  • 4 - Ep 1. How The Chakras Work in Your Body with Tracy Davies from Awakening the Healer Within

    Welcome to the very first episode of Manifest with The Chakras! Today we will talk about what the chakras are, how they work in your body and what you can do to manifest them! My guest today is Tracy Davies, from Awakening The Healer Within, a Starseed healer doing Energy Work, Art Work and Family Constellation Facilitation. What is a Family Constellation? A Family constellation is a means for accessing the family connections you hold within that link the past to the present and the present to the future. It's a method to find the origin of the problems we face today such as repeated patterns, blockages, relationship difficulties or health concerns, to name a few, and has the power to reveal hidden dynamics not visible to the normal eye. Then a healing exchange takes place and steps are taken to free you from the past and put you on a road to freedom, understanding and authenticity for your future. If you are aware of how energy feels in your body, working with Tracy is like having a magic wand in your hand.Work with Tracy: Your host is Supriya Prasad, Intuitive Chakra Alignment Coach, Healer and Lightworker. Supriya has had spiritual experiences her whole life. She remembers astral projecting for the first time when she was 4-5 years old and first came into contact with spirit when she was 8 years old seeing her deceased grandfather from her mother's side for the very first time. When she was 12 years old her mother had her own spiritual awakening, which led her to becoming a psychic medium and reiki practitioner. Supriya eventually graduated high school and college, earning her degree in Business Management at Cardinal Stritch University, and worked in many different companies doing digital marketing after. Some of the most notable brands she worked with are Rentokil North America, Homebridge Financial Services, VDart, CDC and Sol. Her business started in 2017, originally as a social media marketing agency. She noticed that she was attracting a certain type of entrepreneur, spiritual entrepreneurs. She was also starting to do “Ask Me Anything” calls for an hour long. These quickly started to become coaching calls. In 2021, while meditating on the beach in Tulum, Mexico she got the download from spirit to do Business Chakras. She journaled it out and when she got back home she created The Business Chakra System™, the system where you can heal your business from the inside out using your chakras. She also developed The Relationship Chakra System™, where each chakra represents a different part of your relationship. Today, Supriya has clients worldwide, and speaks often on virtual summits and conferences. Sign up for her FREE and self paced course here: in her services? Schedule a discovery call here: more about her services here:

    Thu, 21 Mar 2024
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