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Old school v Middle school

Old school v Middle school


A dad and his son discuss sports (mostly football), some pop culture and occasionally other interesting topics. Cover art photo provided by Wade Austin Ellis on Unsplash: Old school twitter: @old_schooldad Middle school twitter:@qb158_3

24 - Old school v Middle school:Mock Draft Rdition
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  • 24 - Old school v Middle school:Mock Draft Rdition

    We discus ms mock draft

    Fri, 24 Apr 2020 - 21min
  • 23 - Old school v Middle school s3 e01: Many List's pt1

    OS and MS discuss many lists highlighting this and next season.

    Sat, 01 Feb 2020 - 30min
  • 22 - Old school v Middle school, Season 2, Episode 9: Fantasy First Draft Review

    OS and MS discuss their first drafts

    Tue, 13 Aug 2019 - 22min
  • 21 - Old school v Middle school, Season 2, Episode 8: On the Road

    A mini on the road podcast

    Mon, 22 Jul 2019 - 14min
  • 20 - Old school v Middle school, Season 2, Episode 7: College Preview

    Os and Ms disscus College football, College football and College football.

    Sun, 30 Jun 2019 - 27min
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